of Your Soul
David Feinstein, PhD, John Holland, and
Joe Dispenza, DC
Omega Institute
September 25-27
Join four of the nation's leaders in the fields of energy, mind, and spirit for an informative and revitalizing experience that will help you answer these questions. As you learn to cultivate and align energy, mind, and spirit in your life, you can begin to tap into your fullest potential.
Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
Wednesday Energy Minute Videos
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It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook and YouTube.
Want a quick, one-day introduction to Eden Energy Medicine? |
This is a wonderful way to learn the basics of Eden Energy Medicine!
These fun, practical, and informative classes are taught worldwide!
With so much information coming to us as we stare at our computer screens, those who produce live educational events are challenged to make them compelling enough to draw people away from the comfort of their homes. We are looking forward to several very exciting live events in the coming months that are discussed in this issue, from the Advanced Chakra Class in San Diego, to three events at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York, and then a conference on the beautiful island of Victoria, British Columbia. Traveling as much as we do, we are often introduced to some of the strangest as well as some of the most interesting developments in the technology of Energy Medicine. Our visit last month to the Rhine Center, near Duke University and summarized below, was one of the more interesting of these. And, children never cease to amaze us. This month's case history tells of the intuitive healing inclinations of the three-year-old grandson of one of our practitioners. We hope you are finding great enjoyment this year in the energies of summer! Love, Donna and David
A Child's Intuition

By Gail Van Kanegan, NP
Children have the ability to view the world with incredible creativity and a genuine sense of knowing. However, it became most evident to me just how much children are intuitive about Energy Medicine (EM) when I was witness to the ability of my three-year old grandson, Gavin, help to heal another person. Ever since Gavin was conceived, he has received energy work from me in a variety of forms. When he was able to talk, he started to tell me "Feels good, Grandma" every time I massaged his aura or hooked him up.
I live 400 miles from Gavin and was at his home for a week in December 2010. A close friend of mine stopped by to visit one evening. She could barely walk or lift her legs to get up the steps into the house. In our discussions, she told me how over the past 6 months she had been having increased pain of her legs and low back to the point that she could not lift her foot enough to get dressed or put on her shoes. She had been working with her doctor who has not been able to provide any relief from the pain and she has become increasingly fatigued, de-conditioned, and weakened.
I immediately began to assess her energies and found her to be ungrounded, disconnected, and with no energy moving below the waist. She rated the pain at a 9/10 of her thigh muscles where they connect to the pelvis and low back. I grounded her, traced her meridians, and did the Belt Flow a few times. Her pain disappeared immediately and she was able to raise her feet as high as her knees to march in place!
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Visiting the Rhine Research Center
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| John G. Kruth, director of the Rhine |
By David Feinstein J.B. Rhine was a psychologist at Duke University who pioneered the scientific investigation of telepathy, clairvoyance, and other forms of parapsychology. When he retired in 1965, a nonprofit institute was formed to continue his work, and it remains active and vital to this day. When Donna and I were coming to keynote at the Spirituality and Consciousness Conference last month, which was held near the Rhine Research Center in Durham, NC, we received an invitation from the center to meet with the members of their special interest group on healing. About a dozen people joined us in their conference room, and it was an extraordinary discussion. They opened by posing the questions, "What is energy healing? Are we working with electromagnetic energies, light, energy transference, spirit guides?" Many of the participants were scientifically investigating these questions or were practitioners of a healing modality. After two hours of discussing energy healing from a dozen angles, the director of the Rhine, John G. Kruth, gave us a tour of the research facilities. We were fascinated. Read On >>> |
Immersion Experience: Learn EFT Fast
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An Event in Victoria, British Columbia
Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort and Spa - Victoria, BC
One of the most exciting healing gatherings this year (October 1-5) will be the 17th annual Canadian Energy Psychology Conference in Victoria, B.C., a beautiful island on the west coast of Canada, not far from Vancouver.
Bessel van der Kolk will present the opening keynote address. His NY Times best-selling book, The Body Keeps the Score, is helping revolutionize the way that PTSD is treated. Donna and David's keynote is on The Energies of Love, followed by a post-conference workshop on that same wonderful topic. In addition, David will be offering a 15-hour "Fast Track" for health care professionals, teaching them or refreshing their skills with acupoint tapping. And our very own Dondi Dahlin will MC the entire event! You can take the "Fast Track," come to all the keynotes (you would attend the Fast Track instead of the breakout sessions), and fully experience the ambience of this wonderful conference. So if you've been hearing about EFT or Energy Psychology and think you might want to learn more, this is a great opportunity. Spend a day in Dr. van der Kolk's preconference workshop hearing the most renowned psychiatrist in trauma treatment tell you how he does it. Enjoy this upbeat conference in a beautiful waterfront setting. Learn from David how to use EFT effectively, and then settle into one of Donna and David's rare all-day Energies of Love presentations. Click here to learn more about the conference and the July 30 early bird special.
Belly Dance & the Five Elements
An Interview with Dondi and Titanya
Energy e-Letter: Dondi and Titanya, who are you?
Besides being Donna Eden's daughters and working for her company, we are performers who started in different forms of ethnic dance at the ages of 5 and 10, respectively. Polynesian and Middle-Eastern dance became our focus, and we were dancing professionally by the time we were teenagers. We have performed and taught in more than 20 countries during the last 40 years. Our current focus is on belly dance and the five elements. Our next class is at the Omega Institute in upstate New York this October.
EEL: Sounds like an intriguing combination! How do you incorporate the five elements into belly dance?
We discuss the five elements in relation to what your primary element might be as a personality type, and we also physically move through the five elements. We explore the sensuality and slow movement of water, the staccato and driving movement of wood, the explosive and joyful movement of fire, the lyrical and grounded movement of earth, and the refined and sophisticated movement of metal.
EEL: What happens in your belly dance classes?
A lot! Over three days we move slowly, rhythmically, fast, powerfully, sensually, and we explore our body from our toes to our fingers, with and without veils. We do all of this to the fabulous music of Spain, the Middle East, and Europe. Not to mention, we laugh a lot, learn history about the Middle East, tell stories, do visualizations, discuss the impact of the five elements in our lives, and make lifelong friends!
EEL: Do I have to know how to dance or be flexible to come to one of your classes?
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Energy Minute
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This is your Energy Minute with Titanya from Bad Fork Valley Overlook in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina!
Energy and Increased Libido! You may be hearing a lot right now about adrenal exhaustion. It results from too much pressure or stress, has serious consequences, and is becoming epidemic. We are all doing way too much!
You hear a lot of complaints about backaches. What most people don't know is that back aches are often rooted in adrenal exhausion.
Massaging your adrenal points two to three minutes each day helps to nourish your adrenal glands and kidneys, bringing them fresh energy. Strong adrenals lead to greater mental clarity. An additional bonus is that this will also boost your libido!
For more information, see Energy Medicine, |