

December 8, 2013 at 
10:30 am 

Jesus and Buddha on the Universalist Christmas Tree

Rev Tony at pulpit
The Christmas Tree is an adaptation of a pre-Christian practice. Many religions have holy trees. Yggdrasill (an ash) is central to Norse mythology. Siddhartha reached enlightenment under a Bodhi tree. (In Japan, today is Bodhi Day.) In the Message for All Ages, I will tell the story of The Hemlock. In the sermon, I will tell you how Buddha found a place on my Christmas tree.
Worship Leader

Marty Pelham
Editor's 2 ¢:   


Linda Jones
Linda Jones

David Katz
David Katz

"Light the Legend" by Michael Isaacson
"Greensleeves"  Folk Song Arr. by Benjamin Britten
"Fantasia on Greensleeves" by Ralph Vaughan Williams
"Shir shel Chanukah" by Michael Isaacson

In This Issue
Quick Links
December 5, 2013
Holiday Bake Sale 

Cookies and Carols! 
Sunday, December 8th,  after service
There will be wonderful holiday music by our own 
Choral members to help spread the cheer!
If you are feeling elfish come help decorate the
Social Hall on Saturday 10-2 while we are there
to accept donations.  We would love to have you.
Donations will be accepted Saturday,10-2, 
and beginning at 9 am Sunday, before service. A few more hands to tend tables and check out stations are still needed for Sunday.  If interested, email Kathy Krohn.


For complete information see: Bake Sale

Open Issues
Dr.Martha Bushore-Fallis "Choose WHO to be" ™ She will tell us of a team effort she led to reach the minds of our children and youth, using theater, music, poetry and movement to reach their hearts, to move them from victimization to empowerment. More at Freedom Found
9:30 in the Patio Room
Children's Religious Enrichment
Spirit of Life Logo

Our little UUs (ages 0-3) in our nursery will spend their time enjoying art, free play and music under the loving guidance of our experienced staff and volunteers.
Our Pre-K to 2nd grade children will discover the wonders of this holiday season by exploring Hanukkah, Chalica, Winter Solstice, Christmas and more! 

Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade will learn more about Los Posados (a traditional Mexican festival which re-enacts Joseph's and Mary's search for room at the inn to give birth to the baby Jesus).
Our 6th-8th group will consider the deeper meaning of the holidays to counteract sometimes soulless consumerism. It is easy for middle schoolers to buy into the meaning of Christmas and Winter Holidays as getting presents. Let's find the spirit and soul in the holidays!
Remember our Parents Night Out, Friday, December 13th, from 6-9 pm for our second Sock Hop evening of fun. Sign up in the Social Hall or email Christine.  Suggested donation, $5 per child.
In Faith,
Christine Pensa
Director of Religious Education
(727) 531-7704 x106 Office (Tues, Thurs & Fri, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.)
(727) 644-1313 Cell
Share the Plate

The Social Justice Council has selected the St. Petersburg Free Clinic for the December 8th Share the Plate. St. Petersburg Free Clinic is a multi-service, independent, not-for-profit human services agency. In early 2013, the Clinic took over the property and some of the responsibilities of ASAP Homeless Services that was forced to close due to financial difficulties. Since 1970, St. Petersburg Free Clinic has provided temporary assistance for people who require help with basic needs of food, shelter, medical care, limited financial assistance, and referral information. Those who are assisted are mainly the "working poor" and those who "fall through the cracks" of other existing services. Please open your hearts during this holiday season and donate.

A Marvelous Party! The Noel Coward Celebration
Thanks to Charlotte & Todd Olson, parents of Jonas, a wonderful newbie in our Sound Booth, we have $20 tickets for the performance on Sunday, December 15 at 3 p.m.
See Ches in the Social Hall after service or email her.
Help Plant City Farmworkers

This will be the last Sunday to bring in blankets for the migrant workers who live in unheated mobile homes on the farms in Plant City. If you haven't had time to shop, you can leave a donation at the Social Justice table and we'll do the shopping for you. If you would like to participate in the distribution on Saturday, December 14, please email Doona Polhamus or Harriet Ha-Sidi. We will be at the church to pack up at 9 AM, Dec 14th. We'll be back in early afternoon--plenty of time to celebrate the season with Ann and Joe Myers at their home later on that day. 
Mitten Tree - Still Some Mittens Left on the Tree

Each year we work with an agency that helps local, needy families and children. 
UUC members and friends select a mitten and then purchase a child's requested gift. Very important, we recommend that you limit your gifts to a total of $35 per child so that each child receives an equally priced item. Be sure to record your name on the master list next to the tree when selecting your mitten so that we can make sure each child receives a gift.
Return the unwrapped gifts; including wrapping paper if possible, to UUC by December 15th in time for delivery. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
John Chase

Long-time UUC member John Chase
will be in the Social Hall Sunday asking for signatures needed for the final push to let Florida voters decide whether to let patients have legal marijuana. Toward that end, he wrote this letter to the Tampa Bay Times, printed Dec 2nd, as follows:

Khasi Hills School

Support the students and teachers of the Margaret Barr Memorial School in the Khasi Hills of India. This is the 10th and final year we will be sponsoring students. Lets send a wonderful gift to help see them through until they find new funding. They have sent their love and appreciation to all members of UUC. Stop at the Social Justice table or go to the website and use PAYPAL to donate.
Events This Coming Week

Reader's Forum


On December 6th, we will finish the book One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd by Jim Fergus. 



