Anchors Aweigh Masthead
December 2014 / January 2015

We are thrilled to announce that Mercy High School has just received a $10,000 grant from Trust Funds,
Inc. for tuition assistance. Mr. and Mrs. James Healy (Executive Director) came to campus for a site visit, tour of the school and we had our grant approved last week!

The collective support of alumnae, parents, friends and foundations has generated funds for Mercy's most critical need: tuition assistance. Thank you for your continued support of Mercy High School. We hope you participated in #GivingTuesday, December 2, a global day dedicated to giving back.

As the year ends, please consider a gift to the Mercy High School Annual Fund, one of our most significant sources of support. Our Annual Fund gifts are unrestricted, therefore they can be directed to the students who have the greatest need for tuition assistance.

All donors will have their names listed in the Annual Report and alumnae will be included both in their giving categories and by class year. Alumnae and friends, let's celebrate Mercy and continue to support this vital educational ministry.

Dove of Peace

We extend our sincere blessings to everyone this Christmas season and wish everyone a Happy New Year!





Dorothy J. McCrea, Ed.D.
Principal, Mercy High School

3250 Nineteenth Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132

In This Issue
School News
Upcoming Events

RECONNECT: 2014/2015 Reunions and Events
Women's Leadership Conference (Formerly known as "Career Day")
Friday, February 27, 2015 | 9:00 am to 2:00 pm | Rist Hall

Keynote Speakers: Lourdes Libre '01,  Pharm.D.,BCPS  and Patricia Ziegler '67 (Founder of Banana Republic, Writer and Entrepreneur)

Inspire the young women of Mercy High School to seek their highest level of development by providing information, perspectives and strategies. Impart your wisdom, share resources and possible professional paths, and help empower them to Dare to Dream!

We are in the process of finalizing the 2015 Women's Leadership Conference. The day is designed to celebrate and showcase alumnae and friends of Mercy who are "making a difference" in their communities and beyond. The conference format includes keynote speeches, panel discussions, and dynamic, interactive classroom presentations in all fields of professional expertise. A luncheon will be hosted by the Office of Advancement and Alumnae Relations.

We need more participants in the areas of: engineering, medicine, performing arts, technology, music, journalism, marketing, veterinary medicine, nursing and culinary arts.  

If you or a colleague would like to participate, please complete the
participation form.

For any questions, please call Audrey Magnusen at 415.337.7218 or email

All School Reunion 
Saturday, May 2, 2015 | 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm | McAuley Pavilion


All classes are welcome | Wine and hors d'oeuvres reception Full access to Mercy High School for campus tours.

Would you be able to serve as a Class Coordinator for this event? This person works in conjunction with our Advancement Office to invite all members of your class to attend and helps plan additional activities for the class (if so desired). If you would be willing to serve as the Class Coordinator for your class, or know of someone who would take on this function, please contact Audrey Magnusen, Director of Advancement and Alumnae Relations (415) 337-7218


Class of 1965: 50th Golden Diploma Reunion

We need your help to join the fun and festivities to honor this special reunion.

Date: September 23-24, 2015

Location: Mercy High School, San Francisco

Coordinator(s): We need your assistance!

Please help us find your classmates.

Email any information you may have to

Please take a moment to Update Your Contact Info
For more information or if you are interested in organizing your class reunion, please email Audrey Magnusen or call her at the Alumnae Relations office 415-337-7218. 
Like us on Facebook 
Follow us on Twitter  


Announcing the Mercy High School Summer Programs

Mercy Summer Programs
Mercy High School summer programs are for elementary and high school students entering grades 1 through 12. All camps begin June 22, 2015. Start planning your summer now!

Girls Summer Camp: June 22 - July 17, Grades 5th-8th

Your daughter deserves the best....this summer! 

Be sure to mark your calendar for Mercy's upcoming summer programs. New this year, girls entering grades 5 through 8 will be offered a broad range of grade leveled academic courses that will challenge them while still having fun! This four-week summer program will help your daughter find her voice and uncover her capabilities and potential through learning.
Special offer - 10% discount for Mercy Alumnae

Skipper Summer Camp: June 22 - July 10, Grades 1st - 4th

Skipper Camp is a three week program designed to teach young girls the importance of a positive self-image and attitude as well as the value of friendship through art, cooking, games, singing and dancing.    

Special offer - 10% discount for Mercy Alumnae

High School Summer Programs:June 22 - July 17, incoming freshman

and all High School students

Mercy provides enrichment and remediation courses on campus and online to high school students living in the Bay Area and beyond. Our programs continue to improve outcomes for all students who are looking for ways to invest in themselves or require additional help. This is a co-educational program. 

