the BAR Bell

eNews from the Springfield Metro Bar

January 20, 2015
Sponsored by: LARSON LAW | Trial Practice

Wednesday: Legal Issues Arising from the Death of Michael Brown in Ferguson
Professor Emeritus Roger Goldman, Saint Louis University School of Law, 1 MCLE Ethics
January 20, 2015, 11:45, The Tower Club (register)

The January SMBA CLE Lunch will be presented by Professor Emeritus Roger Goldman, Saint Louis University School of Law. As the nation's foremost expert on police licensing and license revocation laws, Professor Roger Goldman has been a resource for local, national and international media outlets following the death of Michael Brown.

Professor Goldman will address several of the legal issues and possible remedies that have surfaced since the shooting of Michael Brown in August 2014 including:

  • The functioning of the grand jury in the context of officer-involved shootings, not just in the Darren Wilson case, but in cases around the country where indictment of police officers rarely occurs. In the Wilson grand jury, there was confusion on what Missouri law is on when a police officer may use deadly force.
  • The problems that surfaced in the immediate aftermath of Brown's death caused by the multiplicity of police departments in the North St. Louis County.
  • The dissatisfaction of many North County residents of the operation of 81 municipal courts, the main function of which is generating revenue from traffic fines to operate the 92 municipalities in the area.
  • The quality of policing by the municipal police departments, many of which are handicapped by lack of adequate resources.

Reception for Judge Curless
Following the Lunch there will be a dessert reception honoring The Hon. Charles Curless on the occasion of his retirement in December, 2014.

Deadline Today: Passing the Gavel: Installation Banquet
The 42th Annual Banquet and Installation of Officers will be held�Friday, January 23, 2015, at Hickory Hills Country Club. Join your colleagues for the dinner celebration followed by music and dancing. Call the SMBA office 417 831-2783 or register online.

New Employment Postings: Associate Attorney and Paralegal

Make your SMBA event reservations by phone, mail, or online. | 417-831-2783 |