 Calendar and Announcements
September 20, 2015
In This Issue
Quick Links
We Remember
Candle burning
Theresa Humphreys
August 30, 2015
School Starts Tomorrow!
The Fall 2015 term of College for Seniors classes begins on 
Monday, September 21, 9 am  

There are still seats open in select classes and time to register. 

Come by the OLLI office to sign up! 

Fab Friday Lecture
Friday, September 25,  11:30 am
Reuter Center's Manheimer Room

Black Mountain College
by Alice Sebrell

Black Mountain College (BMC) existed for a mere 24 years (1933-57), but in that short time this small experimental college in the Appalachian Mountains just outside of Asheville, produced a legacy that makes it central to American culture in multiple ways.

While Black Mountain College is often thought of as an art school, in actuality the arts were just one important aspect of an overarching liberal arts education emphasizing the broader area of the humanities. The college's influence on the arts and education continues to this day.

 Alice Sebrell,  program director for the Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center will provide an inside look at BMC today and an overview at their annual conference scheduled, in part, at the Reuter Center.  This lecture is free and open to the public.
 STEM Lecture
"Oulipo~Mathematics and Creative Writing"
by Dr. Patrick Bahls
UNC Asheville
 Mathematics Department
Tuesday, September 29, 4:30 pm
Oulipo is a French acronym meaning "Ouvroir de Litterature Potentielle," or "Workshop for Potential Literature."

In this interactive presentation we will explore Oulipian philosophy and look not only at some of the classical constraints members of Oulipo have used for years (e.g., n+7 and lipograms) but also new constraints of a pure mathematical nature.  No knowledge of either math or poetry will be assumed.

The theme of the OLLI STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) lecture series for the academic year 2015- 2016 is "Multidisciplinary Programs." Each lecture will highlight how different STEM disciplines interact in a unified program to achieve mutually beneficial success.

Scheduled in the Reuter Center, this event is free and open to the public.

Center for Jewish Studies Lecture
Riffing on Scripture: Artistic License and the Bible
by Jay Jacoby
Wednesday, September 30, 7 pm

The Bible rarely offers concrete descriptions of its characters or events.  Generally, descriptions emerge from interpretations that are wholly and necessarily subjective. Dr. Jay Jacoby has been an adjunct faculty member at UNC Asheville and teaches popular literature courses at the College for Seniors. He will look at the aesthetic liberties taken by various biblical illustrators and how those liberties communicate the artists' agendas and the culture of their audience. Dr. Jacoby's lecture is in conjunction with UNC Asheville's Department of Art and Art History's Visiting Artists program featuring Asheville artist Daniel Nevins' exhibition in S. Tucker Cooke Gallery in Owen Hall from mid September to mid October. The exhibition includes paintings that are in a recently published book of Torah stories.
Click here to read about additional events
Sponsored by the Center for Jewish Studies and OLLI, The lecture is free and open to the public.
Teachers Wanted!
We need the following volunteer instructors for  College for Seniors:
  • Drawing
  • Oil
  • Acrylic
  • Calligraphy
  • Appalachian  Crafts
  • Photography
For more information, contact Sheila Murphy, murphy.sheila.a@gmail.com 
Special Interest Group (SIG) Women's Group
Women participate in non- judg- mental sharing, for pleasure, friendship, and mutual enrichment. Topics may include such subjects as: grace; humor; guilt; joy; exploring beliefs about aging; how to say "no"; health; death of loved ones; retirement; working retirement; parenting "old" children; caring for our aging parents; sex in the second fifty years, in-lawing, grand parenting, etc.

Women's SIG # 11 has openings for membership.  They meet 1st & 3rd Wednesdays at OLLI.

Contact Bobbie Bowen at 
828-693-1523, if interested.
Storytelling Event
Jackson Gillman
in the  
Chameleon Chronicles
Sunday, September 20, 2 pm
BeBe Theatre
20 Commerce Street, Asheville, NC

Watch Jackson transform himself into eccentric characters and altered egos. He incorporates comedy, drama, music, dance, mime, and sign language into his own intimate style of theatre.
 ALL SEATS $12 cash.  
Sponsored by 
The Asheville Storytelling Circle
Pulitzer Prize Winner Rick Bragg
Saturday, September 26, 3 pm
Mountain View Room, 
UNC Asheville's 
Sherrill Center
Rick Bragg is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and the author of New York Times bestsellers All Over But the Shoutin', Ava's Man, The Prince of Frogtown, and I Am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story. In his latest book, Jerry Lee Lewis: His Own Story, Bragg draws from personal interviews with The Killer to tell the life story of a rock and roll legend. This event is sponsored by the Dianna and Jeffrey Goodman family, UNC Asheville's Literature and Language Department, and NEH Distinguished Professor of the Humanities, Dan Pierce: it is free and open to the public. For information please contact: Dawn McCann, 828-251-6411, dmccann@unca.edu

