 Calendar and Announcements

September 28, 2014
In This Issue
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An Afternoon of Chamber Music
 with the Blue Ridge Chamber Symphony

Sunday, September 28, 2 pm   
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville
One Edwin Place, Asheville

Tomaso Albinoni 
Concerto for Two Oboes No.9 
in C major
Joseph Haydn 
Symphony No. 38 in C major
W. A. Mozart 
Serenade No 6 in D major
Andrew Lloyd Webber  
Excerpts from
Phantom of the Opera

Donations gratefully accepted.
Teaching for 
College for Seniors
Members of the College for Senior Curriculum Committee 
will be on the upper level and atrium 
on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 30 & October 1, 
 11 am and 1:30 pm, 
to inform members about teaching at the College for Seniors and to encourage new members for the committee's twelve topic groups. 
The topic groups are directly responsible for encouraging and reviewing the fine courses we all enjoy here at the College for Seniors. Stop by the Curriculum Committee table and ask how you can join in and help make the College even better.

"Why Weimar?" 
Evenings at the 
Cabaret Weimar
Tuesday, September 30, 7pm,
The Reuter Center's 
Manheimer Room, 
free and open to the public.
Professor and scholar of Jewish history  Michael Brenner will explore the dramatic explosion of long suppressed creativity from within Germany's small Jewish population that took place between the end of World War I and the rise of Hitler.
Co-sponsored by OLLI and 
Asheville Beer SIG

We live in a Beer City, so let's explore all the new beer tastings and new locations and events in and around Asheville!  We could decide to add some exercise to the events to minimize the calories.   Plan to attend this organizational meeting to form a beer Special Interest Group (SIG) on Tuesday, September 30, 4:30 pm,
in the Reuter Center's Atrium.

Open to all. Contact Debra Benjamin: debrabenjamin100@gmail.com or  676-2850 

Fab Friday Lecture  

by Dr. Alendia Hartshorn
Friday, October 3, 11:30 am
Reuter Center's Manheimer Room
"Headache" is defined as a pain arising from the head or upper neck of the body. The pain originates from the tissues and structures that surround the brain because the brain itself has no nerves that give rise to the sensation of pain. Come to this informative presentation on the latest research on headache causes and cures. Alendia Hartshorn, MD, is part of the team of neurologists at Mission Neurology and is a board-certified neurologist and diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners.
 This lecture is part of the 
Health Education Series.
Sundays with 
Brevard Music Center
Sunday, October 5, 3pm 
Reuter Center's Manheimer Room. 
Free & open to the public

This month, Sundays with Brevard Music Center will be presenting violinist Marjorie Bagley and pianist James Douglass in recital. Marjorie enjoys a varied career as a performer and pedagogue. She is currently professor of violin at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. James is currently the assistant professor of collaborative piano and auditions coordinator for applications to the accompanying and chamber music degree program at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. They will be performing a new and exciting program featuring works by Amy Beach, Bohuslav Martinu and others. Brevard Music Center is proud to be collaborating with OLLI and reaching out to the Asheville community. 
Founded in 1936, the Brevard Music Center has matured into one of this country's premier summer training programs and festivals.
Montford Park Players Perform
Thursday, October 9, 4:30 pm
Manheimer Room
Free and open to the public.
The Montford Park Players have been entertaining Asheville audiences with  "Shakespeare in the park" for forty-two years. On Thursday, October 9 at  4:30 pm, come spend time with The Montford Park Players analyzing  some of Shakespeare's works; they will be studying scenes from Henry V, The Taming of The Shrew, and A Winter's Tale.

Hear from the founder of the theatre and see how it all began, and go behind the scenes with the directors, actors, fight choreographer, and costumers to learn what it takes to make Shakespeare's plays an entertaining and educational experience.
Sierra Club Meeting

  "Protecting NC Water from Fracking & Coal Ash"
Wednesday, October 1, 7pm
Sierra Club, Green Drinks, and WNC Alliance will present "Protecting NC Water from Fracking & Coal Ash" Wednesday, October 1 at 7 pm. Sally Morgan with Clean Water for NC and Julie Mayfield, co-director with WNC Alliance will present. 

