Donna and David in Killarney National Park, Ireland
Donna and David teaching in
Dublin, Ireland, this past weekend.
Case Histories
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Wednesday Energy Minute Videos
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It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook and YouTube.
We head for Bristol today from York, where we had our second presentation (following Dublin) on this Ireland and U.K. teaching tour. What has struck us the most is the profound level of appreciation expressed as Donna signs books, both for the class and for the resources that preceded us in our books and videos (this was our first time presenting in either city). We had only a couple of hours to stroll around York, but it is an amazing experience. You walk through the narrow cobblestone streets, and the only thing separating you from the 1200s is that you remember the year you started in! Above is the nighttime view of York Castle from the hotel where the class was taught.
This month's case history is about EEM for depression. Depression can range from "low spirits" to an indescribable darkness that saps any will to live. One of every 10 Americans takes anti-depressant medication, and an astounding 23% of women in their 40s and 50s are on Prozac, Zoloft, or similar drugs. Besides their notorious side effects, these medications are not necessarily any better than placebos for many of the people taking them. From an Energy Medicine perspective, energies that are locked in a homolateral pattern are always involved in depression. Read of the effects of shifting this pattern on Vicki Goodrich's lifelong struggle with the illness.
We hear cliche phrases like "60 is the new 40," and they reflect a fundamental shift in how we as a culture are understanding and navigating aging. One of the luminaries in holistic health, Dr. Christiane Northrup, turns her astute eye to aging as discussed below. Meanwhile, Saturday is Valentine's Day, and we are deep into a special Energies of Love Relationship program where our interviews with John Gray, Arielle Ford, Gregg Braden, Norm Shealy, James van Praagh, and Dawson Church are being made available for free, with thousands of people participating. We also last week filmed an energy minute for partners, in the Ring of Kerry, see below.
Sending you and yours our best Valentine's wishes for love and gratifying relationship,
Donna and David
Energy Medicine Turns Around a Lifetime of Depression
By Vicki Goodrich
I experienced a miraculous transformation in my mental and emotional health from diligently performing The Daily Energy Routine. To my amazement, these techniques released me from a lifelong battle with depression! I had my first bout of major medical depression as a young child in the third grade, and for the next 40 years I lived in a state of dysthymia (chronic low-grade depression) with occasional serious episodes that were debilitating.
I did the best I could to function in life, and I finally received professional help as well as medication in 2002 (which I took for six years). Although I credit medicine for saving my life, it did not provide me with much relief from having "the blues" -- in addition to which, I gained a lot of weight. Eventually, I weaned myself off from medication as I looked for solutions from a variety of healing modalities, none of which proved to be substantial.
Then by a stroke of luck (or more likely by the grace of God), I found myself in a workshop led by Donna Eden. At that time, I was yet again in another very dark period and asked David Feinstein for help. He emphasized an exercise called the Homolateral Crossover, which was specifically designed to assist the chronically ill and depressed.
Read On >>>
The FREE Energies of Love Relationship Series!
 In celebration of Valentine's Day and the recent release of our book The Energies of Love, we decided to host our own FREE, online event: The Energies of Love Relationship Series!
This FREE, 10-day program brings you insights from: John Gray, James Van Praagh, Arielle Ford, Gregg Braden, Carol Tuttle, SARK, Nick Ortner, Bruce Lipton, Norm Shealy, and Dawson Church!
If you want to stay connected with your partner and find deep fulfillment in your relationship, we hope you sign up for our series!
There are thousands who have already started to participate. Here is what some of them are saying:
"WOW! Donna and David, That was a fantastic interview with John Gray! I can't believe how much I learned. I've never heard some of the information discussed by all of you. Thank you so much for this wonderful gift. Now I'm excited to hear the next nine." ~ M. S. "Dear Donna and David, I have loved your conversations with John Gray, James Van Praagh, Arielle Ford and Gregg Braden because of the format with both of you bringing in the logical with the energetic. One of the biggest shifts/understandings about myself was in your video The Energies of Love. In the above conversations, I could make the links that never occurred when I listened to each of you individually. It was like a synergistic merger that occurred. They were brilliant." ~ S.H.
Goddesses Never Age
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Christiane Northrup on Staying Vital through the Years
By David Feinstein, Ph.D.
Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a dear colleague as well as a strong advocate for Energy Medicine. In her foreword to Donna's Energy Medicine for Women, Dr. Northrup wrote: "In the medicine of the future, as I envision it, working with the patient's energy field will be the first intervention. Surgery will be a last resort. Drugs will be a last resort. They will still have their place, but shifting the energy patterns that caused the disease will be the first line of treatment. And before that, teaching people how to keep their energies in healthy patterns will be as much a part of physical hygiene as flossing or exercise."
Besides being one of the most inspiring physicians in the public eye (Oprah, Dr. Oz, Today, eight PBS specials devoted to her work, and on and on), her eight books have virtually defined the field of women's health and wellness. The latest, Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being (being released this month), establishes a new mindset about what it means to grow older, backed by the best science, the best conventional methods, and the best holistic methods available for staying healthy and vital. Dr. Northrup asks the reader early in the book, "Are you going to grow older with gusto or deteriorate with age?" She advocates this formula for the later years: "Happy, healthy, dead."
In reviewing an advance copy, I was struck with some of the parallels between Dr. Northrup's approach and the enormously well-received "Aging Joyfully" workshop Donna presented last month in Palm Springs. While I had suggested a more conservative title ("Aging Sucks: This May Help a Little"), both Donna and Dr. Northrup take a more positive approach, emphasizing the healing power of pleasure and joy along with concrete practices that keep your body young. Like Donna's class (which will eventually be available on DVD), Dr. Northrup's book provides specific, practical, proven advice. Learn more here!
Energy Minute
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This is your Energy Minute with Donna Eden and David Feinstein from Killarney National Park in Ireland!
We are celebrating The Energies of Love! When you feel like you would like to be connected more with your partner, here is what you can do energetically!
With your arms and hands, swoop in figure 8 patterns to connect your two heart chakras. Have each partner take a turn, breathe deeply, make eye contact...and swoon!!!
For more information, see The Energies of Love, |