Anchors Aweigh Masthead
September 2014


Dare to Dream!

The theme created by our Campus Life Team (CLT) for the new school year reminds us of the energy, innovation, creativity, enthusiasm, and dedication that is intrinsic to life at Mercy High School. We are all called to Dare to Dream in our education of young women, and we want to highlight some amazing examples for you:  
  • More than 120 members of the Class of 2018 taking on the challenge of Mercy 'til Morning 
  • Twelve brave new international students from China and Russia
  • New faculty and staff members eager to embrace Mercy 
  • The Class of 1964 who celebrate their 50th Reunion 
We invite our parent community to Dare to Dream! In particular, help make our dream a REALITY by participating in our Parent Giving.
Cartoon of Theatre Seats




GOAL:  New Theater Seats

Current Giving Amount:  $13,500


GOAL:  $77,000--100% Participation


Donate today! Pledge $20 per-month or $200.

Donations can be made online or mailed to our business office.


Many thanks to our Parent Community.

All donations are tax deductible.


Dorothy J. McCrea, Ed.D.
Principal, Mercy High School
3250 Nineteenth Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132
In This Issue
School News
Upcoming Events
RECONNECT: 2014/2015 Reunions and Events
Class of 1964 (50 Years)  
50th Reunion Celebration
Thursday, September 18, 2014
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Spinnaker Restaurant

On Campus Celebration
Friday, September 19, 2014
12:00 pm
Rist Hall, Mercy High School, SF
Winnie Kelley

Class of 2004 (10 Years)
Saturday, November 8, 2014
11:00 am -- 3:00 pm
Rist Hall, Mercy High School, SF
Jasmine Suguitan
Please help us find your classmates:
Naula Barance
Ayn Gilmore
Trina Joy Noriega
Priya Patel
Rafaela Ramirez

Katriz Villar
Email [email protected]

Class of 2009 (5 Years)
Sydney Dow 

Women's Leadership Conference (Formerly known as "Career Day")
Friday, February 27, 2015
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Rist Hall 
All School Reunion 
Saturday, May 2, 2015
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
McAuley Pavilion
We are looking for reunion coordinators for the following classes:
Class of 1969 (45 years)
Class of 1979 (35 years)
Class of 1989 (25 years)
Class of 1999 (15 years)

Please take a moment to Update Your Contact Info
For more information or if you are interested in organizing your class reunion, please contact the Alumnae Relations office at (415) 334-0525. 
Like us on Facebook 
Follow us on Twitter  


We are proud of our students who made it to the

Recycling Image

The Technology Department recycles used cell phones, laser toner and inkjet cartridges throughout the school year. Please have students drop off items in the Computer Lab, room 319. Proceeds will be used for the 14th Annual WAVTEC (Technology Club) Raffle on Spring Day (May 1st). Help us make the Spring Day raffle a huge success.

 School News

Mercy 'Til Morning 
We were thrilled to kick off the new school year with our 2nd annual Mercy 'til Morning orientation for the incoming Class of 2018.

This new and fun way of welcoming our families provides the opportunity for a more successful transition to high school. The key goal of this event is to provide a safe, less intimidating welcome and entry for the freshmen. The students get to learn more about Mercy, its history, and themselves; most importantly, it enables them to establish new friendships that will last for years to come!

The evening was spent engaged in a series of challenges and activities that required teams of students to take pictures, video themselves performing challenges, and participate in scavenger hunts all over the school. By morning we had achieved our goal: an incoming class of students who are well connected to one another, more confident about the first day of school, and excited about being Mercy Skippers and all that they will experience here at Mercy. What more could we ask?


