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It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook and YouTube.
Join Donna and David in Ireland and the U.K. for seven very special workshop experiences!
February 6-18, 2015
Join Donna and David when they teach in Dublin, York, Bristol, and London in February!
Click the link below to see complete details including how to register!
Sometimes you are in the right place at the right time, and the outcome of an Energy Medicine intervention can seem like a miracle. That happened for Donna in front of a little market in Mexico sometime back. First reported in one of her books, we are sharing it again in this issue. It still brings tears to our eyes to recall what occurred.
Following the publication in September of The Energies of Love, we have been asked a broad spectrum of questions in the numerous media appearances that follow when a book makes it onto the NY Times Best Seller list (Relationships category). One of the most interesting involves the notion of "Soulmates." Is that even a useful concept? Is it something to hold out for? Read more below.
Interesting as that is, along with the other topics in this issue, mostly right now we want to wish you a wonderful holiday season and many blessings for 2015.
Love, Donna and David
Donna Saves a Woman's Life
(Excerpted from Energy Medicine for Women)
We were working in Mexico. I was driving early one evening, alone, and about to turn into a market, when I came upon a gruesome scene. A bus had just hit a young woman and one of its back tires had stopped directly on her pelvis, hip, and upper legs. Mine was the first car to arrive.
I pulled over, jumped out, and went directly over to her. The bus driver, who looked like he was in shock himself, said, "No, no," when I got to her and gestured for me not to touch her, fearing, I'm sure, that an untrained person might inadvertently cause further harm. I don't speak Spanish, but I heard the words "Yo soy doctor" (I am a doctor) tumble out of my mouth. Everyone who was on the bus or who was now coming onto the scene cleared a space for me to be with her.
Time stopped; everything seemed surreal. The girl was unconscious. I saw that her life force was leaving her. Her aura had collapsed completely into her body and the energies were draining out at her feet. I focused on what could be done to keep her alive. The tire sitting on her became secondary. I was on the right side of her body and immediately began to hold triple warmer points that would stabilize her energies and take her out of shock. These points are on both sides of the body. I signaled to the nearest person, a Mexican boy probably about 13, to hold the same points on the left side of her body, and he promptly mimicked what I was doing, somehow maneuvering around the tire.
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Criticisms of Wikipedia Defended by Harvard Psychiatrist
Eric Leskowitz, M.D., Responds to Wikipedia's Ongoing Censorship of Alternative Therapy Listings
Dr. Eric Leskowitz
Last April, our e-Letter invited you to sign a petition to bring to light the biased practices of Wikipedia in its entries about Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology. While Wikipedia has established itself as a reliable reference source in many areas, it has at the same time become a voice for conventional medical practices, pharmacology, and scientific materialism. Its biases are evident in its treatment of almost all forms of alternative and natural healing. Some go as far as to call it censorship. For instance, the entries for Donna Eden (whose best-selling book on Energy Medicine is the classic in the field and is used every day in hundreds of courses around the world, currently in 18 languages) and David Feinstein (whose books have earned nine national awards) were summarily removed several years ago. Vigorous attempts by our colleagues to have them reinstated (along with other leaders in the natural healing movement) have been denied for reasons that seem bogus at best. Still, Wikipedia is well-respected and trusted, which is why its biases and misinformation are so damaging to a public expecting to receive credible information. Fortunately, a backlash of support is growing to eradicate this injustice. Last month, Dr. Eric Leskowitz, a Harvard psychiatrist, published an article through Boston's National Public Radio online publication, Common Health, taking Wikipedia to task for unscientific and biased articles. After a review of the relevant history and issues, Dr. Leskowitz closes his article by quoting our colleague, Debby Vajda, the current president of Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology: "In my view, these developments are outgrowths of a struggle between old and new paradigms that offer competing explanations of the nature of health, illness, and consciousness. It's a struggle that should be addressed with fair and open scientific integrity and reportage, but unfortunately, one of the main information gatekeepers in our digital age is not playing fair and it's time to make a change. A lot is at stake." We could not agree more.
Soulmates and True Love
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"Some Enchanted Evening . . .
. . . you may see a stranger, you may see a stranger, across a crowded room." The sentiment behind this song has shaped what generations of young people have looked for, hoped for, and expected of romance. And we are biologically wired, so it often feels this way in a new relationship.
What of five years later, 10 years later, 40 years later? Biology sets the stage, but it does not provide the script for the drama that is to unfold. That is based on the choices two people make, day by day.
Innumerable books, couples therapists, and self-defined love coaches are dedicated to helping couples make the choices that will keep love thriving. When Donna and David threw their hat into this ring with The Energies of Love, they felt they had something new and valuable to say. No previous book had addressed the invisible forces, the subtle energies, that underlie the experience of love with quite the focus or precision allowed by their unique backgrounds. Perhaps the most challenging section for them to write was the 10th and final chapter, which discusses "your evolving relationship as a spiritual journey." Is true love destined? Is there a soulmate out there waiting to be found, and all other relationships will pale in comparison? When their friend, Arielle Ford, published earlier this month her new e-book, Love on the Other Side, which provides compelling evidence that after a loved one dies the relationship continues, some rich discussion ensued. David took it as an opportunity to further address these questions in a review of Arielle's book that you can read here. The review also gives instructions for downloading Arielle's ebook, free until December 31. Do Donna, David, and Arielle really have anything to say that is genuinely new? "Some Enchanted Evening" goes on: "Who can explain it? Who can tell you why? Fools give you reasons, Wise men never try."
You can judge their musings for yourself.
Energy Minute
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This is your Energy Minute with the Innersource staff from Ashland, Oregon!
Triple Warmer meridian is one of the nine primary energy systems taught in Eden Energy Medicine. Befriending Triple Warmer allows for a calmer fight/flight/freeze response, a healthier immune system, and a deeper-seated sense of balance and harmony.
For more information, see Energy Medicine, |