In This Issue:
Chicago Pitch Project Finals & Holiday Shopping
RSVP for ICNC's Annual Holiday Party
ICNC Wins Export Award
Fulton-Carroll Center Profiled in APA Report
$ Back for Employee Training
Free Computer Classes Are Back!
Incentives with ComEd'sSmart Ideas Program
Let ICNC Help Find Your Next Employee
Renew your ICNC Membership
EMT Training for Women
Member Announcements and Discounts
Available Space
The Wait is Over...Chicago Pitch Project Finals and Holiday Fair
On Tuesday, December 2, 2014, from among five finalists, we will announce the winner of the Chicago Pitch Project. More than $20,000 in cash and prizes will be awarded to 3 lucky applicants. First place includes one year of free rent (up to a $10,000 value) in the ICNC industrial incubator building. Afterwards, stop by for some holiday shopping at ICNC's Holiday Fair.

Support local businesses and do some holiday shopping at ICNC's holiday fair. Choose from an array of products from our Members like:

  • Holiday decorations
  • Chicago sports team merchandise
  • Apparel and handbags
  • Other unique items and food gifts                           


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Time: 4 PM-6 PM

Location: ICNC offices

RSVP for ICNC's Annual Holiday Party
Join us for our annual holiday celebration at the Garfield Park Conservatory!  Meet your fellow ICNC members and enjoy food, drinks, and holiday cheer, all at no cost! Bring the whole family to this fun event. RSVP here.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Garfield Park Conservatory
300 N. Central Park Ave

Special thanks to our sponsor:
American Chartered
ICNC's International Trade Center Director Laura Flamm
ICNC Wins Export Award

On October 23, 2014, Governor Pat Quinn honored 15 companies and organizations that have earned the 2014 Governor's Export Awards for outstanding accomplishments in the export of Illinois goods and services around the globe. 


The Illinois SBDC International Trade Center at ICNC was honored to accept the 2014 Governor's Export Award for Export Awareness and Development. ITC Director Laura Flamm was presented with the award by the heads of the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity and Illinois Department of Agriculture at the Union League Club in Chicago last month. Since its establishment in 2010, the Illinois SBDC ITC at ICNC has counseled hundreds of local businesses on exporting and is proud to have contributed to its clients' successes. Contact the ITC at


Fulton-Carroll Center Profiled in APA Report
ICNC's business incubator, the Fulton-Carroll Center, was recently spotlighted as an example of successful urban industrial projects in the American Planning Association's Sustainable Urban Industrial Development report.  The report underscores the importance of growing stable, high-paying employment in manufacturing and distribution in the urban core.  One of the largest business incubators in North America, the Fulton-Carroll Center is home to 110 businesses and about 550 jobs, representing industries from textiles to tech to food production.

Get $ Back For Employee Training Costs

Have you paid for staff training costs within the last year? Would you like to be reimbursed for up to 50% of those training costs?  If so, act now to apply for the Employer Training Investment Program (ETIP).  Whether your industry is manufacturing, warehousing, construction, or food production various training could qualify for this training grant.  These grants are provided on a first-come, first-served basis to all eligible participants, at no cost. For more information, contact Hannah Jones at (312) 421-3941 or

Free Computer Classes Are Back!
ICNC's no-cost computer training will begin October 20th! Get trained in Microsoft Excel, QuickBooks, PhotoShop, Word Press Website Design, Digital Media and more! To view the training schedule and register, please click here. For more information, contact Priscilla Torrence at (312) 421-3941 or
Incentives with ComEd's Smart Ideas Program

ComEd is now offering incentives to manufacturers for upgrades to lighting and fixture replacements, compressed air and cooling systems, or your own energy efficiency plan. Over 9,000 small businesses have participated. For more information on the Smart Ideas program, contact Hannah at

 or 312-421-3941.

Looking for Capable Employees?

Thanks to Searle Funds from the Chicago CommunityTrust,

ICNC's Business Employment Services (BES) program has expanded.  A lot of small business owners just don't have the time or resources to find qualified job candidates. Let ICNC take on the task of finding well-prepared employees. We have relationships with over 80 community based organizations. We link local business owners with a capable and available labor pool in and around Chicago's Near West Side. Services include posting job ads, screening candidates, and running background checks. Employers and job seekers can get more info here.


For more information, contact Nancy Kramer at (312) 421-3941 or

The Year is Almost Over: Please Renew your ICNC Membership!
A reminder: if it has been more than 365 days since your last dues payment, your ICNC membership has expired!  To keep us moving forward in our jobs-creating economic development mission, we ask that you renew with a yearly dues payment today.

ICNC Member dues are based on the size of your company's workforce.  Businesses located outside of ICNC's service area may join as Affiliate Members.


For questions on the status of your membership, please contact Ben Spies at

EMT Training for Women (tuition-free)
ICNC's EMT Training Program
ICNC's EMT Training Program

 ICNC is pleased to announce recruitment has opened for our 2015 Emergency Medical Technician training course. This seven-month program will begin in March 2015, with applications open to female, head of household, working women currently earning $10-$40K (or recently unemployed), with clean driving and criminal histories.


To register, click here.


Watch these video clips:

View Program Feature Video (Interchange Productions LLC)

For more information, contact Priscilla Torrence at (312) 421-3941 or

Member Announcements and Discounts

Welcome new ICNC tenant: Peter Field Custom 

Peter Field creates custom neck ties, bow ties, and pocket squares in-house, and has opened a full service alterations boutique in downtownChicago to tailor customer's existing clothing. Check out their products here.


Welcome new ICNC tenant Potluck Creative
Potluck Creative is a creative co-op. Their creative prowess includes not only graphic design, but also photography, video production and all things brand development. Learn more here.

Welcome new ICNC tenant Strange Loop Studios

Strange Loop is a full service Chicago based creative production studio. Their close-knit team allows them to create work efficiently and effectively under any scope or budget. Contact them by clicking here.

Midwest Performance Cars Saving You Money 

Midwest Performance Cars is the first in the Chicagoland to offer a comprehensive menu of hybrid vehicle services and support including Battery Pack Conditioning, an alternative to traditional battery replacement that results in significant cost-savings. For more information, click here.

ICNC Member Discount on Security Camera Systems
Member companies considering adding or upgrading a security camera system to their building can now enjoy a 12% discount on total installation project costs from InVision Systems.  This is a great opportunity for businesses looking for the right time to improve their security.  Please contact Zeev Fayer at for a consultation, and be sure to mention the member discount.
Join the women of POW!  in raising awareness around rape, domestic violence and victim advocacy in the month of December. POW! will be hosting a self-defense charity event for the women of Chicago.  POW! will be donating 50% proceeds of this workshop to a local victim advocacy charity. Click here to learn more about this  and more.
13,500 s.f. Industrial Building for Lease near Division and Homan

ICNC Member Choi Brothers is seeking an industrial tenant for a stand-alone building on its campus. Two overhead doors, high ceilings, three offices plus conference room.  Additional parking and storage may be available.  For more information, call Unah Choi at (773) 435-2000.


Available Space
Fulton-Carroll Center Space Available Now
Enjoy competitive rent, a thriving entrepreneurial environment, and immediate access to ICNC's development services as a tenant of the Fulton-Carroll Center business incubator.  

Click here to view available space.
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For more info call 312-421-3941 or email


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