Dear OLLI Members,
We look forward to seeing our members again as we begin our first week of College for Seniors courses.  During class changes we will have people on both levels of the Reuter Center to guide you to your classrooms, but if you may click here for the daily schedule, which includes room numbers for class meetings.
We anticipate that parking at the Reuter Center will be very challenging this term.  If you want to avoid the hassle of circling or waiting, why not park your car at 118 W. T. Weaver Blvd. (the former MAHEC building), right across from campus, and take a UNC Asheville shuttle to the Reuter Center?  The university operates a red and a blue shuttle line (click here to view the Red and Blue shuttle routes.); each shuttle takes about 12 minutes to make its entire circuit.  You may park at the W. T. Weaver lot, board the shuttle, let the driver know you want to go to the Reuter Center, and enjoy the ride.  When you are finished with your classes, stop in the OLLI office and ask a staff member to contact the UNC Asheville police.  They will route a shuttle to take you back to your car.

Please understand that as our campus grows and as our membership grows we will continue to face parking challenges.  We understand that there are usually spaces available at 118 W. T. Weaver and see this as a great alternative for our members. We are grateful to our colleagues in UNC Asheville's Transportation and Parking office and to the UNC Asheville police for making our campus a safe place to walk, ride, and learn.  This is a trial to see how many people use the system, so we in the OLLI office would welcome your feedback. 

We appreciate the many hours of thought and passion that our instructors and other volunteers bring to everything they do here at OLLI to helpl us all envision the possibilities of a creative retirement.
Catherine Frank
Executive Director


9/24 Explore: Intertribal Stickball Game and Demonstration: As part of UNC Asheville's Native American Speaker and Performance Series, UNC Asheville presents its 3rd annual stickball game and demonstration featuring the Wa Le Lu (Hummingbirds) team from Cherokee. Free and open to the public at 5 pm on the UNC Asheville intramural fields. Info: cesap.unca.edu/real-events or 828-251-6674.

9/27 Event: Viewing of Total Lunar Eclipse : A guided viewing of the total eclipse of the full harvest moon. Gathering with portable telescopes will begin at 8:30 pm in UNC Asheville parking lot P8 up the hill from UNC Asheville's Reuter Center. Free and open to the public. This viewing will only take place if skies are clear. Contact: UNC Asheville Physics Dept. 828-251-6442. Info and weather decisions will be posted at lookoutobservatory.unca.edu

Special Interest Group (SIG): The Forum Meeting
Friday, September 25, 1 pm 

   The Forum meetings offer a free-flowing dialogue designed to enrich and expand participants' thinking on topics ranging from changing demographics of retirees to nuclear disarmament. At the meeting on September 25, the group will focus on the topic, "Polarization of Politics:  Whatever Happened to the Middle?"

All OLLI members are invited, and OLLI membership is required to attend.  Contact Eugene Jaroslaw, 828-255-9925, ejwestwood@gmail.com
Marketing Committee Seeks New Members
The OLLI Marketing Committee is looking for a few good communicators interested in developing stories, drafting press releases and/or writing articles about OLLI members and programs. 

We are particularly focused on promoting OLLI's rich array of service opportunities, marketing of our life transitions programming and improving the way we communicate with our growing membership.

 If you would like to explore how you might get involved, contact Kirk Borland, chair of the Marketing Committee, at kirk.borland@gmail.com.
Call to Action for Education 
Recruiting Event
WHAT: Info session to learn about volunteer opportunities in the Asheville City Schools (classroom assistants, tutors, mentors)

WHEN:  Wednesday, September 30th, 4:30-5:30 pm

WHERE: Manheimer Room in the Reuter Center on the UNC Asheville campus. 

WHAT TO EXPECT:  A discussion on
What's the problem?
                                     What's the solution?
                                      Why are we part of the solution                                                   What's in it for me?
Questions? Contact Kathy Rouse at kabbyrouse@gmail.com
or Sarah Reincke at sarahreincke@gmail.com

Artful Knitting Outside the Lines

Course Dates: October 31
Times:  10 am - 4 pm
Instructor: Judi Jetson
Fee: $65/person
Materials fee:
$10/person for supplies, payable to the instructor.

Would you like to knit, purl, and think creatively? Then this is the workshop for you. Learn three techniques: flowers and other three dimensional embellishments, entrelac, and domino knitting. You'll have time to practice each technique with instructor guidance. At the end of the day, share your work and see additional free-spirited examples to try. A free reunion one month later will inspire you to put the techniques to
work and share your results. This class is for the advanced beginners or intermediate knitter. Participants should be able to knit and purl and have some experience reading patterns.

