
Join The "Keep Us Connected" Campaign  
logo of city hall and computer
Community Living Campaign is launching a grassroots "Keep Us Connected" Campaign to continue and expand affordable internet access, training and support for seniors and persons with disabilities. 
Toward that end, the CLC Monday Meet-Up in Feburary will include a special training  


Using the Internet and Social Media for Advocacy

Monday, February 11

1:00 to 3:00  (come early for lunch at Noon)

360 Valencia Street

R.S.V.P. greatly appreciated - call or email Judy Auda at (415) 826-3194 or judyauda@yahoo.com.

Over the past 2 years, a large federal BTOP grant has deployed nearly 300 computers and has funded training at 360 Valencia Street and more than 50 other sites across the City. But the grant ends September 2013 and all this will stop unless the City allocates funding to keep "bridging the digital divide".  The February 11th workshop will focus on how to combine phone trees, email, Facebook, blogs and other sites to promote action and gain support, using this Campaign as an example.  To learn more about the SF Connected Program, you can open and/or download a

Map of SF Connected Computer Sites

SF Connected Program Overview


CLC will provided updated campaign information, material, events and actions on its www.sfhealthyaging.org site.   
For information about other budget efforts, join the Pre-Valentine's Day action on February 13th (flyer here) or check the Human Services Network site
Join the Campaign
CARA Academy
Workshop with Openhouse
Support SteppingStone
Skype Connection
Art and Friendship
Trainings & Hearing Loss
Honoring Vera Haile
Meet Leah's Pantry
St. Francis Square
Long Term Care Council
Picture This
Computer Classes
Healthy Aging Blog
Join Our Mailing List
Keep Up To Date on CLC Social Media Classes at www.clcsocial.org
CARA Senior Leadership Academy in San Francisco seniors at a rally
The California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA) is hosting its well-known leadership training program
again this year, starting in San Francisco on   
Wednesday and Thursday, February 27 and 28, 
9:00 to 4:00 p.m. each day  
Dorothy Day Senior Community, 54 McAllister Street  
Topics include: What Makes a Leader, Developing An Organizing Campaign, Public Speaking, Grassroots Lobbying and much, much more.
Registration required.  Some scholarships are available.   Contact Marie at (415) 821-1003 ex. 1.  More details available on the 
CARA Leadership Academy Flyer.   
Next Connections for Healthy Aging Workshop with Openhouse 
marcia and linda
Our next Connections for Healthy Aging Workshop series will be held the first four Fridays in March in partnership with Openhouse.  The workshops will focus on issues of particular interest to LGBT seniors and persons with disabilities.   The sessions are set for 
March 1, 8, 15, 22 from 10:00 to 1:00 
(including lunch)
1800 Market Street, Room 306
Participants should plan to attend all 4 sessions. Women and people of color are especially encouraged to join us. Please RSVP by contacting Marcia at (415) 359-1816 or marcia.peterzell@comcast.net or get more information on the Openhouse website at 
SteppingStone's 30 Anniversary Celebration
Mission Creek Seniors
Support Mission Creek Seniors

Mark your calendar to join attend SteppingStone's 30th Anniversary celebration on 

Sunday, March 3, 2-4:30 pm at 

Bluxome Street Winery in San Francisco 

where they will be honoring Elizabeth Boardman, instrumental in growing SteppingStone as the largest provider of adult day health in San Francisco. Also featured will be food from some of the best chefs in San Francisco paired with Bluxome wine.  Order tickets at www.steppingstonehealth.org or by calling by 974-6784 ex. 16.  

And in case you are wondering why support this program, watch this short video from Mission Creek shares the spirit and importance of adult day programs in helping people remain living in their own homes and communities.  

