In This Issue

Upcoming Events

Series Kicks off September 15 
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The Science of
Energy Healing
October 13-20
Online Program

Harmonize The Fire with Dr. Melanie Smith
November 2-3
Phoenix, Arizona
Case Histories

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 October 2015
Donna and David relaxing between classes at
the caf� at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York
We are writing the morning of our return from a month of non-stop teaching. The whole tour was extraordinarily rewarding, from the fabulous Advanced Chakra course in San Diego (250 of our long-time practitioners attended and another 200 watched it being live streamed), to several wonderful events at the Omega Institute in Upstate New York. We then traveled all the way back to Victoria, B.C., where we gave special evening presentations attended by nearly everyone in the conference, inaugurated the "Clinical Fast Track" to quickly bring psychotherapists up to speed with Energy Psychology, and offered a delightfully received post-conference workshop on the Energies of Love.
It is good now to stop for a moment, take a breath, and appreciate all that is happening within EEM. In this issue, you will read about how a cesarean section operation was made unnecessary with EEM intervention, how Energy Medicine is being utilized in a community hospital with great success, and about ACEP's online course "The Science of Energy Healing." This month's Energy Minute will help you get through sore throat and flu season.
Autumn is Donna's favorite time of year. We hope you are enjoying it immensely!
Donna and David
Case History 

Flipping A Breech Baby 

By Rose Mattax, LCPC, EEM-AP

One Thursday afternoon, I received a call from a lovely young woman named Stacey (the names have been changed), whom I'd been seeing as a client for a number of years. But this time Stacey was calling on behalf of her sister, Jenny, who was pregnant with her second son.

Jenny was due to deliver the baby, already named Mark, any day. The problem was that Mark was in a breech position, with his feet sitting firmly on top of Jenny's cervix. Stacey explained that a cesarean section had been scheduled for the following Monday to surgically remove the baby.

With a sigh, Stacey asked, "Is there anything you can do to help?"

"Supposedly," I replied, "but I've never personally turned a breech baby before. Why don't you come in Saturday afternoon, and we'll see what we can do."

After the call, I immediately hopped onto Facebook and posted a query to the Eden Energy Medicine Facebook Group page. This page is a phenomenal resource for Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) practitioners. I always find a mix of fresh ideas and important reminders about much of what we've learned in our EEM training. My question that Thursday was if anyone knew how to help turn a breech baby using EEM.
The Science of Energy Healing 

The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) is bringing together the world's leaders in the science and research of energy healing methods to deeply explore the science that supports Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology, and energy healing.

Presented as an online course called "The Science of Energy Healing," David's presentation is titled "How Energy Psychology Changes Deep Emotional Learnings." He will examine both the empirical research addressing the question of whether tapping produces the clinical benefits that have been claimed, and if so, how it does it. What is the neurochemistry behind tapping? The other faculty include:
    David Feinstein, Ph.D.
    Bruce Lipton, PhD, author, The Biology of Belief
  • Jim Oschman, PhD, author, Energy Medicine, the Scientific Basis
  • Cassandra Vieten, President, Institute of Noetic Sciences
  • Bill Bengston, PhD, author, The Energy Cure
  • Dean Radin, PhD, Chief Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences, author, Entangled Minds
  • Gary Schwartz, PhD, author, Energy Healing Experiments
  • Dawson Church, PhD, author, The Genie in Your Genes
The online course will be available through next Tuesday, October 20 and will qualify for 18 Continuing Education hours in several of the health care professions.

Click the button below to register for this
powerful educational opportunity!

Energy Medicine in a Hospital Setting
A study recently published in a peer-reviewed journal investigated the impact of a solo practitioner bringing Energy Medicine methods into a local hospital. Titled "Feasibility of Energy Medicine in a Community Teaching Hospital," the investigation shows what is possible and provides a model that other practitioners can follow.
The paper builds its framework by noting that Energy Medicine is increasingly being offered by major hospitals and that a primary reason for this growth and acceptance is patient satisfaction, with some surveys reporting the percentage of ''satisfied users'' being as high as 98%. Studies are cited which have shown Energy Medicine to improve pain, anxiety, wound healing, functional status, blood pressure, immune function, relaxation, well-being, cancer outcomes, fatigue, mood, fibromyalgia, phantom limb pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome. No reports were found in the published literature of increased mortality, morbidity, or serious adverse effects.
In the new study, Energy Medicine was found to be accepted by the medical staff and to be in demand. Of 50 cases of pain, for instance, 76 per cent of the patients treated with Energy Medicine reported "marked improvement." For 29 other issues, 79 percent reported marked improvement. Changes were usually immediate.
The investigators speculated that implementation of the Energy Medicine program was smooth because the procedures used dovetailed with conventional clinical practices. The biggest problem identified regarding further application was that the cost of administering a new program is a deterrent. The paper appeared in the June 2015 issue of The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. You can click here to read the entire article.
Energy Minute                                        

This is your Energy Minute with Donna Eden,
Dondi Dahlin, and Titanya Dahlin
from Ogunquit, Maine.


With the flu season upon us, you can use Energy Medicine to help prevent a sore throat and maybe even the flu! Place the fingers of one hand on the bottom of your jaw bone. Place the fingers of your opposite hand on the top of your collar bone. With your hands firmly in this position, deeply stretch the skin of your neck and throat. Continue around the entire region, making space so that healing energies can move through!

You can set these healing energies by then making gentle "angel pinches" on the skin of the neck and throat with your fingers. 

For more information, see Energy Medicine,
(Tarcher/Penguin, 2008)
Innersource: Donna Eden and David Feinstein, PhD