Calendar & Announcements
Upcoming Schedule of Events
June 9-15, 2013

Dear OLLI Members,     

We have had a busy week of Add/Drop activities. Many thanks to OLLI Business Manager Ann Cadle, College for Seniors Director Susan Poole, CFS Program Assistant Anne Mock, and OLLI Administrative Assistant Jessika Carney, for collaborating to make sure that we get as many of you as possible into the enticing courses offered this summer.  


And because we never live in just one term, you will be excited to know that the CFS Curriculum Committee met this week to approve the courses to be offered in Fall 2013.  Many thanks to the growing and active group of dedicated volunteers for their continuing work to offer a challenging and entertaining complement of courses.  


Special thanks to Sheila Murphy, who has ended her third year as co-chair of the CFS Curriculum Subcommittee.  Sheila (with her dedicated co-chair Maryann Jones) has worked tirelessly over the course of the past year to expand the committee and to encourage all of us to re-think the ways that we gather and review courses to make sure we have a community that stimulates learners and supports instructors. Sheila's leadership has enhanced many different aspects of the College for Seniors and the OLLI Steering Council, including service as chair of the OLLI Steering Council.  Her most tangible and vital contribution, however, may be in the courses she has taught.  She has shared her talents and passion for fiber arts and fine cooking by leading courses in sewing and needle arts and a wide variety of cooking classes (taught in her own home with her husband Dennis).  Members frequently serve up dishes they learned to make in one of her courses and proudly display needlepoint samplers they have made in one of her courses. These moments are an ongoing testament to the impact made by Sheila and all of our dedicated instructors who provide opportunities for our members to learn a new skill or see something familiar in new ways.  We can't wait to see the next contribution Sheila will make to our organization.  


Have a great week,


Catherine Frank       

Executive Director  



Candle burning
We Remember

Dwight Hulse
May 23, 2013
mindbodyspirit  Spiritual Inquirers
Special Interest Group
meets on the second and fourth Fridays of every month, 2-4 pm at the Reuter Center. 
The group provides a safe, open environment for OLLI members to engage in dialogue with each other about their spiritual lives across the diversity of belief systems. The purpose of these discussions is to share life experiences, insights and wisdom.

Their next meeting will be held on
Friday, June 14, 2 pm
You must be an OLLI member to participate in any SIG  
The Spiritual Inquirers invite you to attend!  
SIG contact: 
T. S. Pennington,828.338.0407, pennints@gmail.com   
Readers theatre
Autumn Players
production of  
Spoon River Anthology
Sunday, June 16,  2:30 pm
Manheimer Room,
Reuter Center
$5 at the door
 The Autumn Players will offer the Spoon River Anthology, adapted for the stage by Charles Aidman, from poetry by Edgar Lee Masters, 
directed by RoseLynn Katz. 
Come enjoy this medley of characters from a small Illinois town in the nineteenth century as they  tell their life stories after their lives are over.  Their tales run the gamut - some bold and colorful, some full of everyday frustrations and more than a few revealing long-kept secrets from the grave. 

This classic piece of Americana  includes folk singing and music. 

Story telling
Asheville Storytellling Circle 
Monday, June 17
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
The Reuter Center 
The Asheville Storytelling Circle invites you to come share a morning of tall tales: original, literary and traditional stories focusing on historical and mythical figures. 
 The Asheville Storytelling Circle (ASC) is a non-profit organization of folks who love stories. Some of the members are professional tellers, others are amateur tellers, and still others just love listening to stories.
EMAS logo
Elisha Mitchell 
Audubon Society (EMAS)
The Return of the American Kestrel 
& Other Bird Projects at Sandy Mush Gamelands 
Tuesday, June 18, 7 pm
The Reuter Center
by Joe Tomcho 
and Alex Wilson
  All meetings begin at 7 pm and are open to the public. 
For more information, visit their website.
Advance Care Planning

OLLI will hold an 
advance care planning workshop 
Wednesday, June 19, 7 pm
 at the Reuter Center.

The workshop will feature a panel whose members are experienced in addressing end-of-life issues. Discussion will include communicating your treatment wishes to loved ones and to medical personnel, ethical and legal issues, and the uses of advance directives.  Ample time will be reserved for questions. Assistance will be provided for anyone wishing to complete a legally valid advance directive, including the notarization required in North Carolina, using the Five Wishes format.

Free and open to the public.

This Week   

June 9-15, 2013      

Wednesday, June 12, 7 pm, f/32 Photography Group meeting
Friday, June 14, 2 pm, New to Medicare class
(registration required, contact the Buncombe Country Council on Aging at 828.277.8288) 
Saturday, June 15, 2 pm, Civil War Lecture
Click here to see the OLLI calendar and then click on each event to discover times, event specifics and more. 