Summer Camps 2015--Sports & Dance for Girls: July 13-July 27

Mercy High School offers summer sports and dance camps for girls. These camps contribute to the physical, personal, social and spiritual growth of each girl involved. Camp schedules coming soon!

For more information on Mercy High School Summer Programs,
contact or click here to inquire today!


Support Mercy High School as your giving choice for 2014!

Our young women are becoming leaders in their community and are graduating with confidence, more focused and more apt to take on challenges. The collective support of alumnae, parents and friends has generated funds for Mercy's most critical need: tuition assistance. We are asking you to consider a gift this year to help us reach our Annual Goal of $1,000,000! It doesn't take a large donation to have a big impact. Gifts to Mercy's Annual Fund, whether $25 or $2,500, create one of the school's most significant sources of support. Click here to make a donation. If you have already made a gift to MERCY HIGH SCHOOL for 2014, thank you!

Support the Parent Giving Campaign
Thermometer for Parent Giving

Support Mercy High School's campaign to replace all the existing seats in the theatre. We are currently at 30% Parent Giving.

Our goal is for 100% parent participation at $200 per family, but any donation possible will raise our goal. Payments can be made
online. Choose Parent Giving on this page.

Thank you for all your support! You are truly making a difference in the lives of our amazing young women.





Recycling Image

The Technology Department recycles used cell phones, laser toner and inkjet cartridges throughout the school year. Please have students drop off items in the Computer Lab, room 319. Proceeds will be used for the 14th Annual WAVTEC (Technology Club) Raffle on Spring Day (May 1st). Help us make the Spring Day raffle a huge success.


From the Business Office:

It is now time to file for tuition assistance for the 2015-2016 school term.  Please go to the Mercy website and under the "Parents" tab - choose Tuition Assistance.  Please review the page and click the red TADS link to apply. Please file sooner than later so the committee can review your completed application.

If you have any questions, please contact Lorelei Zermani at

 School News
World Religions Class
Inspired by Krister Stendahl's call to leave room for "holy envy," students in Ms. Quiñónez's World Religions course are encouraged to find the beauty in all religious traditions. In lieu of a final exam, students were asked to deliver a final project or paper that reflects their interests and seeks to educate their peers. At the end of the fall semester, senior Jeanine Swalim taught two class periods about her faith tradition, Islam. She taught the tradition's main tenets and beliefs and provided valuable insight from an adherent's point of view. She also taught her classmates how to wrap and wear the hijab. Senior Lizzie Driskill presented a final project that focused on Odori Japanese dance and its ties to Shintoism and Buddhism. Lizzie performed for the class and taught them how to perform one of the dances. Earlier in the semester, senior Teresa Nicte-Alvarado shared her knowledge of Aztec dancing and drumming and spoke on the Xilonen ceremony, an Aztec rite of passage. Each student was also required to complete a site visit at a place of worship outside of their own tradition. 



During the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Lent, the Mercy community celebrates Liturgies of the Word at which juniors and seniors both preside and preach. Student presiders lead the assembly in communal prayer, while student preachers break open God's Word in a way that is accessible to their peers. All of these students, specially trained for these ministries, engage in ongoing prayer and formation in order to ensure that their liturgical leadership is firmly grounded in a deep and growing spirituality.

Pictured below are Justine Velasquez '15, Issa Tolentino '15, Ashley Lamug '15, Gina Dueñas '16, and Katrina Billote '15. All of these students engage in other ministerial roles in addition to presiding and preaching: for example, Justine is vested as a "Soul Sister," a minister of liturgical movement.

  Liturgy of the Word

Spanish Classes respond to a dying girl's wish.  

On December 10th and 11th, Ms. Ovares' Spanish classes answered a call to help fulfill a young girl's last wish for Christmas. Addie, a 6-year-old girl who resides in Utah with her family, is dying from a brain condition that has yet to be diagnosed. Doctors gave Addie less than a year to live, and her wish was to receive enough Christmas cards to fill her entire house. Thanks to social media, Ms. Ovares learned of Addie's request. This week, more than 100 handmade cards were sent out to Addie and her family on behalf of our Mercy girls in San Francisco. 


