hummingbird in flight, april 2005.
May 5, 2016
The Garden Path Newsletter
Hyannis Country Garden
380 West Main St.
Hyannis Ma. 02601

NEW- Store Hours:
Mon-Sat 7-6
 Sundays 9-5

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 Calendar for 2016

Workshops for 2016

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Talks & Events for 2016

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HUMMERS are great for pollinating 

Click here to track the hummingbird coming this way!

We saw our first hummer of the season last week, a ruby throated male. He was buzzing our window like Air Force One for nectar. So we got to making it!

Last summer during a dry spell, I was out on the back hill watering some new perennials. I couldn't reach them well, so I did the old thumb on the end of the hose trick to spray, I know lazy... but it works in a pinch. That is when a beautiful little female came and rested on a branch just 5 feet from me.  She sat there washing her feathers and drinking in the spray. This lasted for about 8 min.  What a gift! I was afraid to move because I didn't want it to end.

Hummers are on the Cape, and they are great pollinators for your flower garden. It is time to get your feeders out, or maybe try a new feeder. We sell a great variety and the food as well. It would make a great Mother's Day gift!

Nectar Dots in action

We have this great new Product called Nectar Dots! Only $4.99! Check out the video to see how you can hand feed the Hummers!

Rhonda & Mike, from Harvest Lane Honey, our Beekeeping Supplies provider, will be teaching
a FREE - Beekeeping-101 class
Wednesday May 11th 5 pm
Please call to register- so we can set up properly

Change of time!
The Plant a Color Bowl Workshop on Friday the 13th, will now be at 5 PM instead of 3pm. Sign up early, this fills quickly.

And don't miss, on learning about
Edible Landscaping with
Dave Scandurra on Saturday, May 14th at 1 PM. 

Through the month of May, we will have 4 different Perennial Picks Walks ~ a guided tour in our Perennial Plant Dept. with staff members of HCG.

Check the events list on the left for details
Happy digging, pruning, raking and all that springy stuff! ~ Nan

Big enough to serve you-
Small enough to know you
Hypertufa Planters
by Wesley Plank
Looking back, the stars were aligned for me to become a Hypertufa Artist. I first learned about Hypertufa in the 70's from my Mother (an avid gardener) and we made a few planters together. I remembered it being a lot of fun and the planters were awesome.

 About 5 years ago I was looking for a change in my occupation, (custom furniture designer & cabinet maker) and had taken the summer off to be with my German Shepherd (Dakota) during what became, for him, a 6 month journey of 4 operations on his hips, physical therapy twice a week and lots of walks.
 A friend of mine showed me a Hypertufa planter she made and I thought to myself "this could be it". During that time and after many mishaps I came up with my Hypertufa recipe along with a few designs. I was asked to participate in a craft show with my new planters and they were a huge hit. I now have 28 items in my line and have made over 2000 planters and garden art pieces.
Everything is handmade by me in my studio in Harwich, Ma. and available at Hyannis Country Garden. I hope you will become as enthusiastic about Hypertufa as I am. (and Dakota...well, he is doing great now!)
I used a real Elephant Ear Leaf to make the rubber mold for this. Birds love a shallow birdbath to splash around in. Hypertufa can be left outside in the winter and will not crack.
Some works by Wes!  We have many more designs at the store.
All my Hypertufa pieces are made from a rubber mold or a wooden form. The pattern I used to make this rubber mold is an actual Sea Clam that has been in one of my family's garden for 50 years.
This 10"x10"x4" is a nice size for all types of plants including succulents, herbs and flowers. Thanks to their porous nature the planters maintain moisture but have good drainage and lets extra oxygen into the roots. All the planters have a drainage hole and my initials carved on the bottom


As I walk through my own gardens, and work among the plants at the store, I marvel at the vast array of perennials. There are plants that bloom in the winter and varieties that flower in the spring, summer or fall. There are perennials that hug the ground and those with flowers that tower over our heads. Some perennials thrive in deep shade, and others prefer bright sunshine.
Some perennials are more..... READ MORE HERE
Remember we have double points for our Rewards Members on all Pet food and Bird food
Check out our new page on our website

Found a tick?
Get it tested!
Tick with its head sticking in human skin red blotches indicate an infection

UMASS Labs will test your tick to check it for disease. Click the Logo image above to learn more about how to do this.

The UMass Landscape Message has resumed it's weekly message.
Click on the UMass Logo
to visit the Landscape Message.

You can subscribe to this update and have it delivered directly to
 your email HERE

We have a quantity discount on Bagged Goods!
Save 10% on 5 bags
20% on 10 Bags
To see a complete list of Items included in the
Mix & Match 
Bagged Goods Discount

Discount good on regularly priced Items ONLY 
Best For Cape Cod
Do you wonder what plants work best here on the Cape?  What type of lawn grass works well here?  Do you just want to know what kind of amendments you would need here on a sand bar?

Click on the button to the left. We can help!

New Hours:
Mon- Sat 7-6
Sunday 9-5

Hours are subject to change, please call ahead
Hyannis Country Garden
380 W.Main St
Hyannis, MA 02601