In Service Teaching 
On Tuesday, September 9, the faculty and staff of both Mercy High Schools (San Francisco and Burlingame) gathered for an in-service with Sr. �ine O'Connor, RSM. Sr. �ine serves as the Mercy Global Action Coordinator at the United Nations, Mercy International  Association. Her presentation began by looking at the context of poverty and the situation of women and children in Ireland in the time of Catherine McAuley. She brought the conversation to our present reality and the particular concerns of the Sisters of Mercy around the world. The in-service offered tools for critical analysis of root causes of poverty and helped the faculty and staff to explore how to continue to educate the young women of both Mercy High Schools about these global realities and how they can make a difference.


Dolce Performs in Disneylang 
Mercy's award winning Show Choir Dolce performed for Disney Performing Arts On Stage at Disney California Adventure, Disneyland on June 4, 2014. They were led by Laura Flaviani, Mercy High School Choir Director. Dolce also enthusiastically participated in the Disneyland Performing Arts Show Choir Clinic.


New WITA Students

(Left to Right) Alexandra Lewis (Saint Philip School), Alyssa Perieff (Laurel School), Kealoha James (Our Lady of Perpetual Help School), Sophia Fulton (Hilldale School), Athena Go (Saint Anne School), and Claire Wiater (Saint Finn Barr School)

This summer, Mercy welcomed six new Women in the Arts (WITA) students to Mercy. These young ladies attended a Summer Art Workshop for two weeks in preparation for entering intermediate level classes in both art and ceramics. The students studied drawing, painting and printmaking with Ms. Mauchly and worked with Ms. Bennett on clay-constructed forms, both hand built and thrown. Many concepts and skills were covered and as a result, the students created some fabulous artwork!


The new 2018 WITA students join 19 other students in this program. They will participate in four artist workshops, visit San Francisco artists' studios, and attend two field trips to the de Young Museum. WITA alumna, Jenni Riccetti '12, will assist them in creating a simple sewing project.

We look forward to working with our newest members of the WITA program and helping them towards future careers in the arts!


Cat On a Hot Tin Roof
On Thursday evening, September 3rd, twenty-five students and faculty members Sr. Judy Carle, Ms. Nancy Schaal, Ms. Liz McAninch and Ms. Gabriel Bodenheimer enjoyed front row seats (Tides Theater on Sutter Street holds 95) for a superb production of Tennessee William's Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Students began reading the play a few days before and were enthralled to see the feisty production - to witness the plot and character development. In Ms. Bodenheimer's Dramatic Literature class the next day, students engaged in an insightful and involved exchange - words on the page came alive! Students are excited to take advantage of more of the rich dramatic productions offered in the San Francisco Bay Area.



Attendees at National Teen Leadership Program
Standing: Aivy Duong '17, Gabby Jajeh '15, Crystal Tobar '17, Tatiana Gastrock '16, Andrea Garcia '16; Kneeling: Eyra Imperio '16,
Serena Hinh '16, Jeimy Navidad '17
Eight students on the 2014-2015 Campus Life Team (CLT) attended the National Teen Leadership Program Summer 2014 at California State University Sacramento on August 1, 2 and 3 with CLT co-moderator, Ms. Janine Nolfi. For 22 years, the award-winning National Teen Leadership Program (NTLP) has provided leadership camps that motivate and inspire the leader within every teen. NTLP is a certified Presidential Volunteer Service Award organization and awards students for their outstanding achievements for volunteer service. The overnight camp included motivational speakers, leadership exercises, interactive workshops, interviews with business professionals and a recognition ceremony. The program also included a dance, hypnotist show and connections with great teens from all over the U.S.!


Liturgical Ministry Day 

Nearly 90 students from Mercy High School, Archbishop Riordan High School, and Junipero Serra High School began the new school year with an intensive, full-day training in liturgical ministry, held at Mercy on Sunday, August 24. Megan Pryor-Lorentz, Director of the Spiritual Life Center at St. Agnes parish, offered a challenging and thought-provoking keynote address. Participants then selected one of six workshops, all of which led to archdiocesan certification for that particular ministry: Lector, Acolyte, Liturgical Movement, Liturgical Music, Art & Environment, and Eucharistic Minister. A Sunday Eucharistic liturgy, in which the newly trained students had the opportunity to practice their skills, concluded the program. For Colleen Vera Cruz '16, this closing liturgy left a strong impression: "I really loved the Mass at the end. We got to incorporate everything that we learned during the day-everyone was included."

