NCJW/Cleveland E-Bulletin
December 2013
Volume 2 Issue 3

NCJW Logo 2 - color 

26055 Emery Road
Warrensville Heights,OH 44128
Office: 216.378.2204
Fax: 216.378.2205


The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.


Office Information
Faye Bass
ext. 102


Mindi Axner
Executive Director
ext. 103

Becky Brouman
Director of Volunteers
ext. 105


 Jeannie Citerman-Kraeger

LiveSpecial Coordinator

ext. 104

Julie Hayes
Operations Administrator

ext. 100

Miriam Koval 

Administrative Assistant
ext. 101


Annette Paley
Administrative Assistant
ext. 106

Meryl Simon
ext. 107
Office Closings:

The office and warehouse will be closed the 
following days: 
Wednesday, December 25
Wednesday, January 1

Member Spotlight:
Abby and Lisa Weissberg

For the past year, nine-year-old Abby Weissberg of Twinsburg has spent much of her free time volunteering for NCJW/Cleveland. With mom Lisa's help, Abby has sold many of her old toys and books in order to help buy new school supplies and back packs for underprivileged kids as part of Share What You Wear. This winter, Abby is running a book donation drive at her school to provide students at Cleveland public schools and community centers with their own books. For many of the children, it will be the first book they've ever owned and been allowed to take home. Recently, Abby and her friend Anna spent four hours at the office making paper flowers for NCJW/Cleveland's donor recognition brunch. Asked why she does this, Abby smiles and shrugs and says: "It feels good to do good for other people. I like to give back."


Q and A with Lisa, Abby's mom 


What started Abby volunteering?

 Last Spring Abby was introduced to the National Council of Jewish Women while participating in Temple Emmanuel's 2nd grade Tikkun Olam project. Abby learned that there are people living without essential items right here in our very own community.  Although we had previously discussed this, seeing an entire organization committed to this cause really touched her.  She spent the afternoon sorting donated hotel toiletries for homeless people.     

Why does Abby choose to volunteer her time with NCJW?

 Prior to the Tikkun Olam program at NCJW, I had been searching, unsuccessfully, to find an organization that would allow a young child to volunteer on a regular basis.  I spoke with Becky Brouman, the volunteer coordinator, at the conclusion of the event about other opportunities for Abby.  She graciously told me that they could always find some tasks for her.  Further, she told us about a community center on Harvard Ave. where they had very little to occupy the kids and were looking for toys and books.  She suggested we could solicit Abby's friends for their old toys and have a toy drive.  Abby LOVED this idea, so that is what we did to start off our summer.  We ended up with two car loads of toys, which we delivered to the center.  They gave us a tour of the facility and talked about the circumstances most of the children at the center live under.  This was all it took to get Abby hooked.  She was able to see first hand how good she has it, as well as the daily struggles that many others face. 


What has volunteering meant for you and Abby?

 This experience has enriched Abby's life, as well as mine.  It has been something that we have done together, and I have enjoyed spending that special time with her doing something valuable and meaningful.  I know that it has instilled in her the beginning of a lifelong love of volunteering and doing for others.  Last time we went to volunteer she picked out an outfit to wear that seemed a bit dressy for volunteering, but I didn't say anything.  When we got there, Ms. Becky commented on what a pretty outfit she had on, she said she wore it because it was the NCJW colors.  If the NCJW has a "biggest fan" surely Abby is it!

Traditions in the Kitchen at the Warrensville Heights Fire Department

New Member Event at Juma Gallery: Learning about NCJW

Lois Zaas Memorial Advocacy Lecture


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A Message from Our President...  

Women of NCJW/Cleveland answer the call to action, giving thousands and thousands of hours to promote our shared beliefs. Our time is freely given and we do make a difference! We often talk about realizing our mission in terms of Advocacy, Community Service and Program and Education, but there is a fourth component, and that is Philanthropy.


