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VI-SPDAT Version 2 BoS Training
A Balance of State (BoS) training on the Vulnerability Index-Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (VI-SPDAT) Version 2 has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, March 9, 2016, in Frankfort, Kentucky. Registration and location details will be provided in next week's eGram. All are welcome, but front-line workers from emergency shelters or others utilizing the assessment tool are strongly encouraged to attend.
2016 K-Count and HIC Reporting
Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2016 K-Count! The data from both the K-Count and the Housing Inventory Count (HIC) reporting is due tomorrow, Friday, February 5, 2016.

Data for the K-Count must be completed in the Kentucky Homeless Management Information System (KYHMIS) or submitted through the online tool by 5 p.m. ET on Friday, February 5, 2016.

KYHMIS-participating Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing Programs: Your data will be collected via KYHMIS. Remember you also need to complete the brief 2016 K-Count Sub-assessment in KYHMIS for each client. Instructions are available.

Non-KYHMIS-participating Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing Programs:  Please enter responses from the paper copies into the online Shelter Survey.

Unsheltered Surveys:  Please enter responses from the paper copies to the online Unsheltered Survey.

The deadline for K-Count data to be completed, within KYHMIS or submitted via Survey Monkey, is Friday, February 5, 2016.

Attention CoC- and ESG-funded emergency shelters:  Please remember, a VI-SPDAT must be completed for each individual sleeping in your shelter on the night of January 27 if a VI-SPDAT has not already been completed. Specific instructions are included in the K-Count FAQs document, as well as on the HCA Help Desk under Coordinated Entry.
Housing Inventory Count
The Housing Inventory Count (HIC) includes the following programs:  Emergency Shelters, Transitional Housing Programs, Permanent Housing (PH), and Rapid Rehousing (RRH).  

The 2016 HIC Reporting Form is available on KHC's website, under Specialized Housing.

A few things to remember/clarify:
  • If your agency has more than one program, please complete separate forms for each program. Each program type needs to complete and submit the "Program Information" tab and the appropriate program type tab, i.e., "Emergency Shelter" tab, "Transitional Housing" tab, etc.
  • All programs are asked on the HIC Reporting Form to include the number of participants in your respective programs on the night of the K-Count (January 27, 2016). Even though RRH and PH are not included in the K-Count, you still need this number for your HIC. 
  • Family Units - On each program tab, you are asked to list your Unit Inventory. The instructions say to list Family Units Only.  Please note a Family Unit in this context is a Household with Children. In other words, a household with at least one adult and one child. If your program does not have a fixed number of units for this household type, include the number of units that were occupied by households with children on the night of the K-Count. For congregate living shelters without separate units, list the number of beds occupied by members of households with children on January 27, 2016.
If you have any questions, please contact Lena Columbia toll-free in Kentucky at 800-633-8896 or 502-564-7630, extension 448; TTY 711; or email You may also Submit a Request available on HCA Help Desk. 
Public Hearing Notice
Kentucky is in the process of drafting the 2016 Consolidated Action Plan for Kentucky's Block Grant Housing Programs, and a public hearing is being held for the purpose of obtaining public input. Both written and oral comments will be accepted and where applicable, will be incorporated into the document.

The Action Plan is the Commonwealth's application and distribution plan for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) Block Grant Programs (HOME, ESG, CDBG, and HOPWA). KHC and the Department for Local Government are the agencies responsible for submission of the plan to HUD.

The public hearing is scheduled for 3 p.m. ET, Tuesday, February 23, 2016, at KHC, 1231 Louisville Road, Frankfort.

The current Action Plan is available for review on KHC's website, under Resources, Planning Documents, Consolidated Plan. Written comments should be sent to Bernadette Hillman, KHC, 1231 Louisville Road, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, or email

KHC's campus is handicapped-accessible. If you are a person with a disability, need information in an alternative format, or speak limited English and require special services at the public hearing, please notify Bernadette Hillman by Monday, February 15, so arrangements can be made. If you have any questions about the Public Hearing or the Action Plan, please contact Bernadette Hillman toll-free in Kentucky at 800-633-8896 or 502-564-7630, extension 375; TTY 711, or email

DO NOT REPLY-This is an unmonitored email address. 


Kentucky Housing Corporation prohibits discrimination on the basis of race; color; religion; sex; national origin; sexual orientation; gender identity; ancestry; age; disability; genetic information; or marital, familial, or veteran status. 


To change your eGram preferences or sign up for an eGram list, please visit KHC's website and click on the eGram icon under Quick Links. 


If you have subscription problems, please contact KHC's Nicole Morris toll-free in Kentucky at 800-633-8896 or 502-564-7630, extension 459; TTY 711; or email