Free & open to the public. 
Location: Unitarian Universalist Congregation, corner of Edwin & Charlotte in Asheville.  
Contact: judymattox@sbcglobal.net    828-683-2176

Ecomusicologies Event
UNC Asheville will be hosting a unique event on 
Thursday October 2, 7 pm 
as the kick-off to 
The Fry Street Quartet and Dr. Rob Davies will appear for a performance of the Crossroads Project, a multimedia experience which engages the arts and science in the service of climate change activism.
VIDEO: The Crossroads Project Featurette

OLLI members are invited to participate in this event as well as the entire Ecomusicologies conference which will feature a wide range of scholars and performers, including Nief-Norf Ensemble performing John Luther Adams' Inuksuit on the Main Quad and Paul Winter at Isis. Program details are available at the conference web site and registration is open to the public.
Smokey Blue Literary and Arts Magazine
The Smoky Blue Literary and Arts Magazine (SBLAAM) has been inaugurated!  Begun by members of OLLI at UNC Asheville, SBLAAM has its roots in the revitalization that can come in "life's second half" but also welcomes submissions from writers and artists of all ages. The online magazine is now independently run and features fiction and non-fiction narratives, poetry, art, and photography.
Click here to visit the 
-- then select "Issues"
Lunar Eclipse
There will be a total lunar eclipse on the morning of 
October 8th (Wednesday) visible in our area.  The Astronomy Club of Asheville is partnering with the UNC Asheville Physics Department to showcase this event at Lookout Observatory.  
The OLLI community is invited.  
 Planning for GLBT Couples:
"Ready or Not -Married or Not"
Date: Thursday, October 9, 2014 (rescheduled)
Time: 5:30-7:30 pm
Location: Renaissance Hotel, downtown Asheville
RSVP Required: 828-258-4417 or       gregory.greiner@ml.com or.  
Hors d'oeuvres and cocktails will be served.

Getting married is not as simple as you think!  Getting married, whether you are a same-sex couple, or an opposite-sex couple, can result in some intended and some unintended legal, tax and financial consequences.  Our panel will provide an update on the current state of affairs at the national and at the state level in North Carolina. Our panel will outline some planning techniques that same-sex couples in North Carolina can use. The panel will address these techniques for both married, as well as unmarried, couples.

David M. Greiner, Andrew D. Atherton, and Harvey Jenkins

Merrill Lynch or its Financial Advisors do not provide tax or legal advice.  Please consult a tax or legal professional before making any decisions.
Dear OLLI Members,
In this newsletter you will notice a number of features that reflect the wide range of activities at OLLI.  There's a great photo of Dennis DeSimone's College for Seniors (CFS) course Exploring UNC Asheville on Foot that offers our members a new way to look at the beautiful campus we call home.  You will see Cathy Battle's reflection on why she loves teaching for CFS, and you will see that members of our curriculum committee are going to be available on Tuesday and Wednesday this week to talk to you if you are interested in being part of the planning or teaching of CFS courses yourself.  Finally, we hope you will read Dick Murray's story on long-time CFS instructor Bert Lockwood. All of these stories point to the variety and joy that members of OLLI create and experience as they live the ideal of creative retirement.

Remember that there are many learning opportunities at OLLI outside the College for Seniors, including Fab Fridays (this week a program on headaches), Workshops (like the one being offered on wine tasting), SIGs (including the proposed Beer SIG), and special events like the Advanced Care Planning Workshops created by David Mouw and Mary Campbell. 

The Diversity Task Force, now the Inclusion Committee of the OLLI Steering Council, has initiated a series of multigenerational conversations on race, the first to be held at the Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Center on Thursday, October 2.  We hope that you will attend this series as a new way to understand the issue of race in Asheville. Many thanks to Cindy Berryman-Fink for working with the Asheville Buncombe Community Relations Council to design this important dialogue that we hope will help us get to know a wider community of people.

We are proud to be working with so many different UNC Asheville partners.  This week you will be able to attend the first of the "Evenings at the Cabaret Weimar" lectures right here at the Reuter Center, designed by NC Center for Creative Retirement founding director Ron Manheimer in conjunction with UNC Asheville's Center for Jewish Studies.  We hope that you will also take advantage of a number of interesting events on campus, including the Ecomusicologies conference or the showing of the film Fixed which challenges us to re-think our ideas of "disability" and "normalcy." Remember that we include a link to the UNC Asheville calendar in each of our newsletters. 

