The Stress Solutions Summit
with Lisa Garr
Donna will be featured at 1:00 p.m. PST on December 2!
Click below to join for FREE!
Join Donna when she talks to Lisa Garr about the best Energy Medicine methods for stress reduction.
The Stress Solutions Summit will also feature nine other prominent speakers on stress management including Dr. Norm Shealy and Dr. Gay Hendrix!
Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
Donna and David will be speaking with Dr. Norm Shealy LIVE online December 11 10:00 a.m. PST
Click the image above to listen to their conversation on Dr. Shealy's brand new Hay House Radio program Living Bliss!

Wednesday Energy Minute Videos
| More Energy Minutes!
It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook and YouTube.
Join Donna and Susie Walton as they explore the Joys of Parenting!
You can click here to watch a free video of Donna with Susie!
Did you know that we have the power to chance the energy around us to improve our health, minds, and attitudes? When we parents learn the "language" of energy, we can teach it to our children too.
September 10-13, 2015
Donna and David will offer their next Advanced Class in beautiful San Diego!
More details coming soon. Get ready to join the EEM community for a very special event!
It is wonderful for us when we learn of healers using energy methods that provide hope and promise in areas where the culture is failing. It is gratifying to host an enormously successful conference with world-renowned speakers. It is also very exciting to teach in foreign countries and be asked back.
We have been privileged to enjoy all three of these pleasures. With some of the more than 400 veterans signing up for the free program we offered on Veterans Day asking for next steps, we are pleased to be able to tell them about one of our sister organizations that is really coming through.
Video clips from our IGEEM Conference are now available, so we are able to give those of you who weren't there a glimpse into what so many of you enjoyed in person. And, we are preparing to return to Ireland and the UK for another exciting teaching tour. Learn more about all this and more in this issue.
As Thanksgiving 2014 approaches, we are filled with gratitude for our lives and for the opportunity to at least believe we are making a difference. We wish each and every one of you a wonderful holiday.
Donna and David
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Therapists Who Aren't Waiting for the Government to Help Veterans with PTSD
More than 400 veterans or their family members responded to our Veterans Day offer to download for free our 4-hour Energy Psychology video training program. The appreciative comments we have received were poignant and gratifying.
Warfare leaves psychic scars on everyone involved -- soldiers, their families, entire civilian populations. We are deeply committed to making the most powerful therapies in existence widely available. The fact that therapies that understand the energetic dimension of trauma are proving to be among the most effective is gratifying, but it also places a greater sense of responsibility on us. Having been repeatedly rebuffed, we are hopeful that the new administration in the V.A. will prove more open.
A group that has not waited for institutional support is the Veteran's Stress Project. They have rolled up their sleeves, gotten 300 therapists or life coaches who are trained in Energy Psychology (generally EFT) to join their efforts, and they have provided free or low-cost Energy Psychology treatments to more than 7,000 veterans.
| The Veteran's Stress |
While they cannot guarantee that every veteran who participates in their program will be helped, the most promising research on treating PTSD is based on tracking a sample of their participants. Of those, 86% went from above the PTSD cutoff on the military version of a standardized symptom inventory to below the cutoff after just six sessions.
If you know a veteran who is struggling with PTSD, you might suggest that he or she watch the 10-minute video clip at, which shows excerpts from the successful treatment undergone by four military veterans. If they want to learn more about the approach being demonstrated, the Veteran's Stress Project is a potent resource.
Some Glimpses into IGEEM 2014
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Donna, David, and Innersource staff members at IGEEM 2014
The International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) in San Diego this past September was by all measures a wonderful and even amazing happening. Each of our keynote speakers -- Jack Canfield, Jean Houston, Larry Dossey, Kulreet Chaudhary, and Seane Corn -- received a rousing, standing ovation. The 42 breakout sessions were, for the most part, given over-the-top evaluations, and the spirit of the event was inspiring, uplifting, and palpable.
An interesting side note was that most of the keynote speakers told us that they loved the way we introduced them, with two of them saying it was the best introduction they had ever received. For the fun of it, we are posting these five introductions. Introducing keynoters to a conference is always an interesting challenge for the organizers, and it gave Donna and David golden opportunities to tell the community why these are some of our favorite people. You can view the introductions by clicking here.
IGEEM also provided the occasion for the launch of Donna and David's new book, The Energies of Love. Several people who attended their two-hour introduction to basic concepts and techniques in the book said it was their favorite D & D presentation ever. We recently learned, by the way, that the book made it onto The New York Times "Relationships" best seller list.
We are sharing two three-minute segments from the IGEEM Energies of Love evening. In one, Donna talks about the early struggles in their relationship. It might be titled, "Thank God I didn't leave him when I should have." Click here to watch. In another segment, David ponders, "What was Jean Houston thinking when she called ours 'one of the most important books of our time'?" Click here to view David's comments.
David opened IGEEM with a "state of the union" talk, first asking the audience to consider whether Eden Energy Medicine is an organization or a movement. After discussing the ways it is both, he provided a brief history of EEM's origins and proposed that "subtle energies" are the missing piece in the paradigm used by conventional medicine. He closed by describing three steps that he and Donna believe could cut health care costs in the U.S. down to one-quarter of what they are without fundamentally changing the system, which of course also needs transformation. We've excerpted some of his main points into this 15-minute video clip (click here).
David and Donna presenting in San Diego at IGEEM 2014
Donna and David Coming to Ireland and the UK!
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Donna and David will kick off their first teaching tour of 2015 in Dublin, York, Bristol, and London.
Join us for part of this February 6-18 tour!
Donna celebrating the 2013 tour at Wotton House, near Dorking.
Donna and David are thrilled to return to the UK and Ireland. They last traveled to the UK for a SOLD OUT tour in 2013. The popularity of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology has greatly expanded in this region of the world. London is our most engaged European city on Facebook, and so they are expecting an even greater turnout in 2015! They will kick off their two-week tour on February 6 in Dublin -- their first class back in Ireland in over eight years! They will continue on to teach in York and Bristol, then finishing off the tour in London on February 18. See below for their schedule, and click here for complete details, including how to register!
You may also click on the link below to see complete details of Donna and David's 2015 Ireland and UK tour!  |
Students in Birmingham during the 2013 UK tour
Energy Minute
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This is your Energy Minute with Dondi Dahlin from New York City!
Calm Your Mind and Ease Your Stress
When you are stressed, blood leaves your forebrain. Stress can leave you feeling muddled, highly emotional, and unclear. To bring that blood back into the forebrain and to gain clarity once again, hold the two bumps above the eyebrows with your fingers. These are your main Neurovascular points. Holding these two points for two to three minutes while focusing on your stress will bring you back into a state of grace so that you can move forward.
For more information, see Energy Medicine, |