Kijana Best '15
Most Valuable Player; WBAL 1st Team All-League
Analyn Abad '15
Most Improved Player; WBAL 2nd Team All-League
Chiaki Borissoff '15
Most Inspirational Player
Marina Dalton '15
Coaches Award
Taylor McNeil '15
WBAL 2nd Team All-League
Jacquelyn Yee '16
WBAL 2nd Team All-League
Junior Varsity
Alysa Gonzales '16
Most Valuable Player
Natalie Zamora '17
Most Improved Player
Tatiana Gastrock '16
Most Inspirational Player
Mikaela Castro '16
Coaches Award

Kaitlyn Ip
Most Valuable Player
Denaysia Rabb
Most Improved Player
Katalina Mendoza
Most Inspirational Player
Brianna Remo
Coaches Award


Jacqueline Fukumoto '17
Most Valuable Player; WBAL 2nd Team All-League
Galina Lang '17
Most Improved Player
Aivy Duong '17
Most Inspirational Player
Aivy Duong;'17
Coaches Award
Brittany Steinway '16
WBAL 2nd Team All-League
Annalina Martinez '17
WBAL 2nd Team All-League
Junior Varsity

Jocelyn Ho '16
Most Valuable Player
Allison Starks '17
Most Improved Player
Cierra Zaldivar '16
Most Inspirational Player
Aira Singh '17
Coaches Award



Quynh Tran '16
Most Valuable Player
Ksenia Golubeva '18
Most Improved Player
Ashley Lamug '15
Most Inspirational Player
Priscilla Chung '16
Coaches Award


COMING SOON TO MERCY: Battle of the Avenues

Mercy San Francisco and Archbishop Riordan High School will be holding the 2nd Annual Benefit Rally - Battle of the Avenues on Friday, January 16, 2015 from 6:00-8:30 pm in the McAuley Pavilion. All proceeds from this event will benefit two local organizations: La Casa de las Madres and The Tenderloin Children's Home. Mercy's goal is to hold on to the trophy for another year! Please encourage your daughters to support and attend this fun and worthwhile event. Points are awarded to the school that has the most students pay for entrance to the Rally - the cost is $10 to have their name put on the guest list. Tickets will be sold when we return from Christmas break!
Battle of the Avenues Benefit Rally

Recycling at Mercy


Along with its many academic, artistic and athletic programs, Mercy is especially proud of its Recycling and Composting efforts. For the past ten years, Mercy has utilized the 3 Waste Bin system -- GREEN for compostables; BLUE for recyclables; and YELLOW for trash -- for the purpose of separating our waste and minimizing the amount of trash that is sent to the landfill. In addition to our students, faculty and staff, we encourage our many visitors to campus - Parents, Alumnae, Athletic Teams, and others -- to LOOK for the three bins, and dispose of waste properly. This is just another way the Mercy Community is doing our part to make a difference in the world and supporting the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy, in particular care for the earth.


Three lovely dancers who are students on the Mercy High School Dance Ensemble participated in the "Circles of Mercy" event celebrating St. Vincent de Paul's Catherines' Center. The event took place at the beautiful Kohl Mansion on Thursday, October 23, 2014 and the dancers role was to reverently lead in each of the Mercy connected sponsors of the Catherines' Center to the forefront in the opening ceremony. Brava LaRay, Chantel and Jannella for sharing your talents to make the "Circles of Mercy" event a memorable event for all who attended!
Dance Ensemble at Circles of Mercy Event
LaRay Bonilla '15, Chantel Moreno '15, Jannella Natan '16


What are you thankful for? Prior to asking this question to each student in homeroom, our Thanksgiving turkey hung naked in Barrett Cafeteria - but not for long! Each homeroom received blank feathers in their class color and each student was asked to write on their feather what they are thankful for. Before long our Thanksgiving turkey was fully dressed in it's colorful feathers which represent the Freshmen (green), Sophomores (purple), Juniors (blue), Seniors (red) and Faculty/Staff (yellow and orange)! Way to go Mercy!
Thanksgiving at Mercy
Jaylene Acosta '17, Tatiana Morales-Lopez '17. Joivenae Uribe '18, Gisselle Hernandez '18

Advent Liturgy at Mercy
On Sunday, November 30, the Church marked the First Sunday of Advent in the Roman Catholic Liturgical calendar and the start of the new liturgical year. Advent comes from the Latin word advenio, meaning "to come" or adventus, the Latin word for "the coming." It is a sacred season marked by expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the season of Christmas. Advent continues until the celebration of the Christmas season, which begins on December 25 and concludes with the Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord on January 11, 2015.

Mercy High School honors this sacred season of Advent in different ways. We gather in celebration as a community and participate in a Liturgy of the Word and a Eucharistic liturgy for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. In addition to the wreath above our main entrance and in our lobby, the Advent wreath is part of our liturgies, as well.

