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Communicator's Corner

Thursday, Oct. 16
World Food Day


United Methodist congregations are committed to fighting hunger. Rethink Church, part of United Methodist Communications, highlights these efforts and the work yet to be done in alleviating hunger. Click here for Resources.


Ebola Response 

An animated video created for use in West Africa attempts to dispel myths about how Ebola is spread and promote prevention of the disease. United Methodist Communications collaborated with Chocolate Moose Media and iHeed to create the video, which will be produced in different languages.

The World Bank of West Africa has offered to pay to air the video a minimum of three times a day in every country affected by Ebola. Click here to read more.

Ebola: A Poem for the Living (English)
Ebola: A Poem for the Living (English)

Since June 2014, the General Board of Global Ministries' United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and Global Health unit have been working in collaboration on a global scale to coordinate an integrated approach in response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa. Click here to read more and how you can help.

NIC Urban Strategy Featured on Different Drummers
Different Drummers: United Methodist Church's Urban Strategy 
Different Drummers: United Methodist Church's Urban Strategy
Sympathy Notices

For death notifications of lay members of annual conference, please email information to 



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October 16, 2014
National Hispanic Plan for the Northern Illinois Conference

La gracia y paz de Dios creador y redentor en Cristo Jesus sea con nosotros.


Since coming to Northern Illinois, it has been my dream that we have the strongest and most excellent Hispanic ministry in The United Methodist Church! We have an incredible opportunity to be in ministry with one of the largest Hispanic communities in the country.


Therefore, recently at a NIC National Hispanic Plan meeting, it was announced that we are going into a time of reconstruction of our Hispanic Plan. We have many programs and ways in which we are engaged in outreach but they need to be aligned in order to be more effective.


In the next few weeks, we will begin a process of assessment of what we are doing well, what our needs are as well as the opportunities and challenges we face. Listening teams will be going out to talk with young people, clergy, laity and entities within our annual conference as a part of this assessment process.  


If you have ideas, thoughts, concerns, or a desire to contribute, please let Rev. Chris Pierson know so that he can be sure to connect you with those who will be holding the conversations. Contact him at or 847-931-0710 ext. 15. 


We hope to have a new plan to begin to implement by annual conference and then gather together for an Hispanic Summit in the fall of 2015.


~Bishop Sally Dyck 


Latina/Latino Ministry Grants

This grant opportunity is for Latina/Latino ministries in congregations in the Northern Illinois Conference (NIC). It is a one-time grant for 2014 ONLY. Awards will be made in December of 2014.

All applications must be received by 5 pm on November 15 at or (by mail) 217 Division Street, Elgin, IL 60120.

These grants are intended to support congregations engaging in ministries with Latinas and Latinos.  

Awards will be based on those who demonstrate effective use of resources. Details regarding any proposed spending is of paramount importance. Results, collaboration, and opportunity for on-going ministry will also be key factors in this determination. Click here to download a pdf application or visit for a .doc file.  

Accessibility Awareness Conference - Nov. 8
Barrington UMC, 98 Algonquin Rd., Barrington
8:30am- 3:30pm

Let us gather together to learn new ways to provide access to God's house for all regardless of physical and/or mental challenges. Breakout Sessions, Vendor Displays and more. Please share this information with the laity in your church especially your Lay Leader and Trustee chairperson.

Keynote speaker: Lynn Swedberg, consultant for UM Committee on Disability Ministries.

Cost $25 includes box lunch. More information
Click here to register.
Acts of Repentance - Listening Sessions

Congregations can continue the process of repentance by hosting a study or attending a listening session. The first session will be Sunday, Oct. 26 at 3pm at the Kateri Center 3838 N. Leavitt St. Chicago. (***Note Date & Time Change****)

Visit for information and future dates as well as many resources for worship, prayer and study.

Spiritual Formation Workshop - Nov. 1

Drawing Closer to God - Come explore spiritual formation opportunities in the local church, districts and our conference.

Bishop Sally Dyck is giving the Keynote Address.

Location Grace UMC in Naperville.
Day begins at 8:30am with registration.

Cost: $10 through Oct 15. After Oct 15 $20. Click here for registration and more information.

Youth Summit in the City - Nov. 14
Youth from United Methodist Churches in Chicago and Chicagoland are gathering Friday, November 14 for a "Youth Summit in the City" at St. Mark UMC, 8441 S St Lawrence Ave, Chicago.

The event will feature a performance by the F.C.B.C Youth Drama Company
. Activities planned will be designed to reflect the summit's theme of promoting peace and will include youth earning a "peace passport.

The evening kicks off at 5:30pm
. Click here for details

News & Events

Apportionment Resources Online
Apportionments are one of the most significant ways in which we as United Methodists stay connected to each other and to the shared mission of The United Methodist Church. Through apportionment giving, United Methodists are able to do together what no individual, church, cluster, district, or conference could possibly do on their own. Click here for 5 Great Apportionment Resources for 2015 and to find your church's 2015 Apportionment calculation worksheet.   

Institute for Congregational Development Special Guest 

Save the Date! November 14-15, 2014

Rev. Olu Brown of Impact Church in Atlanta, Georgia, is joining us! Two-days of teaching, training, and collaborating of the best practices for revitalizing and turning toward mission. Alll are welcome. More information coming soon!   


Crop Walk
Thousands of people will step out against hunger across Northern Illinois this fall as they participate in local CROP Hunger Walks.  In addition to showing solidarity with those who must walk daily for food, water, shelter, medicine, etc., CROP Hunger Walks raise funds for local food pantries and regional food banks. Funds also support the work of Church World Service, which responds to disasters and implements self-help development programs around the world. To get info, register, or raise funds for your local CROP Hunger Walk please visit or call the Illinois regional office of CWS at (630) 200-4572.

Host a Child Sabbath in October

Every congregation in the Northern Illinois Conference is encouraged to participate in the activities of the 2014 National Observance of Children's Sabbath on October 19 or designate another Sunday in October to recognize this event. The annual Children's Sabbath is sponsored by the Children's Defense Fund and provides local congregations and faith communities with the opportunity and resources to advocate for improving the lives of God's most precious ones, our children. This year's observance, "Precious in God's Sight: Answering the Call to Cherish and Protect Every Child" focuses on the need for greater commitment towards early childhood development programs. Click here to learn more. The NIC Media Resource center has some older edition books on Child Sabbath. Visit  

Mark Your Calendar
(click on title for more information)