Community Living Campaign: Whatever the issue, relationships are part of the solution
Connections for Health Aging Workshop Returns to Openhouse May 9 
CLC, in partnership with Openhouse, is hosting another Connections for Healthy Aging Workshop on four Fridays in May from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Join us May 9, 16, 23, and 30 as we reweave a safety net and community of support for ourselves and our communities.  This workshop will focus on LGBT seniors.  More information and a flyer to download is available here. Sign-up by contacting Marcia Peterzell at (415) 359-1816 or
Sunday Streets In Bayview and Dogpatch on May 4th 
Mel Simmons is our point person to help CLC and other senior
groups more actively participate in the Sunday Streets events.  Watch for Mel and other CLC Connectors this Sunday, May 4 from 11:00 to 4:00 at the intersection of  3rd Street and Quesada Streets. Bus and car traffic will be allowed on half of 3rd street, making it easy to get to us.   We will have snacks to share and information about upcoming activities.  We invite you to come sit and visit while the City rides, walk, bikes, skates and otherwise rolls by.  To learn more about other Sunday Street activities planned May 4, see the Sunday Street website.
May 2014
Connections for Healthy Aging at Openhouse Starts May 9
Bayview & Dogpatch Sunday Streets on May 4
Free MUNI Update
Home Delivered Groceries
CLC Special Event
Learn Computers at Home
Sister City - Amsterdam
Technology Swap Meet
CLC Classes On the Road
Got a Gold Card?
Connectors in Action
Blog Of The Month
Join Our Mailing List
Free MUNI Campaign Update - Great Turnout
Hundreds pack the MTA hearing room, hallway and downstairs light court to urge the Metropolitan Transit Agency to vote for Free Muni for Seniors, People with Disabilities, and Low income Youth. The MTA tabled its effort to raise fares, but postponed action on eliminating fares until after the November election.   Senior and Disability Action and other groups vowed to continue their efforts.  Keep up to date by signing up for the SDA newsletter at 

CLC Home Delivered Grocery Program Receives Tentative OK for Continued Funding

Final approval will be at the June DAAS Commission meeting. This is great news for CLC and the teams of neighborhood volunteers who developed our Food Networks in the OMI, Parkmerced/University Park and Bayview neighborhoods.  These neighbors deliver groceries to older folks and people with disabilities in their community who cannot physically access the City's regular food pantry program. 

Using the standard value of a volunteer hour, these stalwart volunteers' contribution topped $56,500 last year.


And the real value of these community leaders showing up with their trucks and their kindness to support their neighbors...priceless.
The mainstay of the Food Delivery Program in the Bayview is Having Pride UNITI, which just held their annual event and honored 6 strong women, including CLC Connector Deloris McGee.  Learn more about HP UNITI and see pictures of their special event on our SF Healthy Aging blog It is hoped that this year's City budget will expand the program to other neighborhoods to help those who are low income and physically unable to stand in a food pantry line but could benefit from receiving fresh fruits, vegetables, protein and staples.
To get involved, contact CLC at (415) 821-1003.
Remembering Norma Satten 2013 Awards Video
Remembering Norma Satten 2013 Awards Video
CLC Annual Event  - Hold the Date!
September 18, 6:00 to 8:00 
Marines Memorial 
 Mark your calendars and join with us and other folks committed to creating connections that enable seniors and people with disabilities to age in place. Sponsorship opportunities available.  For more information, call Marie  or click here.  Honor leadership and support the movement   for community living, with a special award given
 in honor of Norma Satten.
Free Computer Lessons with SF Connected
Learn from Home, Senior Centers, and Anywhere Else You Can Go Online 
Link to Digital Learn Computer Lessons
SF Connected has partnered with the nonprofit Digital Learn to provide a series of short, interactive lessons to learn about computer basics, using email, going online, and searching for jobs. These lessons let you learn wherever it is most convenient for you. 
If you want one-on-one tutoring, join Community Living Campaign and other SF Connected Partners at one of the free SF Connected Computer sites, where tutors can help you get started.  Or visit the Digital Learn Lesson Page at wherever you have access to a computer and the internet and learn on your own. Either way, you can continue to learn and practice the skills that are most interesting to you at your own pace. 
Netherlands and San Francisco Explore Joint Efforts to Help Seniors 
The Mayor of Amsterdam, Eberhard van der Laan, and his colleagues joined Curry Senior Center Executive Director Dave Knego and his staff to kick off Project Senior Vitality on April 8th at Curry Center. The program will be a joint effort between the two cities to assist seniors who live alone and are susceptible to states of loneliness, depression, acute and chronic illness and lower vitality. The program builds on a successful Dutch model, where socially-isolated seniors living in the Netherlands were provided a computer tablet and a one-on-one coach, who gave 2 hours of weekly tablet training over a period of three months.
See more pictures and learn more about the project and their lively visit to the Tenderloin on our Blog Post at SF Healthy Aging
Tehnology Swap #2 Bring Partners with a Common Mission Together 
Swap Meet Logo

