Community Living Campaign: Whatever the issue, relationships are part of the solution
Thanks to all of you who responded to our end of the year appeal.  If you didn't get a chance, begin 2014
with a tax deductible donation. 
  Donate to support the Community Living Campaign
Low on funds?  No problem! CLC would love your time and talents instead.  See opportunities below. 
Connections for Healthy Aging Workshop At The Hearing Speech Center in February 
CLC's next Connections for Health Aging four-session workshop series begins

Thursday, February 6

10:00 to 1:00

No. Calif. Hearing and Speech Center

1234 Divisadero Street  

No charge for lunch  

(Workshop dates are Feb. 6, 13, 20, & 27) 


In addition to the regular topics covered, this workshop series will provide accommodations and include a discussion of resources and issues to help those with hearing loss. 


Download the flyer with more information and share with a friend or neighbor. Email for more information or to register.  
Donations Appreciated
Connections Workshop
Got a Gold Card?
Technology Swap Meet
Health Info Online
CLC Birthday Club & Upcoming Classes
SF Connected
CLC Video Coming Soon
CLC Connectors on the Move
Hunger in SF
Blog Of The Month
Join Our Mailing List
Got A San Francisco Gold Card In Your Wallet?
San Francisco Senior Gold Card
San Francisco Disability Gold Card
If Yes, when and where do you use it? 
If No, why would you want it and how would you get it?  
CLC is recruiting a team of leadership volunteers to help us with a San Francisco Gold Card Research and Action Project. Together, we'll explore how the gold card program works and whether it can be expanded to provide discount services and support to seniors seeking ways to make ends meet.  


To help us with this project, we're very pleased to be one of the six nonprofits to receive a $2,500 Make A BIG Difference grant from Coming of Age: Bay Area! That push moves us a long way toward our goal of creating this project, which we will see completed in 2014 through the dedication of
a team of generous older volunteers and supporters.   

Coming of Aging San Francisco Logo


Interested in being part of the CLC Research and Action Team as a Gold Card Explorer? See our Volunteer Job Description and then contact us at or (415) 821-1003 to join in. 


San Francisco Connected Swap Meet     

Got Skills? Need Skills? Want to Barter?
Join Us at Our First SF Connected Swap Meet
Looking for affordable ways to get connected and stay connected - online and in person? Help us work together to build a virtual bridge across the digital divide. Share YOUR Time and Talent to Help More San Franciscans Get Connected.
Retro star image
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Gathering and Networking at 9:30 a.m.
Session Begins at 10:00 a.m.
First Unitarian Conference Center 1187 Franklin
Download a flyer with more details and share with your friends and neighbors.  The event will feature:  
  • Locations of current senior and disability friendly computer labs, tutoring and classes; 
  • Resource tables about affordable computers, internet access, volunteer opportunities, and more; 
  • Presentations by those ready and able to provide training and support;
  • Accessible technology to make computer use easier for those of us with disabilities.
Register Now through Eventbrite
Co-sponsored by the Community Living Campaign 
and the  SF Connected Program.  For more information and advance registration, go to  
At last! A workshop on how to find health information online
At Last! A Workshop to Help You
Find Health Information Online 
An Introductory Session For Older Adults

Monday, January 13, 1:00 to 3:00

Valencia Gardens Computer Center, 

360 Valencia Street


Learn to:

  • Build your Internet skills
  • Find reliable online health and wellness information from the
  • National Institutes of Health, Medicare, and more
  • Evaluate the quality of online health information
  • Connect with others interested in health and wellness

Pre-registration encouraged - space is limited. To sign-up or for more information, email or call (415) 821-1003Download a flyer with more information and post it on your favorite community board. 


This is pilot test for the curriculum, so we will be looking for your comments and suggestions. Developed in part from material by the National Institute on Aging.

Attend CLC Computer Lab Sessions and Join the Birthday Club!
Community Living Campaign Birthday Club - Come Join In!
Last month's birthday club winner was an active participant in computer sessions at Eastern Park Apartments, 711 Eddy Street. If you attend one of CLC computer labs or training sessions, you can sign up for the CLC Birthday ClubYou'll get a special email on your birthday and will be entered in a monthly drawing for $100.  If you join in January, you will have a chance to win every month through June 2014!  Download a complete list of classes and tutoring opportunities in English, Spanish and Chinese, or call (415) 821-1003.
SF Connected Gathers Tech Site Leaders to Share Plans, Ideas 
Leaders from the SF Connected Tech Labs gather
Leaders from the SF Connected Tech Labs across the city met in early December to learn about what is planned for the coming year.   Program director Aaron Low shared new tools available to sites to chart progress as well as expand the outreach available.   To keep up with the Dept. of Aging and Adult Service's SF Connected Program, sign up to receive emails about latest blog posts at 
January 15th - Watch for A Special Video Release!  
We are proud to be a part of Tree Ring Productions' first Film Fund project.  We were chosen as one of 10 winners because we are creating BIG change with a small budget and staff, have groundbreaking programs that are intelligently and bravely challenging the status quo, and are making a positive difference in our communities.   
Watch your email or join our Facebook page and stay tuned for the January 15th video release!   
CLC Community Connectors on the Move
St. Francis Square Coop Celebrates Birthdays  St. Francis Square Co-Op lists out this year's accomplishments and charts a course for the next year
(And A Year of Accomplishments) 
The Community Living Campaign Committee of St. Francis Square hosted their regular birthday celebration along with a look at what participants had accomplished over the past year.  They also charted their goals for the future (an ever growing list!) as they work to help co-op members and their neighbors in the surrounding community remain living in their own homes and neighborhood as long as possible.   
Leaders Marcia Peterzell (below left) and Linda Silver (below right) join active leaders Jimmye Bynum and Betty Traynor (to name a few) in keeping up the action. Marcia writes a feature page for the coop newsletter, the Friday Flyer.   Full of great tips and useful resources, CLC will start reprinting her work in our blog site.  You can sign up to receive posts or just visit when you have some time. 
Community Connector Marcia Peterzell (right) Community Connector Linda Silver  (center)

Reducing Hunger - One Bright Red Bag at a Time 
The neighbors that volunteer with the CLC Food Network in the OMI, Parkmerced, University Park and Bayview neighborhoods rallied around in December for an additional special food delivery to seniors and adults with disabilities in their neighborhoods. CLC Connector Etta Jones (below left), and Deloris McGee and Karen Holt (pictured with their teams below in front of IT Bookman Community Center) made turkeys fly along with all the trimmings to over 200 families with the help of Glide Memorial Church.  
Community Connector Etta Jones and neighborhood volunteersBags of groceries from Glide
Community Connectors Deloris McGee and Karen Holt (pictured with their teams in front of IT Bookman)
Featured Blog of the Month - Blogging on Wordpress for CLC 
A Blog and Website for the CLC's Social Media Classes 
Flowers by Photo by Class participant Salustiano Hugo
Photo by Class participant Salustiano Hugo who now has his own blog site 
When Rob McBride started teaching Facebook and social media classes at Aquatic Park Senior Center at 890 Beach Street, he began to develop an engaged group of students eager to improve their online skills.   Over the months, classes on photography and basic Wordpress sites has evolved into a class blog where Rob posts class material and students share their photos and stories. Check out their work at 
Rob will be joining other experienced CLC trainers to go "On the Road" with special classes at sites across the city.  Watch next month's CLC newsletter for when one of our trainers will be coming to your neighborhood. 


Community Living Campaign  Logo
1360 Mission Street, 4th Floor
(415) 821-1003