We have been working with UNC Asheville's Department of Public Safety to alleviate some of our current parking problems by the addition of a shuttle route from the old MAHEC building on W.T. Weaver Boulevard to the Reuter Center.  We are also working in future terms to schedule our classes and activities in ways to complement rather than compete with heavily scheduled days on the main campus.

Finally, you can see that our community partners are offering a rich series of programs.  You can attend programs by the Blue Ridge Orchestra, the Astronomy Club of Asheville, AARP, the Buncombe County Council on Aging, the Brevard Music Center, the Montford Park Players, and others, some offered right here at the Reuter Center and some offered elsewhere in the community.

With all of this rich programming going on, I am sorry that I will be out all next week attending a professional development seminar in Greensboro.  I will only be able to check email occasionally, but I do always want to hear from you.  I may not be able to solve all problems, but together we strive for continuous improvement.

Thank you for all that you do to model creative retirement
Catherine Frank
Executive Director

Around the Center

Dennis DeSimone (center) leads his 'Exploring UNC Asheville on Foot' class through the Botanical Gardens.
Check the links here to see OLLI and UNC Asheville current events:
When you're on the OLLI calendar page, try clicking on the Daily Schedule link to see where your class will meet!

Multi-Generational Conversations on Race 
Part One
Join us for our two-part series - a diverse group of panelists will participate in community conversations on race, age, and generational differences in perspectives.  Free and open to the public.  No registration required.

Thursday, October 2, 5 pm - 7 pm
Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Center
285 Livingston Street, Asheville, NC

Sponsored by:

After 38 years of teaching,
I was enjoying retirement. Then I taught my first OLLI class and fell in love with teaching all over again.

- Cathy Battle 
Extra Parking with Shuttle Service!
Beginning Monday, September 29, 8 am, OLLI members and UNC Asheville students with valid parking decals may begin to use the sixty-eight designated parking spots at 118 W.T. Weaver Boulevard (the former MAHEC building).  The shuttle service will pick up from the lot beginning at 8 am and make a circuit through campus that will include a stop at the Reuter Center's upper level main entrance.  You may catch the shuttle back down to the parking lot from the same drop off point or any other shuttle stop around campus.  The shuttle will run from 8 am until 5 pm.

 Safe Driving Class
On Friday, Oct. 10, 9 am-1 pm and Friday, Oct. 24, 1-5 pm, OLLI, in partnership with AARP, will offer driver safeaarp Safe Drvingty refresher courses designed to help mature drivers remain safely on today's faster highways that present a myriad of challenges for drivers of all ages. 

The four-hour AARP Driver Safety course teaches valuable defensive driving techniques and provides a refresher about the rules of the road and tips for avoiding crashes. 

The course is offered as a nationwide effort to keep drivers behind the wheel safely.  The cost of the course is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members.

To register for October 10 course call Bob LaBreck at 828-299-0069 or e-mail pigeonrafter@yahoo.com.   For October 24 course, call Karen O'Hara at 828-231-4863 or e-mail Karen@karenohara.com
Tasting Red Wines of the World Workshop

Dates: October 11, 12, 18, 19
 Times: 2 - 4 pm
Instructor: Jane Hartsfield
Fee:  $75/person
Materials fee: Approximately $140 per person (this amounts to $35 per tasting session for eight to ten wines). Final fee will be calculated from the actual cost of the wines.
Location:  Instructor's Home

All Workshops are open to the public.  OLLI membership is not required to register. 

We will utilize the Windows on the World Wine Course tastings for this workshop on red wines. We will taste together eight to ten wines at each session, and the class will consist of four sessions across two weekends.
* Session 1: Overview of red varietals
* Session 2: France: Bordeaux, Burgundy, Rhone
* Session 3: Italy and Spain: Rioja, Tuscany, Piedmont, Veneto
* Session 4: New World Wines: California, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina

Jane Hartsfield (jandtwines@gmail.com) is a former distributor and importer of wines. She has done extensive wine tasting trips in France, Italy, Greece and California. She has successfully completed the Level I Sommelier Course with the Court of Master Sommeliers.
Advance Care Planning Workshop
Thursday, Oct 16, 
7-9 pm 
Reuter Center's Manheimer Room
Free & open to the public

The workshop will feature a panel whose members are experienced in addressing end-of-life issues. Discussion will include communicating your treatment wishes to loved ones and to medical personnel, ethical and legal issues, and the uses of advance directives.  Ample time will be reserved for questions. Assistance will be provided for anyone wishing to complete a legally valid advance directive, including the notarization required in North Carolina, using the NC ACP "Short Form." Click here to view/download the NC ACP Short Form 


Preparation for you to do before the workshop:  Talk to your possible "power of attorney for healthcare," the person who would make health care decisions if you are unable.   If you have internet-access, print the NC ACP "Short Form," study it and write down any questions you might have for the panel.  


