 Calendar and Announcements
December 21, 2014
In This Issue
Quick Links
holiday stress
Wishing you a stress-free, 
happy holiday!
New member welcome
 New Member Welcome
is scheduled for
Friday, January 9, 2015, 10 am
Are you new to OLLI?  Are you returning after being gone awhile?  Come to the New Member Welcome to learn about all that OLLI has to offer and about ways to get involved.  Meet other members and discover your possibilities.

College for Seniors 
Summer 2015
Course Proposals  for Summer 2015 term are
due January 26, 2015
If you would like to teach or know someone who may be interested,  click here to learn more and to access the course proposal form.
Interested in OLLI Talk?
OLLITalk is an email distribution list available to OLLI members who choose to participate.  It is a place to exchange general information, ask for and send recommendations or referrals about goods and services.  If you are a current OLLI member and are interested in joining OLLITalk, just send your email request to be added to the distribution list to olli@unca.edu

Stay Connected
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Click the icon to like OLLI on  Facebook
Dear OLLI Members,
As we finish another year at OLLI, we have many things to look back on with pride and many things to look forward to with excitement. 
  • We have had record enrollments and consistently excellent programs in the College for Seniors, Workshops, and Fab Friday programs that provide our members opportunities to learn and teach.  
  • Through our special events program, LAS, and our Civic Engagement Committee's "Call to Action," we have worked with many community partners to create connections in Western North Carolina that provide stakeholders for our organization and new learning and engagement opportunities for our members. 
  • We have continued to receive national and local recognition for our Paths to Creative Retirement, Creative Retirement Exploration Weekend, Gift of Time, and Exploring Continuing Care Retirement Communities, all organized through our committed Life Transitions committee.
  • We have made improvements and upgrades through the Reuter Center, enjoying a new and improved secure wireless network, putting down new carpet, and installing a hearing loop in Room 206. 
  • We have managed our finances well in challenging times and have planned carefully for ongoing needs and potential funding changes.
  • We have worked thoughtfully through our strategic plan and made real progress tackling some of the difficult issues that have always been part of a conversation about ways to make our organization even better.  
  • We organized the Southern Regional Lifelong Learning Meeting and created opportunities for people from all over the country to learn and teach one another about best practices in providing opportunities to thrive in life's second half.
These are just a few of the highlights of this past year. We are grateful for the hundreds of volunteers, the OLLI Steering Council, and the committed staff of OLLI, our supportive colleagues on the UNC Asheville campus, especially our colleagues in the IT, facilities and maintenance, general counsel's and advancement departments, the Center for Diversity Education, and our community partners and the many groups that have provided stellar programming and wise advice.

We sometimes take for granted the unique genesis of our program, the unique environment of our seriously creative university, the unique community we inhabit, and the unique facilities that we call home. So let's take a moment to give thanks for the ways that all of these assets come together to provide new ideas, new relationships, and new challenges of all of us who are part of OLLI at UNC Asheville. We can also look forward to new ideas and new directions that will come with the leadership of our new chancellor Mary Grant.

Wishing you and yours the happiest and healthiest of new years, 
Catherine Frank
Executive Director

Check the links here to see OLLI and UNC Asheville current events:
When you're on the OLLI calendar page, try clicking on the Daily Schedule link to see where your class will meet!


Mary Lasher
  the experience is cool and the people are hot.-Mary  Lasher
UNC Asheville Ramsey Library
When you become an OLLI member, you also become a member of the UNC Asheville community with privileges at Ramsey Library where they are happy to offer a variety of services and resources to OLLI members.  Your OneCard photo ID serves as your library card.
 Click here to find out more.
Special Thanks!
OLLI would like to thank its Creative Retirement Exploration Weekend (CREW) tour leader Greg Schmidt.

Beverly Hanks & Associates - Realtors 828-458-0256

"As a real estate professional I work with buyers and sellers in residential (homes, condo, town homes), land and farms and income property in Asheville and the surrounding area.  Please contact me for a free information package that includes local information brochures on all things Asheville, maps, newspaper/magazine, the Ultimate Guide Book to Asheville and WNC and property information suited to your personal needs & wants."

 CREW helps those considering relocation in retirement examine all their options carefully and make an informed decision about this major life transition.
Asheville City Schools Foundation Call for Volunteers!
This year OLLI's Civic Engagement Committee has continued its "Call to Action and has partnered with the Asheville City Schools Foundation, an independent non-profit organization dedicated to the educational success of all Asheville City Schools students. Many volunteer opportunities are available for every OLLI member, and ongoing opportunities include classroom assistants, tutors for all subjects and ages, mentors, and more.  Click here for more details.
An upcoming need is for volunteers with the "In Real Life" Aferschool program at Asheville Middle School. Volunteers are needed to support programing such as "Spanish through Food," "Astro-photography" or "Poetry Writing." You don't need to be an expert in a subject to volunteer; you should simply be interested! See descriptions of programming and volunteer needs here. To volunteer or for more information, contact Julia Shuster, the Director of Volunteer Training and Outreach Programs, at julia@acsf.org or call 828-350-6135 or contact OLLI Civic Engagement chair, Chuck Rosenblum charlesrosenblum@msn.com.

Join Our Mailing List
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute | 828-251-6140 | olli@unca.edu | http://www.olliasheville.com
Reuter Center, CPO #5000
UNC Asheville
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804

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