October 24, 2013                                                                                                      
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Forms needed for your 2013 Church or Charge Conference are now available to download from the conference website. Click here.



Candlelight Vigil Tonight

Join UMAC (United Methodist Association of Communicators) to pray for an end to gun violence in the city of Chicago
Tonight: Thursday, Oct. 24 at 6pm in the Plaza adjacent to First UMC at the Chicago Temple, 77 W. Washington St.

Hear testimonies and light a candle as we remember all victims of violence. For more information contact: Anne Marie Gerhardt, 847-644-9844 or agerhardt@umcnic.org.

Congrats to the Denman Award Winners:

Clergy: The Reverend Christopher T. Druce Jones, serving at Brooke Road UMC in Rockford.
Rev. Christopher Druce Jones
Laity: Mr. Alex Krog, member at Cornerstone United Methodist Church from the Elgin District.

Alex Krog

Denman Award Presentation
Denman Awards Presenation
*Rev. Druce Jones unfortunately could not attend the presentation.


Online Training

UMCOM final five online training courses for 2013! ...Registration open til Oct. 30. Click here for info.


Warning: Scammers still using bishop names

Scam artists are continuing to call and email people impersonating Bishops, conference leaders and others and asking for money for a relative.

Even if they use the Bishop's name or someone from our Conference, do not send money and do file an incident report with the police.

Read more....

Urban Strategy Community
Safety Summit

Urban Strategy Saturday, Nov. 16
9am- 12:30pm

Michelle Clark Academic Preparatory High School
5101 W. Harrison, Chicago

"...seeking the welfare of the city..."

Organizing, Networking & Mobilizing ALL United Methodists to impact Chicago in the areas of: * Community Safety * Restorative Justice * Education & Literacy * Food Insecurity*


Download flyer 


Attendees are invited to bring a blank T-Shirt and participate in a Clothesline Project for Community Safety. Click here to register.

Click here to buy an Urban Strategy T-shirt from the Bud Billiken parade.
Congratulations Oustanding NCC Alum

Rev. Dr. Tracy Smith Malone, Chicago Southern District Superintendent, will receive a North Central College Outstanding Alumni Award on Friday, Oct. 25 in the Wentz Fine Arts Center, 171 E. Chicago Ave., Naperville, IL    


The Alumni Convocation begins at 4:15 pm.


The event is open to everyone. No tickets are required.  There will be a reception for Dr. Malone and the six other alumni who will be receiving awards in the Wentz Lobby at 5:15 p.m.  Click here for more... 

NCC seeking new chaplain

Following the announcement of the retirement of Rev. Dr. Lynn Pries, North Central College is accepting applications for the full-time, exempt position of Chaplain.

For a complete description and to apply for the position, please visit the NCC employment website and follow the Staff Openings link.

The application deadline is Oct. 31. Click here for more information.

We extend our appreciation to Rev. Lynn Pries for his 23 years of faithful service as Chaplain at NCC.

"Rev. Lynn Pries has endeared himself to countless students and helped develop passionate young leaders for the wider church. We are so grateful for Lynn's dedication and commitment to both the College and our Conference as he provided a crucial bridge between the two. We will greatly miss his gifts as he moves into retirement," Rev. Jonathan Crail Chair, NIC Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry
Application Opportunities for Hispanic/Latino Conference Academy

Do you know someone who is passionate about ministering in the Hispanic/Latino community?

The Office of Congregational Development and Redevelopment has extended the deadline for applying to the new class of the Conference Academy (Hispanic/Latino) for Faith Community Development! This is your final opportunity to join a select group of pastors and lay persons who will train together for starting new churches and ministries in a Hispanic/Latino setting that are reaching religious "nones."

Visit www.umcnic.org/Academy and apply to the Conference Academy today! For more information about the Conference Academy, contact Judy Siaba at 312-346-9766 ext. 724 or jsiaba@umcnic.org.  


Halloween and Imagine No Malaria

imagine no malaria
Match the upcoming holiday with a chance to save lives!
-Consider a mosquito costume to raise awareness - directions here
-Children or adults could trick or treat for INM (asking for donations instead of candy)
-Or you can add an Imagine No Malaria element to Halloween party or event  (just set up a display and ask for donations).
-Looking for more ideas consider one of our Fall Fundraisers.

To learn more about creative fundraising ideas, advocacy efforts and how to engage your community, please attend one of our Imagine No Malaria conference trainings offered Sundays this fall from Oct. 20-Nov. 17.
Find more information and register at www.umcnic.org/imaginenomalaria.   

Bishop's daughter dies of malaria

KINDU, Democratic Republic of the Congo (UMNS) - Virginie Kabibi Mirgivir Unda, daughter of Bishop Gabriel Unda Yemba of the East Congo Episcopal Area, has died of malaria.

Her mother, Omba Charlotte Unda, also died of malaria Feb. 1, 2007. Condolences from around The United Methodist Church go to the Unda family and to the people of the East Congo Episcopal Area. 
Missionary Visit

Missionary David Makobo N'shikala from the Democratic Republic of Congo will be itinerating in our Conference on October 27-November 9. Mr. Makobo is a missionary of the General Board of Global Ministries who will be serving in Senegal. Mr. Makobo is currently the Dean of the Agricultural School at Katanga Methodist University.

His responsibilities will include; working with farmers to grow food in poor soil with the use of modern technology for food production, working with church leadership through the implementation and use of modern agriculture tools and methods as well as working with VIM teams.

Please contact Conference Secretary of Global Ministries, Rev. Shirley Pulgar-Hughes at 815-474-5540 or email: shirleymph@outlook.com to schedule a time with your mission committee, speak to a church group or host him for a meal.

CROP Walk to End Hunger  



Every Sunday in October, there are CROP Hunger Walk events in northern Illinois.  Find out when yours is! Click here




Affordable Health Care

The Campaign for Better Health Care (CBHC) has 5 state-trained ACA Navigators available to visit your congregation or community for educational presentations and one-to-one counseling sessions.

In a 30-60 minute presentation, our Navigators can cover eligibility, benefits, costs, and the process for signing up, with a Question & Answer session. Following that, Navigators can assist attendees in starting the enrollment process with individuals and small business owners (including church administrators) for the rest of the event, or return at a later date for additional assistance. 

The health care sign-up period extends from October 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014. Contact Jessica Palys at 312-913-9449 or  JPalys@cbhconline.org with questions or to schedule a visit.
Finance agency extends benefits to same-sex couples

(UMNS) - General agencies of The United Methodist Church will extend employee benefits to same-sex couples, under a decision by the board of directors of the denomination's General Council on Finance and Administration.

The board on Oct. 21 also voted to seek a ruling from the Judicial Council, the denomination's top court, to make sure the change is in keeping with church law. Read more and post a comment...
Please send emails for the eNews or the Reporter to Anne Marie Gerhardt,
Dir. of Communications at 
All submissions for eNews must be received in writing no later than 4pm on Tuesday each week.   
Northern Illinois Conference | communications@umcnic.org | http://www.umcnic.org
217 Division Street
Elgin, IL 60120

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