For more information, email the workshop coordinators, David Mouw MD, PhD and  Mary Campbell  BSN, COHN-S, olli.acp@gmail.com. You may also call OLLI at 828-251-6140 or email olli@unca.edu  


 Bert Lockwood: From West Point to OLLI  with Some Fascinating Stops In-Between

 By Dick Murray
OLLI at UNC Asheville (OLLI) has teachers who come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Few can match the career of Bert Lockwood. It began with planning and procuring weapons for our country's defense and continues today as he helps America's defense industry produce systems and weapons. Along the way he worked with the likes of the rocket scientist Dr. Wernher von Braun and journalist Edward R. Murrow.

Bert's remarkable career started with his graduation from West Point and was followed with thirty years of service in the Army. His duties included development and procurement of missiles, rockets and a full range of munitions. Following his retirement from the Army in 1976, Bert used his experience to consult with private industry, a role he continues to this day.

NC Stage Presents A Visit with Golda Meir

Written & Performed by RoseLynn Katz
Directed by David Novak
Wednesday, October 8 through Sunday, October 19
A Dramatic Portrayal of Israel's Iron Lady with scenes from her extraordinary life.

  • Terrified child in a Russian pogrom
  • Gutsy young activist in Milwaukee
  • Pilgrim to Palestine to work on a kibbutz
  • Defying critics with her iron clad support of Israel
  • Meeting world leaders, and (yes, its true!) Elvis Presley
  • Becoming Prime Minister of Israel

Visit the NC Stage website for tickets and more. 

Do you or your loved ones have a Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage Plan? SHIIP can help you compare plans during the annual election eeriod, October 15 - December 7, 2014. Counseling is confidential, unbiased, and free. Certified SHIIP volunteers are available to meet with you by appointment at various locations throughout the community, including the Reuter Center. Appointment times are limited.
Call the Council on Aging of Buncombe County for more information and to schedule your appointment. 
 Film Screening
Fixed:  The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement
Monday, October 13, 
7:15 pm
Alumni Hall in the Highsmith Student Union
on the UNC Asheville campus

From botox to bionic limbs, the human body is more "upgradeable" than ever.  But how much of it can we alter and still be human?  Award-winning documentary, Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement, explores the social impact of human augmentation.  Haunting and humorous, poignant and political,  the creators of Fixed ask us to rethink "disability" and "normalcy" by exploring technologies that promise to change our bodies and minds forever.
Blue Ridge Orchestra Concerts

Blue Ridge Orchestra will set the scene for Halloween right here at the Reuter Center.   The Blue Ridge Orchestra is performing in the Reuter Center the weekend before Halloween.

Prelude to All Hallows' Eve
Saturday, October 25, 7:30 pm
Musical Treat, Family Concerts for Halloween
Saturday, October 25, 2014, 4 pm   
Sunday, October 26, 2014, 4 pm
It's time to discover this fine symphony orchestra 
if you haven't already.  

Get into the musical spirit of Halloween with the Blue Ridge Orchestra's festive October concerts:  three performances made to order for lovers of music and autumn holidays alike.

Admission to the Saturday evening performance is $15 general admission, $10 for Friends of the Blue Ridge Orchestra, and 
$5 for students (including OLLI members).
Musical Treat, Family Concerts for Halloween will be performed both weekend afternoons showcasing excerpts from the evening concert.  These family oriented afternoon concerts provide a fascinating avenue for introducing young people to symphonic music while making fine orchestral music available for those who enjoy afternoon concerts.
In addition to tickets at advertised prices, admission to Musical Treat can be gained by arriving at the concert in costume with a reservation and a contribution for MANNA FoodBank.
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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute | 828-251-6140 | olli@unca.edu | http://www.olliasheville.com
Reuter Center, CPO #5000
UNC Asheville
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804

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