Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
Donna and David LIVE Radio Interview with James Van Praagh!
May 12 11:00 a.m. Pacific
"The Energies of Love" on Hay House RadioFREE Online!
In this lively interview, Donna and David will talk with James about applying Energy Medicine to relationships as discussed in their new book, The Energies of Love!
Re-NEW Life with Darius Barazandeh
will feature Donna EdenLIVE ONLINE forEnergy Medicine: How to Move Energies for Increased Health, Vitality, & Joy!
June 41:00 p.m. Pacific Join this 9th annual summit. More than 250,000 individuals have participated!
Wednesday Energy Minute Videos
| More Energy Minutes!
It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook and YouTube.

While our Certification Program requires two years of intense study and also includes two advanced years of training for those who have already been certified -- and not a moment is wasted in that training -- people can make a tremendous difference in their lives after just the simplest introduction to Energy Medicine. Pam Aronson attended one class and brought what she learned back to her workplace with remarkable results, as you will see below. Also, one of the most well-received offerings we have ever made to the public has been the free Energy Minute posted every Wednesday on Facebook (the latest one is presented below).
This issue was particularly meaningful for us to put together, describing a sentimental journey with Jean Houston 27 years ago, being included among the latest advances for treating PTSD, and seeing new hope for those with fibromyalgia and other autoimmune disorders. We also hope you will enjoy the free teleseminars and other resources the various articles presented.
As we settle into spring, may you be blessed with renewal and wonder.
Donna and David
Teaching the Daily Routine at Work
Pam Aronson attended a 5-day class and took what she learned right back to a few friends at her workplace who were curious about Eden Energy Medicine (EEM). She offered a 1/2-hour "daily routine" class during lunch, three times a week. During the first week, four people participated. They were told they could bring others as well. By the second week, the number had doubled. By the third week, they were up to sixteen, all through word of mouth. Many of the people are now doing the daily energy routine at home every day. Pam said "This is making such a difference in their lives, and it's a joy being part of it." She offered the following unsolicited feedback from some of the people attending her lunchtime group:
"I had bursitis in my right hip -- I had a burning feeling deep in my hip most of the time. I didn't like taking anti-inflammatories all the time or doing the icing treatment, so I bore the discomfort. Now, after one and a half years of enduring it, it is gone.""I'm doing this on my own twice a day. My son and husband came down with H1N1 and I am still standing. Got my son to do tapping and his only lasted 4 days. My husband is still not a believer and sick as a dog." "I started to get a cold over the weekend, which always knocks me flat for several days. I only had one bad day. By the next day I was feeling much better." Read On >>>
Donna and David to Present in Boston May 27-30
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Donna and David to Keynote at the World's Most Respected Trauma Conference
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a modern epidemic that has seriously overwhelmed the mental health treatment community. An estimated 11 million people in the U.S., or 3.5% of the population, currently suffer with it, along with an estimated 700 million people, or 10%, worldwide. For combat veterans, the estimates are at 30%, for refuges from war-torn countries it is 50%, and for survivors of torture it is 70%. Even a single incident -- such as an automobile accident or a violent crime -- can permanently change the brain if effective treatment is not provided, and the result for many survivors of such tragedies is an overwhelming, debilitating, lifelong disorder.
Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.
Helping people overcome PTSD is not proving to be easy. In a study of 49,425 Iraq and Afghan war veterans with newly diagnosed PTSD, less than 1 in 10 who sought care from facilities run by the VA completed the prescribed course of treatment. A light in this darkness has been the Boston Trauma Center, founded 30 years ago by Bessel van der Kolk, a psychiatrist who in our opinion has been the foremost pioneer in understanding the biochemistry of trauma and what is needed to effectively treat it.
Each year, the Boston Trauma Center sponsors the premier conference on treating PTSD. We were deeply honored to be asked to present a keynote address, followed by a workshop, on Energy Medicine in the Treatment of Trauma at their 26th Annual International Trauma Conference, May 27-30, in Boston.
Year 1 Foundations Classes
Registration for the 2015/2016 Foundations Classes program is underway! We are offering more than 50 classes worldwide, in four countries!
The EEM Foundations Classes are a one-year program of extensive study in the fundamentals of Eden Energy Medicine. This year of classes is the groundwork for those students who wish to complete the EEM Two-Year Certification Program and become Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners.