The circular form of the wreath reminds us of God's love for us which neither has beginning nor end. A wreath is also a traditional symbol of glory and victory, and so suggests the fullness of time. We remember that this is Christ's time in three ways: in history, in our lives today, and when he comes again at the end of the world. And finally, the green branches are a symbol of hope.

May this sacred season of Advent awaken our hearts to the coming of Christ within
and among us, 
and may we be Christ for each other. 

ALL SCHOOL BOOK: Letters from Westerbork by Etty HillesumEtty

During the spring semester, the entire Mercy community will read and study one book in an interdisciplinary manner, as has been our tradition for more than a decade. This year's selection is excerpts from Letters from Westerbork by Etty Hillesum, a young Jewish woman studying in Amsterdam at the time of the Nazi occupation. Her correspondence from Westerbork transit camp offers a moving portrait of her struggle to live with integrity in a challenging historical era, before she perished at Auschwitz.


All students will access the book electronically via a link sent to their Mercy email account.  Students are highly encouraged to begin the reading over Christmas break and must complete this assignment by January 27, in preparation for studying the book in their classes. In March, the entire school community will view the play "Etty," written and performed by Susan Stein and based on Hillesum's writings.   

US HISTORY CLASS BRINGS BACK THE 60'SUS History Class Depicts the 60s

Recently, this U.S. History class did presentations on the "Decade of Change," the 1960s. Be it the JFK election or assassination, MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech, Flower Power in S.F.'s Haight Ashbury, or Woodstock, all of it was covered in the student-led news shows.

Mercy Volunteer Corps

Are you ready for adventure?

Is this your time to embrace compassionate service, spirituality, and a simple lifestyle? 

Do you have a year to spend...cultivating mercy and justice in our world?

Think of a year of service with MERCY VOLUNTEER CORPS!

In partnership with the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, women and men of Mercy Volunteer Corps (MVC) enter into relationship with people who are economically disadvantaged and marginalized.  MVC promotes social change by placing and supporting volunteers for one year of service in the U.S. and South America. Mercy Volunteers work in education, healthcare, and social services while living together in community and growing spiritually.

Mercy Volunteer Corps is looking for dedicated women and men who are:

  • 21 Years or Older
  • High School or College Graduate
  • Motivated by the Gospel to Serve
  • Comfortable with the Catholic Church
  • In Good Health
  • Flexible and Adaptable
  • Gifted with a Sense of Humor
  • Single or Married With No Dependents

For more information, please visit the Mercy Volunteer Corps website at or contact Angie Carlton, the Community Coordinator for the West Midwest at or by phone at 402-399-2438.

 Upcoming Events

December 2014

December 15-17

Final Exams, Special Schedule

December 18-19

Alternate Exam Day

December 22-January 5

Christmas Vacation

January 2015

Monday, January 5
Classes Resume

Tuesday, January 6: 9:45 am
Epiphany Liturgy of the Word

Thursday, January 8: 6pm
College Night for Juniors

Wednesday, January 14: 6 pm

Parent Guild Meeting

Friday, January 16

Red Minimum Day

Friday, January 16: 6 pm

Mercy/Archbishop Riordan Benefit Rally

Monday, January 19

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - No Classes

January 23, 24, 30, 31: 7 pm

Winter Dance Concert

Sunday, January 25: 3:30 pm

Architects of Peace Reception

Tuesday, January 27: 4 pm

Auschwitz Liberation 70th Anniversary

Conversation and Survivor Guest Speaker

February 2015

February 5 & 6

Overnight retreat for Freshmen and Sophomores

Wednesday, February 11: 6 pm

Parent Guild Meeting

Thursday, February 12: 6:30 pm

7th Annual WITA Exhibition/Reception

Friday, February 13

Red Flip Minimum Day

Friday, February 13: 7 pm

Father Daughter Dance

Monday, February 16

President's Day Holiday - No Classes

Wednesday, February 18

Lenten Food Drive Begins

Wednesday, February 18: 9:45 am

Ash Wednesday Eucharistic Liturgy

Friday, February 20: 8 am

Women In Medicine Blood Drive

Friday, February 27

Special Schedule - Women's Leadership Conference


Imagine That

Imagine That...
January 23, 24, 30, 31, 2014
7:00 pm Mercy Theatre
Click here to purchase tickets online.

Book Cover for Etty

Sunday, March 8, 2015
3:00 pm
For additional information, visit the play's website.