Meet S.F. Government's Committee on Information Technology (COIT)
picture of people at coit meeting
Ever wonder who is responsible for planning for the technology needs of San Francisco? It is a high level city group called the Committee of Information Technology (COIT).   They are tasked with developing a regularly updated 5 year plan, including prioritizing budget requests for larger projects.   Current goals include: 
  • Make government more efficient and effective through technology
  • Improve public access and transparency
  • Strengthen security and disaster preparedness
  • Ensure on-going support and maintenance for critical IT infrastructure
  • Utilize innovation in city government
  • Attract, retain, develop IT staff  
To learn more about COIT, its mission, its members and this planning process, see the 
COIT Planning Process Overview in a powerpoint presentation from their most recent meeting.  Come watch the Committee in action - their next meeting:
Thursday, February 7 at 10:00 a.m. at City Hall, Room 305.
Skype Connect Two Senior Centers with Video Conferencing 
picture of video from IT Bookman
IT Bookman Community Center
picture of video of Richmond Center
Richmond Senior Center

BTOP Computers are helping connect us in new ways, thanks to built-in video cameras and the internet.   On Friday, January 25, Richmond Senior Center and OMI Neighborhood Center set up a Skype call, with the help of Aaron Low of DAAS, Linda Murley from Richmond Center and Deloris McGee and Michael Perkins at OMI Center.   They were able to meet and to greet across the miles.  Want to try this?  Give us a call at 821-1003. (Photos by Linda and Deloris). 
Art and Friendship Makes New Connections Possible 
David Ratliff talking to Richard Kamler
Friendships formed at the Laguna Honda Computer Club helped make a connection between LHH resident and artist David Ratliff and local artist and former USF instructor, Richard Kamler.  David was invited to prepare a piece for the recent show at South of Market Cultural Center, Speak Your Peace.  With the help of friends, David was able to attend the opening and enjoy a great dinner before the evening's end.  Want to explore further the connection between art and aging well?  You might really enjoy the insights from a study of aging artists in New York called 
Above Ground that combats the misperceptions of aging, sheds new light on the unique solutions artists embrace in living, social networking, communicating, and remaining engaged as they age. 
David Ratliff with sign
David Ratliff and friends  
speak your peace sign

Making  Trainings More Accessible To Those with Hearing Loss 
linda with talking stick
We know that hearing loss can lead to isolation and loneliness and so we are working to reduce these barriers to healthy aging in our programs and activities.   That includes making our workshop sessions more accessible to those with hearing loss.  To learn what Linda Silver has in her hand and how it is helping make Connections for Healthy Aging Workshops more accessible, visit our SF Healthy Aging Blog.  This most recent blog post also includes tips for how to help those with hearing loss more fully participate.   
Community Leader Vera Haile Honored At New Housing 
Doug Shoemaker, Vera Haile and Mayor Ed Lee
Many people know Vera from her many years of service to San Francisco and the Tenderloin neighborhood, and her unwavering advocacy on behalf of seniors, persons with disabilities,
hands-on care providers, immigrants, and really anyone who is not treated fairly or with dignity.   It is, therefore, so fitting that the senior housing to be provided above the rebuilt St. Anthony's Dining Room at Golden Gate and Jones is being named for Vera Haile.  Vera is pictured above with Mercy Housing California Board President Doug Shoemaker and Mayor Ed Lee, and at right with DAAS Board President Edna James and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. We are so proud that Vera is a board member of CLC and her values provide a clear compass for our work, as she has for so many San Francisco organizations over the years.  Congratulations to Mercy Housing California and St. Anthony Foundation for renewing this commitment to the community. (photos by Cathy Spensley and Mercy Housing - watch for video to follow from Paul Grant)
LCOS Breast Cancer Support Group and Leah's Pantry Team-up 
Breast Cancer Support Group and friends will host Leah's Pantry for a 6 month project in the OMI neighborhood to help with Health Disparities in the community.  They will meet for one and half hours on the third Thursday of each month at Lutheran Church of Our Savior at 1011 Garfield Street. Folks will be cooking together in groups of 10 to 15 for the six months.  The activities will begin on February 21, 2013.  Participants are invited to bring their favorite apron and their appetites!  For more information, contact Deloris McGee at (415) 585-9859.     
St. Francis Square Co-op CLC Committee Celebrates 
Birthday parties and other community events help keep folks connected to friends and neighbors as they seek to age well at St. Francis Square Co-op.  What's coming up?  An afternoon of massage therapy and Timebank exchanges in early May.
party people at St. Francis Square
Photos by Irene Benno 
S. F. Long Term Services and Supports Planning
jennifer at DAAS meeting
LTCCC member Jennifer Walsh provides the monthly report to the Aging and Adult Services Commission in January. 
San Francisco Long Term Care Coordinating Council
Thursday, February 14, 1 to 3 
1 South Van Ness Ave., 2nd Floor  