Judi Jetson (judi@judijetson.com) is a fool for fiber. She spins, knits, dyes, and weaves. Working in bold colors and textures, she loves to teach locally and at John C. Campbell Folk School. Judi is also a fiber activist and founder of Local Cloth, a non-profit growing our fiber economy. www.judijetson.com

OLLI Workshops are open to the public.  Membership is NOT required to participate.  You may register anytime by calling 828-251-6140.  Cash, checks, Visa and MasterCard accepted for Workshops only.

Special Thanks! 
OLLI would like to thank its Creative Retirement Exploration Weekend (CREW)  tour leaders for their contributions to the program:

Beverly-Hanks & Associates Realtors

Mike Lizzul 
Residential Broker Associate


Whit Fortenberry
Residential Broker Associate

CREW helps those considering relocation in retirement examine all their options carefully and make an informed decision about this major life transition.

Astronomy Club of Asheville
"Those Colorful Stars: 
From Red Giants to White Dwarfs" 
A lecture by Bernard Arghiere
Thursday, October 1, 7-9 pm
Reuter Center Manheimer Room

Many of you may look up at the night sky and see just a bunch of white specks on a darker background.  A closer inspection of those starry points will reveal a variety of colors, whether you observe them with the unaided eye, binoculars or a telescope.  Mr. Arghiere, former president of the Astronomy Club of Asheville and popular instructor at the College for Seniors, will explain what those colors tell us about the stars, why and how stars come in different colors, and finally why those colors change as many stars evolve.
He will cover the process that powers the stars, how the mass of a newly formed star is its most significant characteristic, and how the famous Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram ties all these concepts together.

The Astronomy Club of Asheville meets the first Thursday of each month, 7 pm, at the Reuter Center, with an interesting lineup of speakers and topics. OLLI members may attend the club meetings and star gazes, with club members on hand to advise and assist them in the basics of astronomy and the techniques of observing celestial phenomena. Click here to view the website for the Astronomy Club of Asheville.
Sundays with Brevard Music Center
Sunday, October 4,  3 pm
The Brevard Music Center in partnership with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) presents its
Sundays with Brevard Music Center
concert on Sunday, October 4, 3 pm in the Reuter Center on the campus of UNC Asheville.

The program will feature Brevard Music Center artist faculty members Benjamin Sung
and Benjamin Karp performing  works by Ravel and Kodaly.

This concert is free and open to the public.
Pan Harmonia's 16th Season

The members of Pan Harmonia are excited about their upcoming 16th season and invite you to come out and hear some of North Carolina's finest and most unique chamber music.
New offerings include
Chamber Music Chats at OLLI
  • Friday, October 9, 3 pm: Pianist Ivan Seng joins Pan Harmonia's creator and flutist Kate Steinbeck to discuss modern American music.
  • Friday, November 20, 1:30 pm: Clarinetist Fred Lemmons and flutist Kate Steinbeck visit "Treble Land" or "The Trouble with Treble"
and the Asheville Baroque Concert Series
  • Sunday, October 4, 3 pm: "Music for Awhile" Gail Ann Schroeder, who plays viola da gamba, will be joined by harpsichord virtuoso Barbara Weiss, German baroque violinist Gesa Kordes, and guest artist, soprano Margaret Carpenter.

For more information, visit Pan Harmonia's a brand new website!  www.panharmonia.org  

Book Launch
Friday, October 2, 2015, 6-9pm

  Lenny Bernstein, who has taught at the College for Seniors and lectured for OLLI at UNC Asheville, has
Lenny Bernstein
 been working on an alternate history trilogy set in a world in which the American Revolution failed.
The Great Rebellion, the first book of the trilogy, has now been published, and is available in paperback or Kindle Edition.
 Click here to learn more.
OLLI members are invited to attend Bernstein's book launch on Friday, October  2, 6-9 pm. 
  Contact Lenny to find out where to drop by for food, libations, a reading or two, and a book signing.

RSVP lennybernstein41@gmail.com  before Sept. 30 for details.
Sierra Club Meeting
Wednesday, October 7, 7 pm
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville
1 Edwin Place (corner of Charlotte and Edwin) 
At the Oct. 7th meeting, the Sierra Club will present 
 "Greenways and Bikeways,"  
a panel moderated by Asheville vice-mayor Marc Hunt on Asheville-Buncombe's efforts to create a county wide network of greenways and bikeways.
 For more information, contact Judy Mattox, 828-683-2176, judymattox@sbcglobal.net
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute | 828-251-6140 | olli@unca.edu | http://www.olliasheville.com
Reuter Center, CPO #5000
UNC Asheville
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804