As I prepare for the B'nai Mitzvah of my twins, an undertaking peppered with angst, anxiety and admiration, I can't help recognizing that these same feelings have been the sentiments of the Israelis since Palestine became the Jewish homeland. It's a strange mixture - not one I'd like to live with permanently. Yet I realize that in Israel, this is the status quo. I'm proud that NCJW, the organization to which I devote a great deal of my life, knows only too well these emotions inbred in every Israeli citizen. NCJW has been a leading organization in supporting Israel for more than 60 years, helping to lay the groundwork for important social change. NCJW's office in Israel is ever on the alert to address Israel's problems affecting women, children and families. The NCJW Israel Granting Program focuses on the critical challenges still facing women in Israel today, including the rights of agunot (women who are refused a "get," or Jewish divorce by their husbands). NCJW is actively involved in social action and advocacy issues in areas such as poverty and food insecurity, gender equality, tolerance, co-existence, and promotion of equal citizenship for Israeli minorities. NCJW's programs are guided by the Jewish values which my children are learning as they take their places among the ranks of Jews who are responsible for observing the commandments -- The values of Kavod Ha'briot, respect and dignity for all human beings; Talmud Torah, education and awareness; Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof, the pursuit of justice. As I qvell in the accomplishments of my children, I also eagerly anticipate their future trip to Israel as part of their Gross Schechter school experience. I will be vicariously experiencing their joy. I heartily encourage NCJW/Clevelanders to experience Israel and NCJW's work themselves through the NCJW trip in November. If you are interested in this mission, contact me at maxner@ncjwcleveland.org. Mindi
Esther Spott, Vice President
Winterfair Columbus Bus Trip on Friday, December 4th.
Details will be forthcoming.
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The summer programs will be held at Cain Park, Alma Theater at 7:00 p.m.
August 6 - Vocal Minority: The Amazing Female Songwriters featuring Cassie Goldbach, Ursula Cataan, Nancy Maier and Heather Meeker
(**15 percent discount available for NCJW/Cleveland members for this concert. Use the discount code TMTP when calling to reserve tickets)
August 13 - I Am What I Am: Gays, Lesbians and the American Musical
RSVP: Tickets must be purchased through the Cain Park Ticket Office: 216-371-3000. A group discount is available if you arrange a group of ten or more.
Additional programs and dates for Bill Rudman's regular season of The Musical Theater Project,"The Song is You" include:
Oct.31 - Nov. 1 - The Songs of John Kander (Cabaret, Chicago and Kiss of the Spider Woman)
Details for regular season concerts will appear in future bulletins as well as NCJW discount information.
Liaison: Clair Biel
BREAST CANCER TALK: Dr. Holly Pederson, Cleveland Clinic Staff Physician and Director of Medical Breast Services; Assistant Professor at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University
Dr. Pederson specializes in breast cancer risk assessment and prevention, breast diagnostics, benign breast disease, breast cancer genetics and high risk management. Her talk will touch on some of these topics.
Date: August 26, 2015
Location: Beechmont Country Club
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Cost: Complimentary to NCJW and Beechmont Members. Registration is open to non-members
after Wednesday, August 12th for $10 (may be applied towards NCJW/Cleveland membership).
RSVP: Must RSVP no later than Wednesday, August 19th - NCJW/Cleveland Office to Suzanne Troll
at 216-378-2204 ext. 101. Please no walk-ins.
Chair: Dana Morris
Books are for sharing and a lively discussion with friends can deepen your appreciation of current literature.
The NCJW Book Discussion Group meets the first Thursday of each month, September - June, from 1-2 p.m. at the Beachwood Branch of the Cuyahoga County Library on Richmond Road. Led by moderator Amy Rosenfield, the discussion is open only to NCJW members. There is no fee to participate, however, we collect an optional ($5 suggested) donation per session for our moderator. At our first meeting on Sept. 3, we will discuss The Boston Girl by Anita Diamant who is the featured speaker at NCJW's opening meeting.
Fall dates and book selections:
October 1 - Every Day Is for the Thief by Te Ju Cole
November 5 - Father of the Rain by Lily King
December 3 - Life Drawing by Robin Black
Location: Beachwood Library
Time: 1-2 pm
RSVP: To join, please send your current email address to: stroll@ncjwcleveland.org.
