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Small Business Saturday
Nov 24, 2012


Small Business Saturday is a day for everyone - from the business owners who create jobs to the customers who buy locally - to support small businesses that invigorate the economy and keep communities thriving.


Shop Local.  Shop Small.  


Also, check out The 3/50 Project.  They support independent, locally owned businesses by inspiring consumer loyalty to the storefronts that directly fund their communities. 


Think of three businesses you'd miss if they went away. Stop in. Say hello. Pick up a little something that makes you smile. That's what keeps them around, after all. 


Pick 3. Spend 50. Save your local economy. For more information, please visit   


Los Gatos Chiropractic and Wellness Center

November 2012 Newsletter

Our newsletters and website are written to provide you with tools and information you need to pursue better health. We invite you to contact our office with any further questions (408) 891-8222.

-Dr. Kate Fox & Dr. Jessie Young


What's New?

Food Drive

Second Harvest Food Bank


Please support our efforts during the month of November. We are teaming up with the Second Harvest Food Bank to help families in both Santa Clara County and San Mateo County.


During the fiscal year, they serve an average of 243,1770 people per month. The majority of people served are seniors and low-income families with children. 


Will you be driving nearby? Are you coming in for an appointment soon? Please, consider bringing in a few canned goods and other non-perishable foods to add to our donation bin.  (Please no glass containers.)  Or, you can go online and donate funds directly. 


Follow this link (LGCWC Second Harvest) to track our progress or donate.

Diet & Nutrition + Healthy Recipes


Los Gatos Chiropractic and Wellness Center provides nutritional advice at whatever level you are in need of addressing. From simple weight loss routines, advice on diets to optimize health, treatment of disease or identify and eliminate food hypersensitivities, allergies and intolerances.


We assess the whole individual and large part of how your body functions is what you eat. The basic building blocks for your cell structure and function comes from the nutrients in food. Foods also influence your level of inflammation in the body and sensitize you to pain or decrease your healing time. Many times our body may be processing food incompletely or our diet isn't varied enough to get all the essential nutrients. By doing laboratory testing, we ensure that you receive the vitamins and minerals that you need in the proper amounts and avoid those that may be harming you.  


Read our FULL list of services here including Nutritional Counseling, Food Allergy testing, and Vitamin Analysis.


The Role of Nutrition in Disease and Health


istock Multivitamin  

Q.  What is the simplest thing you can do to prevent cancer and a host of other diseases? 


A.  Take a multivitamin! 


 Recent research showed a reduction in cancer rates for men by about 8% in a very large long term randomized trial (1). They didn't even use a particularly effective multivitamin brand, since several studies have looked at absorption of this vitamin being poor when compared to high end vitamins. 


So what's going on with this simple little pill?  


There are many severe nutritional diseases that plague most of the world. Deficiencies such as Vitamin A, Iodine, Iron, Zinc and certain B vitamins affect almost 50% of children and pregnant women worldwide.  Luckily in the US many of our foods are fortified with those minerals precisely because at one point we had the same problems in our society. 


But aside from those highly visible diseases what are we still missing? There is a growing sentiment among healthcare providers that subclinical deficiencies may be the cause of many of our modern day ailments such as chronic fatigue, restlessness, insomnia, rising rates of cardiovascular disease and even cancer. 


The foods we eat, the way we process or prepare them and even the time of day can all affect absorption rates. If you're experiencing any unexplained symptoms of pain, poor function, sleep loss, fatigue or lethargy, consider consulting our doctors at Los Gatos Chiropractic and Wellness Center. 


As the old saying goes "You are what you eat" but perhaps even worse is what you don't eat enough of! 


1. Gaziano, J. Journal of the American Medical Association, published online Oct. 17, 2012

From our Kitchen
Curied Carrot Soup
credit: joyosity via@flickr
Butternut White Bean Soup 


  • 8 ounces white beans (canned or soaked overnight)
  • 4-6 C broth
  • 2 TB oil
  • 1 minced onion
  • 2-3 cloves garlic; minced
  • 1 TB sage; chopped (a little less if dried)
  • 1 large butternut squash; peeled and diced (4 C)
  • salt and black pepper to taste
  • 1 bunch of kale

Heat the oil in a large pot and saute the onion over medium heat until translucent. Add garlic and sage. Drain beans, transfer to pot, and add broth to cover. Bring to a boil, lower heat to a simmer and cook about 1 hour until the beans are tender.

Add squash and broth to cover, return to simmer for another 30 minutes until the squash is tender.

Tear kale into bite sized pieces, ladle soup into serving bowls and add kale. You can add the kale to the entire soup pot but it will cook and become tender. I add it bowl by bowl because my family likes their kale crunchy!


From the kitchen of Dr. Jessie Young



Material in this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any condition. It is not a substitute for medical care and is not intended to address individual situations and needs.