Philanthropy is often defined as the practice of giving money and time to help make life better for other people, to increase the well being of humankind. The future of NCJW/Cleveland rests on our balancing this volunteer/fundraising equation. It is our obligation to give the gifts of both our time and our money to not only sustain our organization, but to expand our reach into the community with new programs and keep NCJW/Cleveland in the forefront of being the best Jewish women's volunteer organization we can be.


As we celebrate the Festival of Lights and acknowledge all of our "gifts", I encourage you to give generously to our Annual Fund, and urge others to join us in that endeavor. Thank you for making every effort to support the work we do to enhance the lives of women, children and families. Please click here to make your gift now.


Wishing you a joyful Chanukah!


Faye Bass


P.S. It has been a year since we have replaced the quarterly paper bulletin with the online monthly E-bulletin. I hope you have found the new format informative and timely. I appreciate everyone's suggestions and comments this past year as we learned the best way to keep our members informed using 21st century technology while not losing the community feel that makes NCJW/Cleveland so unique.

Debbie Hoffmann, who will be installed as President of NCJW National
Susan C. Levine, who will be installed as Treasurer of NCJW National at Convention in St. Louis, MO 
March 8th, 2014
A Donor Thank You event sponsored by Stanley and Hope Adelstein held in November featured our Director of Washington Affairs and Coordinator of all of NCJW's advocacy efforts, Sammie Moshenberg. Her comments and a reminder that there is always a need for a call to action were well received by 100 of our very generous donors. 
Thank you to Elaine Gilbert and
Gail Weintraub for chairing this very stimulating event.
Wednesday, February 12th
Beat those winter blues and join us at our Winter Meeting and Boutique featuring The Musical Theatre Project, and listen to songs that explain why the Battle of the Sexes so lovingly rages on. A special sneak preview of  'Fiddler on the Roof: Behind the Musical' will be performed 
by Sheri Gross.
Invitations will be mailed soon. 

Co-chaired by Irene Bloom and Lynn Kleinman
  Vice President, Ilene Nolish 



Date: First Thursday of the month  

Book Title: December 5 - Far from the Tree (first 100 pages) by Andrew Solomon (nonfiction) 

                January 2 - The Testament of Mary by Colin Toibin 

Time: 1-2 pm (Those who wish, may bring a bag lunch to eat before the discussion.)

Place: Beachwood Library

          25501 Richmond Road

Cost: $5 per session (cash donation for leader)

Chair: Susan Kahn



Mary Cassatt was single-handedly responsible for introducing Impressionists to America. She was apparently the only woman to really be involved with the Impressionist movement and happens to be American as well! 

Join us for a fascinating lecture and slide presentation by Felicia Zavarella Stadelman.

Date: Thursday, January 9  

Time: 10:30 am

Location: Cleveland Clinic Medical Bldg - 26900 Cedar Rd.

   (Complimentary Valet Parking is available at the Cedar Rd. 

    entrance - please tip generously)

Cost: $10

RSVP: NCJW office

Co-Chairs: Ethel Schultz & Ellen Young 


Bring a friend and join us as we view a newly released film at the Cedar Lee followed by dinner at Lemon Grass and discussion lead by Donna Chernin Kurit, former PD film and drama critic. Leave us your contact information so we can tell you the movie title a few days in advance.

Date: Monday, January 13

Time: 4:00 pm

Cost: Purchase your own ticket. You will have an individual dinner check.

Rsvp: NCJW office by January 7. Space is limited.

Chair: Lynn Barry


Jule Styne (1905-94) personified the brash urban energy of jazz - and like George Gershwin, his high voltage lit up the American musical. Hollywood beckoned first, and Styne's collaboration with lyricist Sammy Cahn produced a bundle of hit songs during and after World War II.

Co-hosted by Bill Rudman and Joe Hunter

Date and Time: Sunday, January 26 at 3:00 pm

Location: Tri-C Metropolitan Campus, Main Stage Theater 

Tickets: $18 Members, $20 Non-members 
Chair: Claire Biel 

  Vice President, Susan Reis


The Lois Zaas 10th Annual Advocacy Lecture

There was an amazing crowd of over 200 people present to hear some very important information on Women's Reproductive Justice from Stephanie Kight, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Ohio, Laura David, OB/GYN, Chair of the American Congress of OB/GYNs, Nicki J. Antonio, Ohio House of Representatives District 13, and Melody Allen-Howard, who bravely shared her personal story about Planned Parenthood services saving her life. 