We're looking forward to seeing new faces and welcoming back veterans in September.
CHAIR: Susan Kahn
All meetings will be at 10:00 a.m. at Panera Harvard Square unless otherwise indicated.
August 23 - Stone Mattress - Nine Tales by Margaret Atwood
September 20 - Boston Girl by Anita Diamant (in anticipation of the Fall Meeting)
RSVP: amyzlotnik@gmail.com
We are pleased to offer a series of seven art appreciation lectures at the Museum for NCJW members.
Class A - Wednesday morning sessions, the second Wednesday of each month, meets at 11:00 a.m.
Class B - Wednesday evening sessions, the second Wednesday of each month, meets at 6:00 p.m.
Class C - Friday morning sessions, the second Friday of each month, will meet at 11:00 a.m.
The content will be the same for all groups but is subject to change.
OCT. 14 (Wednesday) Impressionism and Responses
OCT.16 (Friday) The Natural World in Decorative Arts
NOV. 11/13 Reflections of Nature: Landscape as Expression
DEC. 9 (Wednesday) The Natural World in Decorative Arts
DEC. 11 (Friday) Impressionism and Responses
JAN. 13/15 Origins: Early CMA Acquisitions
FEB. *****NO SESSIONS*******
MAR. 9/11 It's What's Outside That Counts: The Art of the Frame
APR. 13/15 100 Years: CMA Collection Highlights
MAY 11/13 Pharaoh: King of Egypt
Cost: The fee for the series is $40.00 per person.
RSVP: Registration is by phone (216-378-2204 Ext.101) with a credit card or online. Information about, and the Sign Up options for The Cleveland Art Museum Class Series can be found at http://ncjwcleveland.org/2015/07/cleveland-museum-art-appreciation-series/. In the Online Registration Link, when you are asked to NameThe Event on the form, please designate Art Museum Class A,/ Art Museum Class B/ or Art Museum Class C.
* Enrollment is limited by the Museum and will be closed once the allotted maximum number is reached.
CHAIRS: Carole Faiman and Joan Lustig
Amadeo Modigliani - One of the many ironies of Modigliani's career is that so tortured a life could produce such a serene body of work. His art managed to bridge the stylistic chasm between classical Italian painting and avant-garde Modernism. Date: Thursday, October 8,2015
Time: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. featuring artist Amedeo Modigliani
Location: Beachwood Community Center, 25325 Fairmount Blvd., Beachwood
Cost: $10 NCJW members $15 non-members - registration open to non- members after October 1, 2015 RSVP: NCJW Office, Suzanne Troll 216-378-2204 Ext. 101
Pre-paid reservations are required. Space is limited. No walk-ins, please!
Chairs: Laurie Biales, Judy Weingold and Ellen Young
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Taking the Battle for Israel and
Against BDS to Court
A conversation with Nitsana Darshan-Leitner of the Israel Law Center
Monday, August 17 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Building
25701 Science Park Drive, Cleveland
No cost to attend.
As a co-sponsor of this event, we hope you will join NCJW/Cleveland for a special evening featuring Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Director of the Israel Law Center (Shurat HaDin) in Tel Aviv, and Israel's leading activist attorney.
For 19 years, Nitsana has led the effort to cut off terror financing, defended Israeli soldiers, and fought efforts to delegitimize Israel, including the BDS movement. Nitsana will discuss the current efforts of her organization, which globally safeguards Jewish rights and protects the state of Israel by taking legal action on behalf of world Jewry. Discover how the work of the Israel Law Center is part of the larger Israel advocacy effort of our Jewish community. Don't miss this thought-provoking conversation. (Click Here) to register. |
Roberta Herman, Vice President
Congratulations to Rita Green, Adrienne Siegel, Maureen Ordman-Fike, and Hazel Brown who recently completed a Greater Cleveland Congregation Training Session. Questions about the training, contact Lynn Kleinman at lekchoral@aol.com, or ask any of the GCC training graduates.
Did you know that over 600 GCC members marched with clergy to the Justice Center after the Brelo verdict was released last May? Join our team as we make our city a safe and thriving place to live. All members welcome.