Next Week

June 16-22, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2:30 pm, Autumn Players Readers Theater
Monday, June 17, Summer CFS classes begin
Monday, June 17, 11:30 am, Asheville Storytelling Circle
Tuesday, June 18, 7 pm, Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society meeting
Wednesday, June 19, 7 pm, Advance Care Planning workshop

Click here to see the OLLI calendar and then click on each event to discover times, event specifics and more.  

And Beyond

Friday, June 28, 11 am, Asheville Lyric Opera Summer Artist Training Program performance
Monday, July 1, 7 pm, Blue Ridge Orchestra Open rehearsal
Wednesday, July 3, 7 pm, Blue Ridge Orchestra Open Rehearsal
Thursday, July 4, Reuter Center closed for Independence Day

Click here to visit the OLLI calendar where you will find details on the above listed events and more.  
f/32 Photography Group Meeting 
Erin Brethauer
Photographer for the
Asheville Citizen-Times
Wednesday, June 12, 7 pm

f/32 is a diverse group that shares an appreciation and love of photography.  Members range from amateurs who like to take point-and-shoot snapshots to working professional photographers. At monthly meetings, they share their work, learn new methods, and keep abreast of the latest industry news and equipment. At their June meeting, Erin Brethauer from the Asheville Citizen-Times will present. Here is a link to Ms. Brethauer's website.   

OLLI members are offered free membership in f/32. All meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month and begin at 7 pm  For more information, visit the f32 website - -  www.f32nc.com


 "Community Under Strees: 
The Civil War in Western North Carolina"
Dr. Gordon McKinney and
Dr. Steve Nash

Saturday, June 15, 2 pm
The Reuter Center

The final lecture in the 2013 Civil War Lecture Series "Community Under Stress:  The Civil War in Western North Carolina," presented by WNC Historical Association (WNCHA) in partnership with OLLI and  the Western Office of North Carolina Department of Cultural  Resources, will be presented on Saturday, June 15 at 2 pm at the Reuter Center.  

Civil War

The final lecture in this series will be a discussion of the aftermath of the Civil War in the Western North Carolina Region.  Popular College for Seniors instructor and professor of Appalachian studies at Western Carolina University and Berea College, Dr. Gordon McKinney, and Dr. Steve Nash, from EastTennessee State University, will lead the discussion.     


This discussion is free of charge to 
members of WNCHA and OLLI 
and $5.00 for non-members.
WS Banner OLLI Web
This Workshop is open to the public; 
OLLI Membership is not required to enroll. 

insuranceUnderstanding Your Existing 

Long Term Insurance Policy 


CRN: 30001Betty Doll
Course Dates: June 22, 2013
Course Times: 9  am - 12 pm
Instructor: Betty Doll

Fee: $40/person


This workshop is for you if you own a long term care (LTC) policy and need a "refresher course" on what you have. Maybe you never really understood it to begin with! Do you know what types of care it covers and when? Do you know what your "deductible" is? Is there a "cap" to how much it will cover? Has it grown in value? Learn some of the nuances of the policy language that may be important if you have a claim. You'll go home with a better understanding of the policy you already have. Bring your actual policy to this workshop and learn how to read the coverage and interpret what you currently have.


Betty Doll, MBA, CLTC (Betty@BettyDollLTC.com)

is the Principal of Doll & Associates Long Term Care Insurance Services in Asheville. Ms. Doll teaches Certification in Long Term Care classes on a national level and has trained hundreds of advisors across the country on the specifics of LTC insurance. For more information visit her website,


For more information, click here for a link to view the workshop description and more information.  Stop by the Center or call 828-251-6140 to register.    

Astronomy Club of Asheville
conducts a
Solar Telescope Viewing
Monday, June 24 
(or first clear day that week)
11 am - 2 pm
Gentry Terrace at the Reuter Center

The Sun has reached solar maximum this year -
meaning that this is the peak of its magnetic activity for this solar cycle.  It is a great time to observe our nearest star, and the Astronomy Club of Asheville will be setting up
NASA Solar imagesolar telescopes, equipped with special filters that will allow you to safely view the Sun's photosphere and chromosphere.  You should easily see sunspots and solar prominences.  Two different types of solar filters will be used: a white light filter and a Hydrogen-alpha filter - each allowing you to see not only different atmospheric layers of the Sun but also different solar features as well.


Look for the telescopes outside on the lower level patio at the SE corner of the Reuter Center on Monday, June 24, 11 am - 2 pm.  If it is cloudy on Monday, then try Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday; the solar observing will take place on the first clear day that week. 


For more information on the Astronomy Club of Asheville, visit their website 

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Contact Information

 olli@unca.edu   828.251.6140