OLLI Outlook
The Monthly Newsletter of OLLI @Berkeley
June/July 2012
Faculty Interview: Lawrence Rosenthal
Director's Report
Seeking Referrals
OLLI Photos
Social Activities
Boomer Venture Summit
The Lunch Bunch
Interest Circles
2011-12 Annual Fund
Chinese Lecture Series
Member Benefits and Partner News
2012-13 Academic Calendar
Gift Certificates
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OLLI @Berkeley Staff
Susan Hoffman


Program Coordinator
Aileen Kim


Communications Coordinator
Satya Levine


Events Specialist 
Gerard Alcantara 


Research Assistant
Sandra von Doetinchem


Student Staff
Nika Allahverdi, Ramare Hopkins, BriAnne Lynn, Sabrina Liu, Tina Savong, Suna Wilkerson


OLLI @Berkeley
University of California
1925 Walnut St #1570
Berkeley, CA 94720-1570
tel. 510.642.9934
fax. 510.642.2202
Faculty Interview: Lawrence Rosenthal 

By Don Queen


In view of the forthcoming elections, OLLI has scheduled a very timely class this June. Entitled "History of Right Wing Movements in the U.S.," the course will be taught by Lawrence Rosenthal, Executive Director of the Center for Right-Wing Studies at UC Berkeley.


Perhaps you have been amused, alarmed, or persuaded by the gaffs and numerous faux pas of a Sarah Palin, the rants of a Rush Limbaugh, or the extremist statements by members of the emerging Tea Party. While this rhetoric has resonated with many voters and the movement has grown, the sound bites and confrontational interchanges of the news media have failed to clarify the issues and adequately inform the public.


In 2009, as the Tea Party was emerging, Dr. Rosenthal identified this issue and decided to do something about it. He noted that millions of dollars had been spent on the establishment of research institutes to study the Left, but there was no such institution studying the Right. After a year's effort, he was able to obtain a grant and form the Center for the Comparative Study of Right-Wing Movements as an affiliate of UC Berkeley's Institute for the Study of Social Change. Today, the Center for Right-Wing Studies (as it is called today) sponsors lectures, conferences, and colloquia, offers fellowships for undergraduate and graduate students, and publishes papers.


Dr. Rosenthal was a visiting scholar at the Institute for the Study of Social Change a dozen years before he founded the right wing study center. He taught at UC Berkeley in the sociology and Italian studies departments as well as at San Francisco State University and was a Fulbright scholar at the University of Naples in Italy. He has studied the Right in the United States and Italy and is currently working on a study of the contemporary American Right.


Dr. Rosenthal states that there was no field of study of right wing movements until he founded the Center three years ago. He believes his interest in the subject began as an undergraduate sociology major at Stony Brook University. He reports that it was during his stay in Italy as a UC Berkeley student to write his Ph.D. dissertation on the rise of fascism that he developed his lifetime interest in the study of right wing movements. He also acquired a longstanding love of Italy and its culture. He has returned to Italy many times in addition to his Fulbright professorship. He is proud of the fact that he recently, while in Italy, gave a lecture speaking only Italian.


In describing the course, Dr. Rosenthal plans to devote the first session to the currently important Tea Party, its role in American politics, and its constituency and ideology. Class two deals with how the New Right came to power with Ronald Regan in 1980 to challenge the New Deal liberalism consensus. Class three will study ideas which drove the New Right as well as the role of nationalism in right wing movements. The final class will explore the nature of Conservatism as a historical phenomenon compared to American right wing movements.


Lawrence Rosenthal will be teaching "History of Right Wing Movements in the US" on Thursdays, June 7-28, from 10:00 am-12:00 noon.


Director's Report 

OLLI @Berkeley Director Susan Hoffman recently traveled to Australia to meet with colleagues in lifelong learning and attend an international documentary film conference with "Global Lens" instructor Michael Fox. Read the "Director's Report" and learn how Susan's trip will enrich future OLLI offerings.


Director's Report - June 2012 


Note: In the coming months, the newsletter will periodically include a "Director's Report" highlighting some of OLLI's long-range activities and developments. 


Seeking Referrals
Our trusty Open House videographer, Heather, is going back to school and we are looking for someone who can fill her shoes. This contract position entails filming the Open House, editing and titling according to specifications, and uploading videos to YouTube on a short turnaround. Contact Aileen Kim at akkim@berkeley.edu or 510.642.5291 if you are interested or know someone who is.