Date: Wednesday, August 12
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Location: Fairmount Temple Library, 23737 Fairmount Blvd., Beachwood, Ohio
Chair: Lynn Kleinman
Women's Reproductive Justice
The Women's Reproductive Justice Committee is excited to get back to work. In addition to tackling reproductive rights, we are collaborating with partners in the medical field to lower the infant mortality rate.
Please join us at our next meeting. 
Date: Monday, August 31
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Beachwood Library
RSVP: Suzanne Troll at 378-2204 ext. 101
Chairs: Cyndy Fellenbaum
Co-chairs: Dana Trau and Laura Kuntz
The committee is beginning their SOAP (Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution) outreaches. There's still time for you to participate! Interested? Contact Elaine Geller at elaine1818@roadrunner.com.
Bianca Smith from Juvenile Court will join us to talk about how Juvenile Court works with survivors and vulnerable youth.
 Date: Friday, August 28th Time: 10:00 a.m. - noon Location: NCJW/Cleveland Large Conference Room RSVP: Elaine Geller at elaine1818@roadrunner.com UPCOMING EVENTS: - Screening of the documentary "The Girl Next Door" and a discussion of Teresa Flores' book "The Slave Across the Street." Dates are to be determined; the book is well worth reading in advance of the fall event!
Debbie Joseph, Vice President
While we are still waiting for August to heat up, our community service projects remain hot! Check out our volunteer opportunities.
SHARE WHAT YOU WEAR, our teen-led program designed to provide free clothing and school supplies to low income Cleveland area children and families, is still taking donations of school supplies and gently used children's clothing as they get ready for their big event on Tuesday,August 11th at The Tudor Arms Hotel, 10660 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44106. Valet parking provided. Distribution times are 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed for set up on Monday, August 10th from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Clothing and school supplies may be dropped off at the office marked SWYW.

BUILDING BRIDGES WITH BOOKS, NCJW/Cleveland's pilot program at Warner Girls' Leadership Academy to develop and provide support to this school's library, is gearing up for the grand reopening of the Warner Girls' Leadership Academy Library on Friday, August 14th at 2 pm.
If you have a child or grandchild going away to college, encourage her to donate her old books now to NCJW for this worthwhile project. We are particularly seeking middle school and young adult books. Give them new life by donating them to children who can benefit. Questions? Contact chair Ellen Leavitt at ellenlevitt319@yahoo.com.
DIGKNITTY, NCJW/Cleveland's knitting group, donated capes to Koinonia, a county provider of services for developmentally disabled adults, last month. Our knitters developed capes that can be thrown on quickly and are short enough that they don't interfere with wheelchair wheels. Have a group that needs knitted goods? Ask Digknitty to help! Contact
Chairs Sandy Cole (440-442-8777), Sandy Levine (216-464-4299) or Anita Pupa (440-498-2166).
August Sessions
Thursday, August 6 at Beachwood Library
Wednesday, August 12 at NCJW/Cleveland Large Conference Room
Thursday, August 20 at Beachwood Library
Wednesday, August 26 at NCJW/Cleveland Large Conference Room
We had another successful project last month. Our group set a new record and made 49 heart pillows for breast cancer patients! Congratulations ladies on a job well done. Stay tuned for more Done in a Day opportunities. Have an idea for a Done in a Day project? We can do it at NCJW! Contact Becky Brouman, Director of Volunteers at rbrouman@ncjwcleveland.org, for help organizing your worthy project.
Our 2015-16 school year programs are organizing and are all seeking volunteers. We will train you so you can help children.
- READING BUDDIES our literacy program where volunteers read one on one with first graders (chaired by Rita Langer and Liz Rumizen),
- READERS THEATRE, our three-week program for fourth graders that combines reading and performance (chaired by Shelly Friedman and Estelle Bonchek),
- HELLO ISRAEL, a social studies program that teaches middle school students about Israel (chaired by Ruth Dombcik).
Becky Brouman will direct you to the appropriate chairperson who can help you get involved. Contact
Becky at 216-378-2204 ext 105 or email her at rbrouman@ncjwcleveland.org.