Don't miss this rare opportunity to see Donna teach advanced chakra work!
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Advanced Class with Donna and Friends in San Diego!
We are thrilled to share this incredibly special opportunity with you to learn advanced chakra work with Donna's guidance. Beyond chakra work, Donna will also do at least two full Tracker Sessions, discussing with the audience what she saw, what she did, and why she did it.
In addition to Donna's Advanced Class, there will also be optional pre/post event classes taught by Sara Allen and Ellen Meredith.
Donna is very excited to delve into more advanced topics with her students! Join her as she takes you on a creative and magical journey to the frontiers of Energy Medicine. This class will meet continuing training requirements for our Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners. Additional CE opportunities will also be offered.
Energy Treatments for Fibromyalgia
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Western medicine is the first to admit that it does not have effective tools for curing most autoimmune disorders. Treatments are oriented toward suppressing symptoms or slowing disease progress. Since Donna's own experience in curing herself of multiple sclerosis 40 years ago, after her doctors had told her "get your affairs in order," she has been successfully applying Energy Medicine with autoimmune illnesses.
From a different angle, Energy Psychology practitioners have also been reporting encouraging results with autoimmune disorders. For instance, in a randomized controlled trial 26 women diagnosed with fibromyalgia who had been on sick leave for at least three months were taught EFT (the most popular Energy Psychology approach) using an internet-based training program. They were also provided personal email support. At the end of the eight-week treatment program they showed significant improvement, as compared to a wait-list group, in measures including pain, anxiety, depression, vitality, social function, activity level, and performance problems with work due to physical limitations. These outcomes were published in the journal Integrative Medicine.
Our friend and close colleague Dawson Church has designed a 12-week online program for people suffering with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. It includes online lessons, PDFs, videos, audios, and telephone coaching sessions. While we cannot directly endorse it as we have no involvement, we found it promising enough that we wanted to mention it to you.
If you do try this method, or if you forward this to a friend who is challenged with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome and your friend takes the program, please let us know how it worked out (send comments to We know the program is somewhat expensive, but if it is effective for you, it is an incredible bargain. Given how products and services are promoted nowadays, we should mention that we receive no financial compensation for letting you know about the program. You can learn more here.
A Trip of a Lifetime
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Fond Memories for Donna and David
In 1988, upon the publication of the first edition of David's first book, Personal Mythology, Jean Houston was authoritative in her praise, as only Jean with her wonderful use of language can be: "Brilliantly conceived and beautifully written, Personal Mythology opens new ground in the fields of personal and social transformation. Its guidance is expert and exemplary, giving the reader powerful and luminous procedures . . ." She was also extraordinarily gracious, inviting David and Donna to celebrate this achievement by joining her, as her guest, on a three-week tour of Greece with soul-shaking experiential enactments at every port and historical site. It was a stunning and outstanding experience. We will be talking about it for the rest of our lives. We have an opportunity to pay the gift forward to the universe, now 27 years later, by letting you know that Jean is again leading a group to Greece (two actually, due to popular demand -- one in June and another in September). The theme is "Ancient Greece and the Asclepian Journey." If you look at the bas reliefs of Asclepius -- the 400 B.C. exemplar of holistic healing, psychology, and spirituality -- you will see that he was always holding his hands over the patient. In this trip, led by one of the wisest people on the planet, you will "re-enact the rituals that became the foundation for many of our modern therapies, and visit the mountains, islands, and temples where the 'miraculous' healing of ancient Greeks took place." You can hear Jean talk about how Asclepius' thinking has carried forward into "The New Paradigm for Wellness," a free two-hour program this Monday, April 27, at 6:00 p.m. PST. Meanwhile, we deeply wish our schedules allowed us to join her in one of her upcoming Greek odysseys, but we hope some of you will be able to take the journey (June Trip; September Trip) and let our community know about your experiences.
Energy Minute
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This is your Energy Minute with Donna Eden, Titanya Dahlin, and Dondi Dahlin!
Help for a Sore Throat! When you feel vulnerable to the wind blowing against your body and face, or if you feel a bit of a sore throat coming on -- you can gently massage the points behind and at the bottom of both earlobes. Breathe deeply while you massage! You can also wrap a scarf around your neck, covering the bottom of your ears and closing off these wind points!
For more information, see Energy Medicine, |