Part of building a movement for change is coming together to strengthen relationships, learn from one another, keep focused on some common goals and celebrate our advances. The Technology Swap Meets - created to help seniors and people with disabilities get connected and stay connected - are just one step on that path. 


At the April 22nd Swap Meet at the First Unitarian Universalist Church, participants got tutoring on computer skills, found technology help, learned about many free and low-cost computer resources, and shared their ideas for how to overcome barriers that keep people from going online. If you missed this event, you can see pictures and connect with participating groups via links our SF Healthy Aging blog. 



CLC Trainers are Going "On The Road"  

There are plenty of opportunities to join CLC's trainers at free classes throughout the city. Get your technology questions answered, learn new skills, and meet new friends. 

View and download the current "On The Road" schedule here.  Learn more about how to book these and other interesting computer-related presentations and workshops by calling Judy Auda at (415) 826-3194. Classes in May include:

  • Bring your cell phone and get all you questions answered
  • Learn about MUNI and Paratransit and their resources on-line  
  • Discover how Assistive Technology can help us stay connected regardless of disabilities. 
  • Get the low-down on online shopping 

Our next Monday Meet-up is Monday, May 19, 10:00 to 12:00 at the 360 Valencia computer lab, followed by lunch.  Learn about music and videos on the internet with famous blogger Ben Cohn, back by popular demand - See the flyer for more information.


We also have regular classes and computer labs with tutoring available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.  Download our complete list of regular classes and computer labs with one-on-one assistance.

Volunteers Needed! Finding Discounts for Seniors and People with Disabilities 

Be a part of the CLC Research and Action Team as a Gold Card Explorer. 

During April, CLC's leadership volunteers participated workshops on Interviewing and Business Outreach as part of our project to assess the City's Gold Card Program and increase the number of discounts in the Gold Card Directory.   picture of gold card

This month, we'll be contacting stores and other local businesses about offering discounts to Gold Card holders and other seniors and people with disabilities. Want to help? We're looking for more volunteers to help with all aspects of the project - from contacting businesses to behind-the-scenes organization and updatesLearn more on our blog  or contact us at  

Community Connectors - Organizers in Action     
Quarterly Trainer meetings help us keep each other up to date on the over-all SF Connected program and priorities for CLC in the coming months.  In an upcoming blog post, you will hear from trainer Janis Kaempfe the kind of things that seniors are learning at sites like Telegraph Neighborhood House.  Sign up to receive our S F Healthy Aging Blog.   
Now most seniors and people with disabilities have some kind of cell phone, but who do you ask if you have questions about how to use it well? We suggest folks come to one of Bethany's cell phone classes, listed here with the other On the Road classes.
And congratulations to Deloris McGee who was honored as a Queen for Today by Having Pride UNITI. They are a leadership group in the Bayview Hunters Point area whose goal is to create "collaborations and programs that foster economic development, provide educational training for the welfare of individuals, families and groups and develop, maintain and enhance mental health services. UNITI will accomplish this purpose through collaborations and partnerships with community based-organizations in the greater San Francisco Bay Area that will enhance the positive quality of individual, family and community life."  Randolph James, President.
Featured Blog of the Month -
A great source of neighborhood news and inspiration. Learn more about how and why this blog got started in an interview with Editor Sarah Bacon at Meet Your Neighborhood Blogger.
Community Living Campaign  Logo
1360 Mission Street, 4th Floor
(415) 821-1003