We are celebrating Mother's Day with ALL WOMEN this month!
Click the image above to see the great deals we have prepared just for you!
Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
"Re-NEW Life with Darius Barazandeh"
will feature Donna EdenLIVE ONLINE forEnergy Medicine: How to Move Energies for Increased Health, Vitality & Joy!
June 41:00 p.m. Pacific Join this 9th annual summit. More than 250,000 individuals have participated!
Wednesday Energy Minute Videos
| More Energy Minutes!
It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook and YouTube.
Want a quick, one-day introduction to Eden Energy Medicine? |
This is a wonderful way to learn the basics of Eden Energy Medicine!
These fun, practical, and informative classes are taught worldwide!
| Donna demonstrating energy testing on David! |
A qigong master named Jixing Li was able to selectively kill human cancer cells in a laboratory 3,000 miles away. The cells, placed in a growth medium within an incubator at Penn State University, were focused upon by Li while in California. The cells Li targeted died. A second set of cancer cells, only a few inches away, continued to grow rapidly. While we do not guarantee that you will be able to perform this feat after graduating from the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program, it does show that conventional paradigms for understanding healing are far too limited for explaining phenomena that can be demonstrated.
From cross-country influences back to events that occur every moment within the tiny universe of your body, a new series of studies (described in this issue) has demonstrated that tiny biological structures influence one another through electromagnetic waves and energetic resonance. No chemical messengers are involved. The implication is that we are wired to be brought into resonance with external healing forces. "Healing hands" is not just a metaphor applied to someone with a nurturing personality. It is one of the key physical mechanisms of Energy Medicine.
In case this isn't pushing your paradigm, how about couples who regularly visit one another in their nighttime dreams, and in the morning find that their stories correspond? You can find out more about these remarkable people by scrolling down to the Spiritual Partnership article. Or in this month's Case History, you can learn how Eden Energy Medicine techniques which seemed so simple that a sophisticated body worker and yoga teacher didn't think they would make any difference for an intractable condition that was headed toward surgery, but they turned out to be the key to turning it around.
We hope you enjoy this issue and are finding many moments of delight and wonder in this lusty month of May.
Love, Donna and David
Eden Energy Medicine Restores Mobility to an Infected Leg
Odette with her family
after a mini-triathlon event,
one year after her ordeal
Odette Slater is a body worker and teacher of Yoga, Pilates, CranioSacral, and many other energetic and body modalities. She learned Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) techniques by studying Donna's books and used her knowledge of EEM to aid her recovery from a painful and debilitating bone infection.
In January of 2010, Odette began driving her mother's car and due to the unfamiliar configuration of the seat and door, she banged her knee and shin many times getting in and out of the car. One day after a Yoga practice, she noticed a painful bump just below her left knee which got worse over the next couple of days. She visited a doctor and was told that it was bursitis which she could treat with ibuprofen and plenty of water. She tried this approach, but had an allergic reaction to the ibuprofen. With her immune system overtaxed, the pain in her leg worsened and grew into a full bone infection. After several weeks, she couldn't walk or even bend her leg.
Odette began a series of visits to doctors, emergency rooms, and clinics. Almost all of the doctors recommended antibiotics and surgery, although none of them could explain why the infection had taken root. She elected not to pursue surgery right away and decided to treat the infection with oral antibiotics. She felt adrift at this point, with no answers from the doctors she had seen. The pain and discomfort were so intense that she was ready to die.
Finally, she sought alternative sources of information about the condition, including guidance from friends, professionals, podcasts, and books. One of the books was Energy Medicine for Women by Donna Eden. She'd been given the book a year earlier but had not read it. By then, she was unable to walk across the room.
Read On >>>
The Spiritual Partnership --
The Spiritual Life
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Marcela Lobos and Alberto Villoldo
Marcela Lobos and
Alberto Villoldo
Alberto Villoldo and his wife, Marcela Lobos, run the Center for Energy Medicine in Chile as well as the U.S.-based Four Winds Society, which trains people in the practice of shamanic energy medicine. We featured them at our first International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine three years ago, where they were a great hit, and a good number of our students have also been involved in their trainings.
When we were writing the final chapter of The Energies of Love, which reflects on the spiritual dimensions of a relationship, we wanted to interview a couple who were highly conscious about their relationship as a shared spiritual journey. We were very fortunate that Alberto and Marcela agreed to share their story.
From the start of the interview, it became clear that conventional concepts are too limiting to permit an accurate understanding of the way Alberto and Marcela experience their partnership. For instance, one of the practices we found to be the most remarkable is that they have cultivated the art of "lucid dreaming" and are sometimes able to find the other and enter his or her dreams. During lucid dreams, people are aware they are dreaming and are able to exert a degree of control over the experience, exploring or directing the way the dream unfolds. This is well-documented and is an ability that many people have naturally or have developed. Entering one another's dreams, however, takes lucid dreaming into yet another dimension. In the morning, when they describe their adventures together in the night, they find that their stories match!
You can see the rest of this fascinating conversation in The Energies of Love, but you may also be interested in Alberto's important new book, One Spirit Medicine. It is a powerful synthesis of ancient and modern healing modalities into an engaging read and a user-friendly program. David recently reviewed it for the International Journal of Healing and Caring. You can read the review by clicking here.
Exciting Research Supports Energy Medicine!
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| Robert Becker's 1998 classic keeps seeming more and more true. |
Physicists in research laboratories in the U.S., India, and Japan have found that the material that forms the infrastructure of living cells is capable of exchanging information wirelessly via electromagnetic waves! A summary of this research can be found in Calcutta's The Telegraph.
The startling implication is that tiny biological structures within cells can exchange information wirelessly, through energetic resonance, without the need for electrochemical signals. The information-processing capacity of neurons and other cells are appearing to be vastly more complex and superior than a system that depends solely on chemical messengers.
This provides support for the paradigm leap that is fundamental to Energy Medicine, from organs to energy as the fundamental focus for healing. When you pass your hand over another person's body in a healing context, the electromagnetic energy emitted from your hand is having an effect on the information processing system in every cell. Someday we will be able to scientifically describe exactly how this impacts healing. For now, the new findings point to the information processing mechanisms that may be involved.
Year 1 Foundations Classes
Registration for the 2015/2016 Foundations Classes program is underway! We are offering more than 50 classes worldwide, in four countries!
The EEM Foundations Classes are a one-year program of extensive study in the fundamentals of Eden Energy Medicine. This year of classes is also the groundwork for those students who wish to complete the EEM Two-Year Certification Program and become Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners.
Energy Minute
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This is your Energy Minute with Donna, Dondi, and Titanya from the westernmost point of Continental Europe!
Activate Energy for Adrenals, Small Intestine, and Thyroid!We have pathways of energy that run along the outside of our arms that feed energy into the large intestine, thyroid, adrenals, and small intestine. This simple exercise activates these energies! Do this a few times, with deep in-breaths on the swing, to help nourish your organs!
For more information, see Energy Medicine, |
Hormonal Health is HERE with our extended Mother's Day Sale!
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Hormones play a major part in many of the specific health challenges that women face. Donna offers simple, yet effective techniques to help balance hormones in all stages of a woman's life.
Take advantage of some great prices on our Energy Medicine for Women products.
Don't miss out! Sale ends May 31!
Click on the image below to take you to the sale!