Afterwards, many attendees wrote letters to their local Ohio congressional leaders to thank them or castigate them for their stance on Women's Reproductive Justice.  Ohio passed some of the most restrictive legislation through the Budget, at 9 p.m. on a Sunday night! There is a lawsuit pending to see if some of the provisions can be overturned, but they must be followed at this moment.


We learned that a Historic Pro-Choice Bill has been introduced in Congress.



(Washington, DC) Recently, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) joined by U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and U.S. Representatives Judy Chu (D-CA-27), 
Marcia Fudge (D-OH-11), and Lois Frankel (D-FL-22) - announced the Women's Health Protection Act of 2013.
The Women's Health Protection Act would protect a woman's right to safe and legal abortion by stopping restrictive regulations and laws - such as those in place in states including Texas and Wisconsin - intended to curtail reproductive health services for women. This legislation would prohibit laws that impose burdensome requirements on access to reproductive health services such as requiring doctors to perform tests and procedures that doctors have deemed unnecessary or preventing doctors from prescribing and dispensing medication as is medically appropriate. Other examples of laws that make it more difficult for a woman to access an abortion include: restrictions on medical training for future abortion providers, requirements concerning the physical layout of clinics where abortions are performed, and forced waiting periods for patients.


The Women's Health Protection Act has 27 cosponsors in the Senate, including  Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and 52 cosponsors in the House, including Joyce Beatty (D-OH-3).



If you would like to be a part of those who want to let our elected officials know how we feel about civil rights, reproductive rights, voting rights, and the right to be free of gun violence, please let Rita Rome know of your interest so you can be up to date.  Contact her at:



 Click here to Find Your Ohio Representative 

(you can use your zip code +4 to find your representatives.  Midway down page on left)



Tell your senator that you are against Senate Bills 200,205,216 and 238, all which are voter suppression bills.  


Click here to Find your State Senator (you can use your zip code to find your Senators midway down page on left)



DECEMBER 12th Action Event is being rescheduled due to a strategic decision.  
The Action Event will be re-scheduled in early January when meaningful news will be made available.  We will keep you updated.

GCC EDUCATION NEWS:  Here is a dynamic way for our membership to engage in affecting change. NCJW and GCC will participate in a joint project to adopt a Cleveland Public School. GCC has partnered with 12 Cleveland Municipal School District (CMSD) elementary schools. Eight of these schools have been adopted by organizations and congregations. NCJW is stepping up to reduce the number of schools needing sponsors. If you are good at listening, supporting and encouraging, we need you to begin a relationship with the staff, students and parents in our adopted school. You will learn the stories and understand the needs of the school in order to help the community affect change and improve the lives of the students.  Please add your name to our GCC education team. We are beginning the research needed to undertake this challenging project. Be the first to raise your hand and truly make a difference. Contact Lynn Kleinman at  

Vice President, Shelly Friedman 


As we come to the end of 2013 we are sorting out the many projects we have made during the year. We are donating hats, scarves and blankets to Transitional Housing for this holiday season. We invite you to join our Digknitty sessions to knit or crochet with us. We have plenty of yarn and needles waiting for you. We always accept donated yarn. If our sessions do not work out with your schedule, feel free to pick up yarn at the office and work from home.
Our schedule is as follows:
Dec. 4, 12, 18, 26
Jan. 9, 15, 23, 29
Feb. 6, 12, 26
March 6, 12, 20, 26
We meet from 10 am - 12 pm at the NCJW office.
We wish you a happy and healthy new year.
Co-chairs: Sandy Cole, Sandy Levine, Anita Pupa



We need books for children (pre-school to 1st grade), games (age appropriate), stuffed animals and toys. The children at this library wait for our volunteers to come just to have their attention and smiles. Please ask your children and grandchildren if they have something they might want to donate.



