Michael Fox CPCC,
founder of magine!,
is a professional
coach and trainer,
author and creative artist, whose work has been featured throughout
the world.

Michael is a
Certified Practitioner
of the
Type Indicator.

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The Windy City angel... 

My mother impressed upon her children the counsel of Hebrews 13:2: "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it."


On a recent trip, within the space of twelve hours, American Airlines canceled flight after flight as I endeavored to travel from Dallas to Chicago. An early evening's journey morphed into a red-eye flight.


My frustration was compounded by Enterprise Car Rental's rather narrow hours of operation at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. After multiple calls throughout the day keeping the rental desk appraised of my changing itinerary, I was finally told that the O'Hare location would be closed by the time of my arrival. I would have to take a cab to my hotel that night, a cab back to the airport the next day, when I could pick up my car. Enterprise, it would seem, no longer delivers.


I finally arrived in Chicago well after midnight, collected my bag, and left the terminal in search of a cab. Scanning the street in front of the terminal, I was surprised to see an empty Enterprise Car Rental shuttle just across the busy boulevard. I ran toward the van's open door and was greeted by the driver, an older, gracious, black gentleman.


"Are you still open?" I asked breathlessly. "Oh sure," he casually replied.


Mom, I met my angel.


I explained my predicament, my concern. He chuckled kindly and assured me that there was a car awaiting my arrival. We had a wonderful visit, just the two of us, on the way to pick up the car.


"Where did you start out from today?" he asked. "Jackson, Mississippi." "Mmm, I know Jackson. I have kin in Vicksburg. I've spent lots of time in Vicksburg."


"Did you grow up around here?" I inquired. "No, no, I was reared on Chicago's West Side; got married and moved to the South Side; got divorced and moved to the North Side.


I never carry any cash these days, but thankfully I had one bill in my wallet sufficient to buy him a meal the next day. "Thank you, oh, thank you," he responded as we parted company.


My father impressed upon his children that one way "to show hospitality to strangers...angels without knowing" is to demonstrate a generous spirit to all. And, in particular--of those within service industries--to tip them well.



Do you have an "angel" story? A story of kindness and deliverance at the hands of a stranger? Does your story tell of an "emotional reboot" during an otherwise forgettable day?   


What would it look like to determine, with great intention, to be the "angel" in the lives of strangers? What would it take?  


Michael Fox

407 Myrtle Drive
Farmerville, LA, USA 71241  
In addition to personal and professional coaching,
m�agine! specializes in spiritual transformation coaching,
employing its proprietary models
--Values, Vision, Voice
and Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength--

as well as
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator� curriculum
published by CPP, the People Development People.

Michael's books include
Complete in Christ,
Complete in Christ Spiritual Transformation Workbook,
and Biblio�files.

Coaching fees are based upon a sliding scale. Contact us for details.
For additional information, visit our website at maginethepossibilities.net.

Limited scholarships are available for spiritual transformation coaching.
On the flip side, if you are able, please inquire about opportunities
to fund scholarships for those who cannot afford coaching fees.

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