In This Issue
Case History: Energy First Aid for an Elderly Non-Responsive Loved One

Brand New Class: Aging Joyfully in Palm Springs This January!

Energy Minute: Taking Down the Flame for Grounding Your Energies

Fall Colors Sale from the Innersource Store

Upcoming Events
Launching Your Practice with Joy and Grace
November 3-4
Phoenix, AZ

Darius Barazandeh Interview with
Donna Eden
November 10

Shock & Irregular Energies: The Initiate of all Disease
November 18
United Kingdom

Aging Joyfully with Donna Eden through Energy Medicine
January 2-4, 2015
Palm Springs, CA

Energy Medicine with Donna Eden
March 24, 2015
Tallahassee, FL 

Case Histories

We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.

Submit A Case History

Fall leaves
Donna Eden Interviewed by
the Wonderful
Darius Barazandeh

Monday, Nov 10
4:00 p.m. EST/
1:00 p.m. PST

This season their mission is to awaken one million hearts to love through the Million Hearts Projectâ„¢.

Join Donna and a collection of fabulous speakers including Carol Tuttle, Jonathan Goldman, and Camille Pipolo!

Series runs September 15 thru mid-January 2015

Wednesday Energy Minute Videos

More Energy Minutes!

It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook and YouTube

View our videos on YouTube

Aging Joyfully Edition!



Donna and David teaching at Omega Institute earlier this month 

Two-thirds of the people in the packed ballroom of the Albany Marriott had never before laid their eyes on us. New Yorkers tend to be a tough crowd to win over. But the standing ovation three hours later was enthusiastic, and we heard comments like, "I learned more about relationships tonight than I learned in my last marriage." 


The Albany Energies of Love evening was a sweet ending, with a great deal of personal sharing, after three wonderful classes at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY: another fun Belly Dance and the Five Elements weekend with Tanya and Dondi, a powerful 5-day Energy Psychology class with David, and finally an Energy Medicine weekend with all of us participating, including fabulous support from our EEM TAs. We are eternally grateful that we have the privilege to teach material we love.

Having numerous times seen Energy Medicine revive people from what appeared to be their final breaths, this month's case history is familiar yet still remarkable. Speaking of final breaths, the final years of life are meant to be a time of wisdom, not breakdown, and of taking one's place as an honored elder. The key is to keep your energies in a vital balance and flow throughout your body. Donna will be bringing everything she knows about "Aging Joyfully" next January to show you how. It will be her first presentation on a topic that is important for all of us who are drawn toward looking in the mirror (more below). Following that story, watch a one-minute video showing you a technique for keeping your chakra energies connected and vibrant.

Love and blessings!
Donna and David

Case History 



winding-road.jpg by Gail Jett


My father has Parkinson's and lives across the street from me. Yesterday, his evening caregiver arrived, and he was nonresponsive. She was scared. She said he was breathing but absolutely nonresponsive. I'm a nurse and was there immediately. She was right. No response whatsoever, nor to noxious stimuli (sternal rub). I called 911. After calling, I did a vigorous "three thumps" on him. Then I took his arms and legs and moved him into a Cross Crawl pattern (seated). I could feel him start to come around.


Just as the paramedics got there, his eyes flew open, and he yelled, "Fire truck!" He was completely fine after that. He says he could hear all of us but couldn't move. I suspect he had a TIA, or mini-stroke. In addition to Parkinson's, he also has atrial fib. The paramedics were surprised to see him alert and asked if I had done anything. I told them I had done some Chinese medicine/Energy Medicine techniques. They looked bemused. Not sure what they thought -- you know how that goes -- but anyway, Dad came around. So, another success story.


[Note: A week later, Gail wrote: "Everyone is still talking about it, including my dad!"]


Gail Jett is a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner and a member of our core faculty.  She has a practice and teaches classes in Bend, Oregon. Learn more

Click here to read more Case Histories.
Aging Joyfully in Palm Springs
January 2-4, 2015!

Looking at Donna Eden, it is hard to believe that she turned 71 last February! Yet anyone who remembers Donna from years ago will tell you she is looking better than ever. Where does that come from? How does she manage to look so vibrant and radiant with each passing year?


The secret of course is Energy Medicine! From basic techniques to more focused work, Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) revitalizes all the body's energies. Restoring balance, resilience, and harmony to the nine energies systems, EEM activates your internal fountain of youth for graceful, easy aging. Want to learn more?   


Join Donna, David, Titanya (for Energy Medicine Dance and Morning Movement), and your EEM friends in beautiful Palm Springs on New Year's weekend for Aging Joyfully with Energy Medicine, a new class with a new take on using Energy Medicine for easing into the wisdom years. Packed full of useful tips, techniques, and stories, this workshop will give you the tools for staying healthy, strong, and focused the EEM way. Come early and make it a Palm Springs New Year's vacation!


"Getting older can be the BEST journey you've ever taken! So come join me, David, Titanya, and the whole gang.
It's going to be a great New Year!"

Love, Donna
Donna Eden join me  New Years weekend


January 2-4, 2015

Special lodging and event pricing available now! 


Event registration and details at:  

Energy Minute                                        
This is your Energy Minute with Donna Eden from the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, California!

Lower Your Blood Pressure with Donna Eden!
Ground Your Energies with Donna Eden!

Taking Down the Flame is a wonderful exercise for grounding your energies and connecting your Chakras. You can also use this simple exercise to decrease blood pressure or reduce feelings of panic.

 For more information, see Energy Medicine,

(Tarcher/Penguin, 2008)
From the Innersource Store

 Innersource: Donna Eden and David Feinstein, PhD