Dec 16   1:00 pm-5:00pm                       

Dec 20  10:00am- 1:00pm


Wishing all of you and your families a happy and joyous Hanukkah.We would like to make a happy holiday for others in need at this time.

If you have any questions call Shelly Friedman 440-247-7900



We are looking for pre-packaged (new) socks,women's pre-packaged (new) underwear, men's pre-packaged (new) underwear,washcloths,towels,winter hats (men,women,children),adult coats(XL OR XXL).   

Drop off bins are all around the community

or call Becky at the NCJW office 216.378.2204 ext. 105

Wendi Shapera and Amy Zlotnick 


Evening Branch has had a very busy Fall with our Sukkah  event, Jewish Film Festival movie night, volunteering together at DDD, and most recently our very successful Gift Donation/Mitzvah Event.  Thank you to Marcy Robbins for working with Bellefaire to coordinate the Wish Lists for the kids and to Arielle Cohen for graciously opening up her home and co-chairing the event. 


With vacations and winter breaks coming up, we are going to kick off our Winter events with a delicious "Wellness Event" at Fantasy Candies on the evening of January 8th. Laura Halpert is chairing this event where we will get to sample chocolate while learning about the health benefits as well! 


We urge everyone to bring a friend or prospective member to this event.  More information with follow in a special Evening Branch email.  If you are not receiving our emails, please let us know.  We also have an ongoing book club that meets on Sunday mornings as well as spontaneous "chick flick" movie nights!  

Email us or for more details or information.  

Happy Chanukah!

Vice President, Fran Steinbock
Give a Special gift to the Special Women in your life. Honor the women you care for...... your daughters, nieces, sisters, mothers, aunts, cousins and friends, with the gift of an annual membership to NCJW. A membership in NCJW will introduce your family and friends to a group of women who provide services and advocate for issues dedicated to improving the lives of women, children and families. They will experience firsthand the rich rewards gained when helping a child learn to read. They will reap the joy of working with a team towards the goal of stopping gun violence. They can participate in educational programs to explore the wonders of Cleveland including our Museums and Wineries. They will thrive on the sight of a sick child hugging a teddy bear, knit by the NCJW Digknitty knitters.


Share the joy of the gift of an NCJW membership by joining your family members and friends as you further explore TOGETHER, all that NCJW has to offer.


To give an NCJW membership, go to our website or call the office at 216.378.2204.




November Tribute List 



Joanie Berger

Lisa Ciocia

Fran Cohen

Valeri Furst

Laura Habat

Pradip Kamat

Caren Lever

Adrienne Makoroff

Chris Sagers

Alisa Warshay

Maxine Zion



Aileen Arnson

Barbara Edelman


Vice President, Linda Barnett



Find Furniture, Fashions, Collectibles and More at

Thriftique Showroom

5055 Richmond Rd,

Bedford Heights, 44143 

We offer FREE furniture pick ups..... call 216.378.2264

Visit our website at 



Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!

 @Thriftique Showroom



We accept artwork, collectibles, household items, clothing, purses, and shoes at out warehouse located at  

26055 Emery Road

Warrensville Heights, Ohio 44128 

Open Monday through Friday from 9AM to 4PM


Each donor will be provided with a signed

letter acknowledging the donation with an IRS approved pricing guide to be used for tax purposes


NCJW/Cleveland's Thriftique Showroom will be co-sponsoring a fundraiser that is in support of the Cleveland Food Bank. 

The event is the creation of the Art Teacher at Ginn Academy, Judy Rickel, a talented potter. Attendees, who donate $10.00 will enjoy a delicious bowl of hot soup (from various restaurants) along with fresh bread offered in a handmade bowl created by Ginn Academy students. As a reminder of those in need, the attendee keeps 

The Empty Bowl!


Thriftique Showroom is donating spoons and cloth napkins wrapped together with a coupon and information about Thriftique Showroom. It would show further support if interested members would attend this event.
December 12, 2013
11 A.M. - 2 P.M.
at Ginn Academy, 655 E. 162nd. Street

Cleveland, OH 44110

(Parking in the school lot off Saranac Road)