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Gift of Pure Provence (France)
Essential oils, Essential oil candles, Aromatherapy Wall Diffusers and
NEW!  Car Diffuser!



Hyaluronic Acid Serum     



Nature's best all natural skin moisturizer.
100% Vegan.
This greaseless product doesn't have any fillers like glycerin to add viscosity or any harsh preservatives like parabens.  It provides structure, texture, tone, keeps collagen hydrated & healthy and functions as an antioxidant.  Can be used for aged, sun damaged, dry or sensitive skin, and oily skin as well.  Can be added to any of your favorite creams or used alone after thoroughly cleaning your face, follow with Squalane oil or any moisturizer.



And my all time favorite  -   Squalane Oil  100% natural. Our best seller.



Not one filler.   

Not one chemical.  Not one irritating toxin.   

Produces stunning, natural-looking visible results.  Squalane can be produced from deep sea shark liver oil or there's a vegan alternative made from olive oil.  We carry both! Since squalane's composition is very similar to human sebum, it can penetrate our skin very quickly to help fight dryness.  Squalane will clear up difficult skin problems (eczema, dermatitis, rashes, etc.) when nothing else helps.  

A few drops of Squalane applied to the skin will keep the skin moist and wrinkle free.  It also can be added to your favorite moisturizer.


Oh, my hands!
    Pigmentation issues manifest from sun exposure, resulting in dark patches most commonly seen on
 the lower arms.  Commuters who sit for hours every week may notice more spots on the driver's side arm.  The services of an esthetician offer effective protocols for facial pigmentation disorders.  These can be used on your arms and hands.  
    The application of a daily moisturizer with a sunscreen, preferably one with vitamin C, is a must. 
-written by Michael Q. Pugliese
We are offering a Papaya Enzyme Mask for hands.  The results are amazing.

February  2013

  February Greetings!

Here is thought of the month:


It is not how much we do,

but how much love we put in the doing.

It is not how much we give,

but how much love we put in the giving.


~ Mother Teresa ~.


Schedule Your Appointments Online
     Now you can easily schedule your facials online.  Please visit my website (click on FacialsByKarina in Quick Links) and click on the Book 24/7 button.  You'll immediately receive an email confirmation.  An email reminder will be sent 24 hours before your appointment.  If you have any problems scheduling online, please email me (also in Quick Links).  Please note our cancellation policy.  Thank you. 
     I look forward to seeing you soon!
Benefits of Topical Vitamin C
Vit C
L-ascorbic acid, otherwise known as vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the health and well being of all humans - inside and out.  The body can't synthesize L-ascorbic acid on its own, and therefore the body and the skin must rely on a dietary intake or a topical application.  A deficiency of L-ascorbic acid can result in anemia, scurvy, infections, bleeding gums, muscle degeneration, poor wound healing, hysteria, depression and enhanced photo damage. 
     Food sources like citrus fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, strawberries, tomatoes, green and red peppers, Brussels sprouts and turnips are rich in vitamin C.
     Vitamin C can also be applied topically to the skin in the form of serums, creams and lotions.Topical vitamin C is absorbed directly through the epidermis.   
     Once in the skin, studies show that L-ascorbic acid stimulates collagen synthesis, provides sun protection and protects the skin by reducing free radicals that would otherwise destroy skin cells and its components.  When applied to the skin, vitamin C has been shown to improve skin texture and tone, reduce brown spots, decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and help prevent their formation.  
     Vitamin C is essential for normal skin growth, collagen synthesis, normal antioxidant activity, reducing allergic reactions, protecting the immune system, development and maintenance of connective tissue, proper bone formation, wound healing and metabolic reactions.   
     Ultraviolet rays and other inflammatory insults such as cigarette smoke and pollutants create free radicals that accentuate photo aging of the skin.  In addition, normal cell metabolism creates free radicals associated with chronological aging.  It's been demonstrated that the skin's native antioxidant protection breaks down during excessive UV injury and aging, due to the fact there are more free radicals created by UV damage and cell metabolism than there are antioxidant molecules available in the skin. 
     The wound healing ability of an antioxidant vitamin C serum for the skin is related to its antioxidant effect and its effect on collagen.  
     The photo-protective ability of L-ascorbic acid doesn't lie in its ability to reflect or absorb UV rays, but to prevent the damage caused by UV generated free radicals.  In other words, it creates an increase in photo protection when used in conjunction with other sunscreen ingredients.
     Formulation characteristics of vitamin C skin care products are critical for the delivery, penetration and biological activities of L-ascorbic acid into the skin to restore and enhance the skin's natural antioxidant activity.
     Most vitamin C preparations are not pH-adjusted for optimal biologic activity and penetration. Maximal tissue levels of L-ascorbic acid were obtained at twenty percent.

     One of the major problems with many current topical vitamin C preparations is lack of stability when exposed to light and air, which causes oxidation of L-ascorbic acid.  Not only does this make it ineffective, it may also increase the formation of free radicals.
Temperature control during packaging and storage is important with L-ascorbic acid.       
     High temperatures increase the rate of oxidation.  This applies to foods containing vitamin C and their retention of the nutrient.  When you cut or peel a piece of fruit, notice that the portion exposed to the air begins to brown and wrinkle, losing important vitamin C.  The same holds true for improperly packaged vitamin C skin care products.

-written by Laurence Samuels, M.D.   
We offer vitamin C serum in options ranging from $25 to $80.  Ask me how it can help your skin. 
Why Zinc

     Zinc has long carried great importance in beauty treatments.  It's believed to hold magical powers in healing acne and improving your looks.  Scientific studies have proved that zinc treats acne. The beneficial effects are comparable to tetracycline.   

     However zinc turns into a toxic metal if the dosage is 100mg or more per day, poisoning the body.  For clear acne free skin try a daily intake of 50mg.  This should be balanced with other vitamins and minerals in a healthy diet, loaded fruits and vegetables.  Otherwise, imbalances may occur, draining essential nutrients from the skin.   

     Zinc as an acne solution is comparatively fast acting in comparison to traditional methods.  Results should be seen in 1 to 4 weeks.  Skin should be clear in 3 to 14 weeks.

Beauty Tips for Brides to Be
     My lovely client Lauren Randolph runs a great website for brides planning their weddings. You can find it at www.myhotelwedding.com
  Please pass it on to anyone you know who's planning a wedding or thinking about getting married.  I am a guest blogger on the site and have posted Beauty Tips for Brides To Be.  Check them out at
I wish love, peace and healing for you.  May you have a beautiful day.
Karina Kara
Holistic Facials by Karina