Are you a member of a retiree association, whether teachers, health professionals, state workers, or another constituency? We would like to speak to you about reaching out to your colleagues. Please contact Satya Levine at satyalevine@berkeley.edu.


OLLI Photos
Thanks to everyone who shared photos from Cuba, field trips, and the High Five celebration. We have shared many of these photos on our Facebook page and encourage you to check them out. Please continue to send us photos of your OLLI outings and activities with your OLLI friends. We love to see what you are up to and sharing with others what an active and engaged community we have. Send photos or links to photos to satyalevine@berkeley.edu.

Like us on Facebook


Social Activities


Compare notes about classes, meet new OLLI members, catch up with each other, and catch a bite, and maybe a movie afterwards. Getting together over a beer or a glass of wine is such a nice way to spend a summer afternoon.


Wednesday, June 13, 4:30-6:30 pm

Sportivo Restaurant & Bar

2132 Center St, downtown Berkeley


Wednesday, July 18, 4:30-6:30 pm

Sportivo Restaurant & Bar


RSVP's optional. Email Jane Ellison at elljane93@comcast.net.


OLLI at the Boomer Venture Summit 

OLLI @Berkeley will be a sponsoring partner in the 2012 Silicon Valley Boomer Venture Business Award. Director Susan Hoffman will speak at the Boomer Venture Summit on June 20, 2012 at Santa Clara University. More about the Boomer Venture Summit at http://scuboomerventure.com.


The Lunch Bunch

by Lucille Poskanzer


Brasa, a Peruvian Joint

1960 University Ave, between Milvia St and Martin Luther King, Jr Way 




This place, not far from the Freight and Salvage classroom, opened last February, in the space once occupied by the elegant and expensive eVe. The owners wanted to try something more informal and affordable, so here is the new iteration. It offers Peruvian-style chicken (free-range, organic, air-chilled, salty, and spicy) along with sandwiches and rice bowls and other "fun stuff." There's beer and wine as well as soft serve ice cream for dessert. Nothing is very expensive and it's worth a try for something different. After lunch, visit Chocolatier Blue, the exquisite and delicious chocolate shop just a few doors away.


Interest Circles 

There are many Interest Circles to choose from this summer. Click a title on the list below to be taken the the OLLI website for more information, or click to propose another topic. Any questions? Call us at 510.642.9934. Note: Interest Circles are a benefit of membership.

2011-12 Annual Fund

To those who have already contributed, thank you! We are very close to meeting our goal of $60,000. If you have not yet made a contribution, please consider doing so at whatever level you are able. We need to raise another $5,000 by the close of the fiscal year on June 30, 2012.

If you are not sure if you've donated, you can visit http://olli.berkeley.edu/support/give.html to see a list of everyone who has given so far this academic year.

Click here to make a donation now


If you have any questions, please call the office at 510.642.9934.


Chinese Lecture Series
UC Berkeley Summer Sessions welcomes a delegation of Chinese scholars. This year the topic of the lecture series is "Ecological Restoration through Art." The lectures are free and open to the public. For details visit http://summer.berkeley.edu/chinese-lecture-series.

Member Benefits and Partner News


City Commons Club of Berkeley meets every Friday from 11:45 am to 1:30 pm at the Berkeley City Club (2315 Durant Ave, Berkeley) to promote the lively discussion of topics of interest to San Francisco Bay Area residents. Come for lunch or just for the talk.  


Berkeley Arts and Letters: 50% Discount

Berkeley Arts and Letters offers a 50% student discount to OLLI members. Visit http://berkeleyarts.org for more information.  


Jazz Cafe: 10% Discount
Ongoing through the Spring term, show your OLLI student card and get 10% off on food and non-alcoholic beverages. The Jazz Cafe is located at 2087 Addison Street, just across the street from Freight and Salvage Coffeehouse.


2012-13 Academic Calendar
OLLI classes: June 5-28
Interest Circles: July 3-September 7
Summer Sessions auditing: May 21-August 10

FALL 2012
Open House: September 11
Term: October 1-November 9

Open House: January 8
Term: January 28-March 11
Holiday: February 18

Open House: March 12
Term: April 1-May 10

Term dates through the 2012-13 academic year are available at: http://olli.berkeley.edu/calendar/academicCalendar.html.

Gift Certificates
Share the sweetness of lifelong learning with a friend or loved one. Take a course together, or explore different interests and discuss what you've learned over lunch after class. Gift certificates are available for OLLI memberships, courses, and workshops. Download an order form or contact the OLLI office (510.642.9934) to purchase a gift certificate.