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ICNC Annual Membership Meeting |
The annual membership meeting is ICNC's premier issues-oriented gathering, and your chance to shape the organization's advocacy priorities. We want your input and participation on matters like development, regulation, transportation, and infrastructure.
Enjoy networking and complimentary food and drinks. The event is free, but RSVPs are required. For more information, contact Ben at
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Time: 3:30 PM-5:30 PM
Location: ICNC-320 N. Damen Ave.
Launch of the Global Business Landing Center |
ICNC is proud to announce the launch of a unique new resource designed to accelerate foreign investment success and job creation in Chicago, the Global Business Landing Center.
The Global Business Landing Center at ICNC will not only offer flexible office space options to foreign entrepreneurs, but also provide services including US market analysis and business development support, legal services through its legal partner and coordination of other key operational aspects of launching a US subsidiary. Click here to learn more or contact Laura Flamm at ICNC with questions.
Thanks For a Great 2014! |
 | Photo Courtesy of REP3 |
Over 300 people from Chicago's business community attended ICNC's Annual Holiday Party on December 11th. The event was held at the brilliantly festive Garfield Park Conservatory and featured delicious food from a number of generous caterers as well as Goose Island beer. ICNC would like to thank our sponsor, American Chartered Bank, all those who attended, and especially those businesses who made donations:
Discounted HACCP Training at ICNC
HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points) training is an internationally recognized safety program available to demonstrate safe production practices in the food industry. ICNC will be hosting a two-day HACCP training on February 3rd and 4th with 50% cost reimbursement available to attendees through the State's ETIP program. This is a unique opportunity to achieve HACCP certification in a convenient location at a reduced rate. For more information and to register, contact Hannah Jones at
February 3rd & 4th, 2015
Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Location: ICNC-320 N. Damen Ave.
Money Back for Training-Funds Almost Gone! | Receive up to 50% cost reimbursement for training using the Employer Training Investment Program (ETIP)! All training must be completed by 6/30/2015. Trainings going back as early as July 1, 2013 could qualify. These grants are provided on a first-come, first-served basis at no cost. For more information, contact Hannah Jones at |
Are You Looking for Employees? |
Thanks to Searle Funds from the Chicago Community Trust, ICNC's Business Employment Services (BES) program has expanded. We link local business owners with a capable and available labor pool in and around Chicago's Near West Side. Services include posting job ads, screening candidates, and running background checks.
For more information, contact Nancy Kramer at
Ready to Take Your Business to The Next Level? |
Goldman Sachs' 10,000 Small Businesses is a $500 million investment to help entrepreneurs create jobs and economic opportunity by providing them with greater access to education, financial capital and business support services. The application process is now open and the deadline is February 2, 2015. Click here to learn more about this no-cost program and to apply now.
Don't Forget to Shovel Your Sidewalks | A reminder to property owners: per city law, it's your responsibility to keep the sidewalks in front of your business free of snow and ice. It is also illegal to shovel or plow snow onto the public way, like streets and sidewalks. This is particularly hazardous after the streets have already been plowed. Failure to observe these rules could result in a citation from Streets and Sanitation, so please be mindful of how you manage the snow. |
Member Spotlight: Solstice Art Source |
Emily Carlson, the owner of Solstice Art Source, has been working with restoration, commission and installation of architectural stained glass since 1999. She has been an ICNC incubator tenant since 2009.
Recently, Solstice Art Source, Inc. was a part of the award-winning team that performed the stained glass restoration for the adaptive re-use project at University of Chicago's Saieh Hall for Economics. Check out their work in this video presented by Ann Beha of Ann Beha Architects. Solstice Art Source was also featured in the Chicago Tribune. Read the article here.
Solstice Art Source will host an intensive, week-long Painting Workshop by Indre McCraw from March 16-20 in conjunction with the Second Annual Chicago Stained Glass Invitational Exhibition, to be held on March 21, 2015. To get updates for the upcoming Painting Workshop, click here.
Crime Alert: Commercial Vehicle Break-Ins |
The Kinzie Corridor is experiencing an ongoing
 | Vehicle present at recent theft near Fulton and Wood |
problem with thefts from commercial vehicles. As a reminder, please call 911 immediately if you see suspicious activity (checking door handles, peering into windows, passing parked vehicles multiple times).
If you have captured an incident on your building's security cameras, please share it with the police and your neighbors. Outward-facing security cameras are instrumental to catching criminals and sending the message that the Kinzie Corridor has eyes on it at all times. Please contact Ben at to notify ICNC of crime incidents.
Please Renew Your ICNC Membership | It's the beginning of the year, and if it's been one year or more since your last ICNC membership dues payment it's time to renew! Your membership dues are a key part of ICNC's operating budget, supporting job-creating economic development activities year-round and helping to keep the Kinzie Industrial Corridor a great place to do business. If you have not yet joined as a member, now is the time! ICNC member dues are based on the size of your company's workforce.
Please use this link to renew online by credit card.
You may also pay dues by check. Please contact for an invoice or questions about your membership status.
Thank you for renewing - we look forward to serving you in 2015!
Member Announcements and Discounts | |
ICNC incubator tenant Scout Alarm's modular, a la carte systems provide a versatile solution for business security. ICNC members can now receive six months of free system monitoring with a special promo code. Email for your referral.
Superior Car and Truck Repair (3849 W. Lake St.) now offers a 10% discount on work over $50 when you mention your ICNC Membership. Ask about their winter checkover program. 773-265-8369.
Midwest Performance Cars will now offer battery pack conditioning and all other maintenance for hybrid/electric vehicles. 312-432-9492. |
ICNC Industrial Space Available | Enjoy competitive rent, a thriving entrepreneurial environment, and immediate access to ICNC's development services as a tenant of the Fulton-Carroll Center business incubator.