Agenda will include:   

  • Long Term Care Integration Design Group providing their draft recommendations 
  • Mayor's Office on Housing will present an overview of the recently passed Housing Trust Fund legislation and plans for its implementation.   
  • Mayor's Budget Office will provide an overview of their budget instructions  

For more information, contact Bill Haskell at bill.haskell@sfgov.org or call 355-6782.   


Picture This 

Each month CLC Community Connectors and Supporters do events and activities that help strengthen neighbohoods and re-weave community.  A few more 

people working at computer
Timebank Outreach continues with guest speaker Amber Yada at 360 Valencia Street Lab.
Take a minute and check out the BACE Timebank at www.bace.org 
alice dueker sitting at table
Alice Dueker, elder law attorney and instuctor at Hastings Law School, answers legal questions at the Connections for Healthy Aging Salon at Curry Senior Center.  
Richard speaking to the DAAS Commission
Richard testified about how the computer lab at the Richmond Center helps keep him connected to family, news, information and so much more. 

Tricia Webb with Ipad  in bad

Just Say "YES" - Come Engage with Us

Computer Training and Special Activities 

Community Living Campaign (CLC) shows you how technology and social media are new tools to help individuals, neighborhoods and organizations reduce isolation and reweave community.  For an up-to-date schedule as new CLC computer classes and activities are added, go to www.clcsocial.org.  For all BTOP classes, go to www.sfconnected.info.  These classes are provided in part with a grant from the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program.   Our training partner, the Community Technology Network (CTN), offers a great orientation to volunteers and helps match you with a site and topic that interests you.   You can find more info on up-coming volunteer orientations at www.ctnbayarea.org.


30th Street Senior Center

Every Wed.

10 to 12

Social Media - 1 to 1 tutoring, classes

225 30th St.

Bethany Center

Every Thurs.

9 to 12

One on one training

580 Capp

Centro Latino

Every Tues & Thurs.

10 to 11:30

Social Media - 1 to 1 tutoring, classes

1656 15th St.

Curry Senior Center 

Every Mon.

1 to 3*

One on one training

315 Turk Street

Dr. Davis Senior Center

Every Wed.

1:30 to 3:30

One on one training 

1706 Yosemite

IT Bookman Center

Every Friday

12 to 2

Social Media - 1 to 1 tutoring, classes

446 Randolph

Laguna Honda Hospital

1st & 3rd Wed

1:00 to 3:00

One on one training

375 Laguna Honda

Mission Neighborhood Center

Every Wed.

10 to 11:30

Social Media - 1 to 1 tutoring, classes

362 Capp

San Francisco Senior Center

Aquatic Park

Every Wed. 

1 to 3

Social Media - 1 to 1 tutoring classes

890 Beach

San Francisco Senior Center Downtown

Every Thurs. 

1 to 3

Social Media - 1 to 1 training


481 O'Farrell

Stonestown YMCA

Every Wed.

9:30  to 11:30

One on one training

3150 20th Avenue  

Telegraph Hill Center 

Every Wed
9 to 12
One on one training 660 Lombard

 Valencia Gardens **                                                                  

Every Mon.              9 to 3

One on One training and           
social media       

 360 Valencia                          


** Special Meet-Up Feb 11 ** 

Noon to 3 Lunch and Social Media and Advocacy Presentation 360 Valencia 
 More pictures, opinions, resources at www.sfhealthyaging.org


clc logo
1360 Mission Street, 4th Floor
(415) 821-1003