On Dec 13, we begin discussing the book The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt.

In The Righteous Mind, Jonathan Haidt gives you the key to understanding the miracle of human cooperation, as well as the curse of our eternal divisions and conflicts. As America descends deeper into polarization and paralysis, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt has done the seemingly impossible: challenged conventional thinking about morality, politics, and religion in a way that speaks to everyone on the political spectrum. Drawing on his twenty five years of groundbreaking research on moral psychology, he shows how moral judgments arise not from reason but from gut feelings. He shows why liberals, conservatives, and libertarians have such different intuitions about right and wrong, and he shows why each side is actually right about many of its central concerns. If you're ready to trade in anger for understanding, read The Righteous Mind.


For more information, Readers Forum.

Reader's Forum is led by Catherine & John Conover. We meet every Friday 10:00-11:30 AM in the Chorale Room. All are welcome!
Caregivers Meeting

Wednesday, December 11 at 2:00 p.m. in the Maxwell Library

Are you connected to someone who is needing or receiving long term care, either locally or from a distance? We meet monthly as a chance to connect with others who are doing the same.  Join us.
Plan Ahead for These Coming Events

Christmas Potluck Dinner

Our UUC Annual Holiday potluck party this year will be hosted by Ann and Joe Myers, on Saturday, December 14th, 5 PM until 10:00 PM.  They could use more help guiding parking and to assist in the kitchen.  Email Ann for details or to help.
Congregational Retreat Fundraiser Luncheon

On Sunday, Dec 15 at 12:00 pm in the UUC Social Hall.

Please join us after service in the social hall for a luncheon to raise money for the Congregational Retreat. Lunch will include your choice of soup, stew or chili; salad, bread and dessert for $5; soda, juice and water for $1 each. We will also be offering holiday gift wrapping for an additional suggested donation (TBD).
The Congregational Retreat is an annual event that allows its attendees to participate in hikes, canoeing, zip line, archery, labyrinth, and a variety of other social activities together. By having this time together, outside in nature, it allows for much more intimate bonding and conversation than the sometimes over scheduled Sunday afternoon social hour. Our committee is passionate about providing all who wish to attend this event the chance to do so by providing scholarships.
We are in need of donations and volunteers for the luncheon. If you would like to help us please email Jenn Bouchie.

Thank you!
2014 Retreat Planning Committee
HOWL at the Solstice Moon: Winter Frolic and Potluck

Saturday, December 21st

IT'S THE SHORTEST DAY OF THE YEAR!!! Come on out to our multicultural, intergenerational, interfaith gathering for fun and frolic under the Solstice Moon. 

Social Justice, Local Sustainability and Community Building are the themes for the evening's festivities.

We will have the use of the Social Hall for a communal feast and this is a "GREEN" event, so here is a list of what to bring if you'd like to participate: 

Potluck offering to share (please write the name/ingredients of your dish on a card so folks will know.) 

Your plate, cup and utensils (No disposables please, we will provide for rinsing and composting.)

A canned or dry good for donation to the FOOD BANK or Migrant Workers. 

Back, by popular demand, I have again invited the talented folks from the Dunedin Drum and Dance Jam to bring their Drums and spin their LED & Fire Poi and Hula Hoops. SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

So bring your own Drums, Guitars, Didgeridoo or Musical Instrument of your choice as well! 

It's WINTER, so dress warmly and bring a chair or blanket to sit on! The "Whirlpool Fireplace" will be set up and glowing! If you want to make S'mores, bring your marshmallows, chocolate and grahams! 

Rest your vocal cords and bring your "outside voice" for the group howl at the moon. Children's activities are being planned!

This is a completely open and FREE event (a free will love offering will be appreciated but completely optional). 

Christmas Eve Reception

Immediately following the 6 p.m. Christmas Eve service
on Tuesday, December 24th


Please drop cookies or any holiday goodies at the Social Hall before service on Tuesday, December 24th, between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m.
Soledad Loba along with her Covenant Group Members will be hosting this event.
Non-UUC Events of Interest

Our Linda Jones in Concert

A recital of Advent and Christmas music will be presented by Sandra Rogers, soprano and Linda Jones, pianist at All Saints Episcopal Church in Tarpon Springs, Sunday, December 8, at 4:00 PM.  A free will offering will be accepted.
Citizens for Responsible Gun Laws 

...will sponsor a Candlelight Vigil on December 14 at 5 p.m. at the beach access at 25th Avenue, Indian Rocks Beach. 

December 14 is the one year anniversary of the tragic shootings at Newtown's Sandy Hook School. We wish to honor and cherish the memory of the 20 children and 6 adults who died there that day and friends and families of the over 10,795 other persons who have died in gun violence this year. We want to let them know we share in their pain and grief. Everyone who wishes to express their concern is invited to join us.



The Octagram is intended to focus on activities taking place at UUC or those of interest to UUC members and friends. Send items in brief with a link to more information to Octagram.




Provide text in an email, or as an attached Word file with any pictures/graphics attached to the email.


Deadline is 10 a.m. every Wednesday.


Prepared by Barbara Bird  assisted by Jeanne Carney.



Deadline is 6 p.m. every Wednesday. Send appropriate items to Order of Service/Announcements.  

Prepared by Pat St. Clair.



Unitarian Universalists of Clearwater | 2470 Nursery Road, Clearwater, FL 33764
727-531-7704 | Fax 727-531-4188

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