Have an interest in helping the homeless or those at risk? -
FOCUS ON FOSTER CARE is a new committee at NCJW concentrating on the issues affecting youth in foster care, as well as those who are in the process of aging out. If interested in learning more, contact chairs Marilyn Oif at
maroif1@yahoo.com or Jeannie Citerman Kraeger at jeannieck@aol.com.
- OPERATION WARM UP is another new committee working with local Jewish commu
nity organizations for the HOMELESS STAND DOWN, to coordinate donations of warm items and volunteers for the January event. Interested in learning more, or helping out, join us for our first committee meeting. New members welcome.
- Date: Tuesday, September 1st
- Time: 12:00-1:00 (bring your lunch!)
- Location: NCJW office
- RSVP: Rebecca Brouman at rbrouman@ncjwcleveland.org
There are so many ways to get involved! |
Barb Shane, Vice President
Fund Development - Let's save for sunny and rainy days
Chances are, if you're reading this portion of the Bulletin, you are interested in the financial future of NCJW. And that is a good thing! We often reflect upon the success of our programs and develop new programs that move our mission forward to improve the quality of life for all women and children. And it's a fact that to ensure our future and run these successful programs, we need to
fund them. So, in essence, fund development moves our organization forward.
One way we undertake to raise funds from every member is through our
Annual Appeal. You will get your first opportunity when our L'Shana Tova greeting reaches you in a few weeks. We hope each and every one of you will be able to make a donation and feel proud of all the accomplishments of our members.
Contact me if you have any questions on the many ways to support NCJW/Cleveland. Thank you, Barb Shane BShane@roadrunner.com or 440-498-1126.
Amy Zlotnik, Vice President
The Membership committee kicked off a new year with a fabulous event for new and prospective members in July. Forty-five interested women learned "s'more" about NCJW/Cleveland while eating s'mores and meeting new people at the home of Gayl Berger.
It's time to renew your membership!
You can renew or join online on our website at ncjwcleveland.org/membership or just call the office.
Sharing this website link with a friend is an easy way to get them to join as well!
Have a friend who is not a member? Gift a one year membership to that friend! Call the office to make this free gift happen.
WELCOME TO OUR NEW LIFE MEMBERS Sheila Margolis Marilyn Oif Shari Perlmuter |
Lois Horvitz Frankie Polster Eileen Stolarsky |
Wendy Elconin and Michele Kaminsky, Vice Presidents
Preview Day: Friday, October 23 ($20 entrance fee to shop)
Sale Dates: Sunday, October 25 - Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Location: Mandel JCC
(Click here) to download the application for volunteering at DDD this
year - or register online. There is an Online Volunteer Sign Up Form and it is an easy way for volunteers to choose their preferred departments and the times that they are available to work( Click Here). You will love it! Or call Elise Goldner at 440-461-5952 or Rita Langer at 216-381-2877.
NCJW/Cleveland's website will feature a gallery of "sneak peek" photos of some of our most outstanding apparel, accessories, furs,
and jewelry. Find this at our Designer Dress Day Page
Win a Free Entry to Designer Dress Days! "LIKE US" TO WIN
Designer Dress Days is grateful for our followers on Face Book. As in past years, we will hold a drawing for all those who "LIKE" us at www.facebook.com/DDDCleve. The winners will be given a free entry into Preview Day, Friday, October 23, 2015 (a $20.00 value). Not only will you be placed into this drawing but readers will have a special virtual look at many of the wonderful designer clothing and accessories that will be available at bargain prices throughout the sale.
Donate your jewelry and furs, too! Simply bring them to the NCJW office and add to our growing collection of exciting items for DDD. PLEASE SEND CLOTHING ON HANGERS!!!!!
If, however, you need help getting your designer donations of clothing, jewelry, accessories, or furs to us please call Julie at the NCJW office (216-378-2204) to make the arrangements.
If We Can't Sell It, We'll Recycle It!
We Take Electronics Too!
You can drop off your items at the NCJW Main Office/Warehouse located at:
26055 Emery Road, Warrensville Hts., 44128 Monday thru Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
We supply the tax deduction form.
CALL ABBE TODAY AT 216-378-2264
Come visit, shop and/or volunteer at Thriftique on Richmond Road. You will love our "Tique Boutique!"