Upper Makefield Township
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July 2013
In This Issue
Truck Safety Enforcement
July 15: Taylorsville Area Survey Results
Unconventional Volunteers
Adopt a Roadway?
River Road to Close for Sept 1 Dualthon
Bowman's Summer Events
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Community Calendar


Board of Supervisors

July 2 Board Meeting Cancelled

The only regular meeting this month is scheduled for July 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the township.

building. Agendas.


Revolutionary Run

10K, 5K, and 1-mile Fun Run

Thursday, July 4

6 a.m. registration

Washington Crossing Historic Park



Discovery Day-Free Admission

Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve

Saturday, July 13, 2012

10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

More: Butterfly Count, Children's Reading, and Insects  


Taylorsville Survey Results

Monday, July 15

7 p.m.

Township building



Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Saturday, July 27

Central Bucks South High School



65th Annual Middletown Grange Fair

Wed-Sun August 14-18


Starts 10 a.m. daily

See schedule on fair website


Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Saturday, August 24

Bucks County Technical High School



Duathlon at Washington Crossing Historic Park

River Road Closed in AM

Sunday, September 1

7:30 to 9:30 a.m.

Duathlon Signup


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to us with your community news. 
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Walking a straight line isn't easy with "Fatal Vision" glasses, as D.A.R.E. students learn. The glasses simlulate drug or alcohol impairment. 
D.A.R.E. Fun Day Enhances Program

Long before they get behind the wheel of a car, children in Upper Makefield's elementary schools get a 
sense of the trouble they can avoid -when they don special "Fatal Vision" glasses and take a police administered 
field sobriety test. 


Wearing dizzying goggles during a sobriety test, plus learning about other policing responsibilities, are part of D.A.R.E., a 10-week program taught by highly trained police officers. D.A.R.E.'s goal is to provide school-aged children with the skills necessary to resist peer pressure and to live drug and violence-free lives. 


About 200 Graduates
Upper Makefield Township Police Officer Lee Crawford this year taught seven 6th grade classes at Sol Feinstone and Wrightstown elementary schools. About 200 students graduated from the D.A.R.E. program in May 2013. 
The annual D.A.R.E. Fun Day, held May 10, introduces students to more Upper Makefield Township officers, who use the informal setting to give students an introductions to patrol vehicles and the equipment that patrol officers use in Upper Makefield Township. 
Mock field sobriety tests, plus fingerprinting techniques, were among police activities illustrated in person by Officer Crawford as well as Sergeant Daniel Jones and Officer Mary Kate Huff. 


D.A.R.E. Officers Recognized 
Upper Makefield Chief Mark Schmidt and Officer Lee Crawford were recognized for their work coordinating and teaching the national anti-drug, anti-violence D.A.R.E. program-and other community-related projects during  Council Rock School District's May 16th school board meeting. 


Consider learning more about the  Upper Makefield D.A.R.E. program and then making a donation by calling 
Officer Lee Crawford at the police department's non-emergency number, 215-968-3020.

Truck Enforcement Program Makes Roads Safer

48 Violations Issued since February


In just 5 truck safety inspection details since February, 2013, police have stopped and inspected a total of 90 commercial vehicles on Upper Makefield and Newtown township roads. 

From these inspections, police issued 48 violations, and 8 vehicles were taken out of service due to serious safety issues. 

The new Newtown-Makefield Truck Enforcement Team, which formed in February 2013, aims to make our increasingly busy local roadways safer. Working together, the Upper Makefield and Newtown police departments have conducted 5 commercial vehicle details as of early June 2013.


With a shared goal of making local roadways safer, the Truck Enforcement Team plans several more vehicle details in 2013.  

Taylorsville area invited to learn on-lot sewage disposal survey results

Monday, July 15 at 7 p.m.


Results of a recent survey of on-lot sewage disposal systems in the Taylorsville area of Upper Makefield will be presented at a public meeting on Monday, July 15 at 7 p.m. at the township building. Agenda.


Taylorsville-area residents learned about the survey's goals at a public meeting held February 6, 2013. Minutes


A survey of the Dolington area is also underway; results will be presented when that survey is completed. 


A summary of the issue is located on our website under the topic,  Managing Wastewater in Upper Makefield.


If you have questions now about your specific property, please call Township Manager Sally Slook at 215-968-3340. 

Fire Company Seeks Unconventional Volunteers


If you are interested in helping Upper Makefield residents, but perhaps not by running into a burning building, you may still have skills needed by the Upper Makefield Fire Company

Providing firefighting service to our community is, of course, our ultimate goal. However, UMFC also needs help with fundraising, finance, law, medicine, and general business operations. 
Want to serve, but not sure how you would fit in? Call us: We have a place for most everyone. Please call Membership Director Richard

Wathey, at 215-493-5200.  

Want to Adopt a Roadway?


Litter happens.

But when citizens get involved in keeping our roads clean, we gain the added benefit of bringing attention to the "Don't Litter" message.
We encourage groups with resident ages 16 and up to adopt a roadway in Upper Makefield. 
Just pick one that runs about 2 miles, and be ready to commit to 4 pick-up days a year.
If the roadway you select is a township road, please call 215-968-3340 and ask to speak to Public Works Director Bob Johnson for details.

If your favored Upper Makefield roadway is a state highway, please call PennDOT's Doylestown office at 215-345-6060 or visit the Adopt-a-Highway page.


Here's a list of state roads located within Upper Makefield Township.  

Washington Crossing Historic Park is Duathlon Central Sept. 1, 2013

River Road to close for 2 hours Sunday Morning 


The 4th Annual Bucks County Duathlon starts in Upper Makefield at the Washington Crossing Historic Park.

The Duathlon is a 2-mile run in the park, a 10-mile bike ride on River Road, and finishes with a 2-mile sprint.

See the course map and sign-up information on the Duathlon's official site.

For the safety of the bicyclists, River Road will be closed from approximately 7:30 - 9:30 a.m. 

Bowman's Offers Birds, Butterflies, and Books in Woodland Setting

Free Admission on July 13


Bowman's Wildflower Preserve, located in Solebury near the Upper Makefield line on River Road, offers numerous summer programs for youth and families, including a free-admission Fun Day on Saturday, July 13. 
Look for details online at Bowman's Wildflower Preserve for details about this summer's events.
Unless noted, there is an entrance fee and event fee-usually $3-$10, depending on ages, membership and the number of children you bring.


Children's Reading, Craft and Hikes
Thursdays, 10 to 11:15 a.m., now through August 22  

Discovery Day
Saturday, July 13, 2013, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Free Open House, including music and activities  

National Butterfly Count
Saturday, July 20, 2013, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

Saturday, July 27, 2013, 10:30-noon  

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We hope each Upper Makefield household and business receives this eNewsletter, our only official news publication. Our email list count is up to 530 individuals, and we quickly delete our update any bounced deliveries. 


Will You Help us Keep our List Current? 

Do you have new neighbors? Friends who count on you for the neighborhood scoop? Please encourage other family members and neighbors to sign up for eNews from Upper Makefield by forwarding this email to them or by visiting our home page, where they can sign up easily. Thanks! 


We Update our Website Several Times a Week

The Upper Makefield Township website is where you can find almost anything with a simple internal keyword search. You can also view videos of public meetings from the website. 


This eNews touches the highlights, but our publication is only 5 times a year. Online, we post community events, meeting videos and minutes, and other community information almost daily.


If you know a resident without online access, please let them know that we will mail a printout of this eNews by request. They can request it by calling the township office at 215-968-3340.