
Michael Fox CPCC,
founder of magine!,
is a professional
coach and trainer,
author and creative artist, whose work has been featured throughout
the world.

Michael is a
Certified Practitioner
of the
Type Indicator.

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Unchained melody...   


God as a linguist...Rosetta Stone, the world's leading purveyor of language learning software, should cut God a check for every unit sold. They might make a notation on the check that reads, "Royalties from Babel." � God's most remarkable linguistic accomplishment, however, occurred when he communicated his heart, his mind, his spirit with just one Word--the incarnation of Jesus. � In music, God created a unique language form that transcends borders and cultures and generations. It strengthens; it comforts, it encourages. Just as any other language might.


Music as a language...Music surely enjoys multiple advantages over other languages. � One, since long before recorded audio, written music has allowed a composer's work to be performed in the precise mood and timbre and rhythm as he imagined when he penned it. � Two, memorable music is meaningful music: it calls us back, and it calls us forth; it calls us home and it calls us out; it calls us to remember, and it calls us to imagine. � Three, well-crafted music and lyrics afford opportunity for the composer to speak at once from and to the heart and mind, the body and soul. Music, like the language of the incarnation, is a sensory language.


A measure of grace and truth...Music and lyrics--even when they seem spontaneous--are written within the rigid, mathematical framework of music theory. Thoreau once observed, "The pleasure we feel in music springs from the obedience which is in it." A musical composition then offers a lovely metaphor for a person's holistic relationship with God.  


Structure and spontaneity.  


Submission and freedom.  


Truth and grace.



What's the learning? 



Michael Fox

407 Myrtle Drive
Farmerville, LA, USA 71241  
In addition to personal and professional coaching,
m�agine! specializes in spiritual transformation coaching,
employing its proprietary models
--Values, Vision, Voice
and Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength--

as well as
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator� curriculum
published by CPP, the People Development People.

Michael's books include
Complete in Christ,
Complete in Christ Spiritual Transformation Workbook,
and Biblio�files.

Coaching fees are based upon a sliding scale. Contact us for details.
For additional information, visit our website at maginethepossibilities.net.

Limited scholarships are available for spiritual transformation coaching.
On the flip side, if you are able, please inquire about opportunities
to fund scholarships for those who cannot afford coaching fees.

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