We saw our first hummer of the season last week, a ruby throated male. He was buzzing our window like Air Force One for nectar. So we got to making it!
Last summer during a dry spell, I was out on the back hill watering some new perennials. I couldn't reach them well, so I did the old thumb on the end of the hose trick to spray, I know lazy... but it works in a pinch. That is when a beautiful little female came and rested on a branch just 5 feet from me. She sat there washing her feathers and drinking in the spray. This lasted for about 8 min. What a gift! I was afraid to move because I didn't want it to end.
Hummers are on the Cape, and they are great pollinators for your flower garden. It is time to get your feeders out, or maybe try a new feeder. We sell a great variety and the food as well. It would make a great Mother's Day gift!
We have this great new Product called Nectar Dots! Only $4.99! Check out the video to see how you can hand feed the Hummers!
Rhonda & Mike, from Harvest Lane Honey, our Beekeeping Supplies provider, will be teaching
a FREE - Beekeeping-101 class
Wednesday May 11th 5 pm
Please call to register- so we can set up properly
Change of time!
The Plant a Color Bowl Workshop on Friday the 13th, will now be at 5 PM instead of 3pm. Sign up early, this fills quickly.
And don't miss, on learning about
Edible Landscaping with
Through the month of May, we will have 4 different Perennial Picks Walks ~ a guided tour in our Perennial Plant Dept. with staff members of HCG.
Check the events list on the left for details
Happy digging, pruning, raking and all that springy stuff! ~ Nan
Big enough to serve you-
Small enough to know you