Club Hope for Tomorrow Makes a Donation
(L to R): Susan Neff, '73, Captain Teri Barrett, '73, Dominique Sabins, '16, Briana Sabins, '17, Ms. Cindy Ovares and Ms. Tanya Bolshakoff, Club Moderators
Mercy High School's club, Hope for Tomorrow, presented to the Koret Family House a donation in the amount of $2500. Representatives of the club, Dominique Sabins '16 and Briana Sabins '17, along with club moderators, Ms. Cindy Ovares and Ms. Tanya Bolshakoff, were honored to present  the donation which was made possible by the efforts of the club members and supporters throughout the 2013-2014 school year. The representatives of the Koret Family House happened to be Mercy alumnae, Susan Neff '73, Director of Development, and Captain Terri Barrett '73, SFPD. The Hope for Tomorrow representatives were greeted with such warmth and hospitality and are very happy to be a partner with Koret Family House!
 Upcoming Events

September 2014

Friday, September 19

Red Minimum Day

September 22-26
Mercy Week

Wednesday, September 24: 10:10 am
Eucharistic Liturgy in Celebration of Mercy Day and Little Anchor Ceremony

Thursday, September 25
Red Minimum Day

Friday, September 26
Mercy Play Day, Special Schedule

Tuesday, September 30
Photo Make-Up Day


October 2014

Monday, October 6: 8 am to 5 pm

Junior Retreat ( Mr. Pease's Scripture classes)

Tuesday, October 7: 8 am to 5 pm

Junior Retreat ( Mr. Qui�onez's Scripture classes)

Tuesday, October 7: 6 pm

Freshmen/Sophomore Parent Night

Wednesday, October 8: 6 pm
Parent Guild Meeting

Friday, October 10
Red Flip Minimum Day

Monday, October 13
Columbus Day Holiday, No Classes

Wednesday, October 15
Testing Day, Special Schedule

Friday, October 24
Red Flip Minimum Day

Saturday, October 25: 10 am
Open House

Friday, October 31
Happy Halloween


November 2014

Monday, November 3: 9:45 am

All Souls' Liturgy of the Word

Friday, November 7
Red Minimum Day

Wednesday, November 12: 6 pm
Parent Guild Meeting

November 14, 15, 21, 22: 7 pm
Fall Play: Kids Called Crazy

Wednesday, November 19: 8 am to 4 pm
Freshmen Retreat (Foundations of Religious Studies, periods 5, 6, 7)

Thursday, November 20: 8 am to 4 pm

Freshmen Retreat (Foundations of Religious Studies, periods 1, 4)

Saturday, November 22: 10 am to 3 pm

Holiday Boutique

Tuesday, November 25: 9:45 am to 11:10 am
Thanksgiving Eucharistic Liturgy

November 26, 27, 28
Thanksgiving Holiday

Open House

Saturday, October 25, 2014
Presentation begins at 10:00 am 

3250 Nineteenth Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132 






Fall Play
Kids Called Crazy
November 14, 15, 21 and 22
7:00 pm

Holiday Boutique  


Saturday, November 22

10:00 am -- 3:00 pm

McAuley Pavilion


Variety of unique vendors, food for sale, performances by grammar school choirs and Mercy's Dolce, silent auction and raffle 



Winter Pops Concert


We Need A Little Christmas

Thursday, December 4, 2014
7:00 pm



Featuring: Mercy Chorus A, Dolce Show Choir,

Riordan Men's Glee Club, St. Gabriel

School "Crooners"


Saturday, May 2, 2015
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
McAuley Pavilion