Rewired for Success
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Interview Series August 1 - 21
What if all you had to do for the process to begin was to say "YES" ..... DONNA EDENAugust 5
DAVID FEINSTEIN August 6 ..... Join Dana Louise WIlliams and 20 other thought field experts and visionaries as they share their journeys and learnings with you!
Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
The Global Awakening Summit, hosted by Shifra Hendrie
Donna's interview from July 22 is available FREE through Tuesday, July 29! Click below to listen to Donna share her insights on the "Energies of Awakening"
Wednesday Energy Minute Videos
| More Energy Minutes!
It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook and YouTube.
 | Donna and David teaching at the Esalen Institute in June |
Among the most impressive and gratifying uses of Energy Medicine are in emergency situations, not only to reduce pain but to initiate healing, as reported in this month's case history. Reading it on the heels of having completed The Energies of Love, we were reminded of the parallels to reducing pain and initiating healing in the emotional emergencies that all couples experience. We hope you will explore the pre-launch offerings as the book's publication date approaches. See more, below. Innersource has been a potent voice during the past 15 years as Energy Medicine has become a stronger force within health care. We are able to retain and further energize this leadership role by cultivating from within our community, and attracting from beyond it, strong leaders. We are proud and excited to have attracted into our fold, as our new Managing Director, a leader of incredible skill and spirit. This issue introduces you to him. We hope your summer is unfolding magnificently! Love, Donna and David
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Using EEM During a Workplace Emergency
Dianne Faure
Dianne Faure works a full-time day job and practices Energy Medicine at night and on the weekends. She shares this story below with us, of how Eden Energy Medicine helped to significantly come to the aid of a colleague during an emergency intervention at their workplace.
One day, one of our staff was walking down the steps and turned her foot in an unusual way, causing her back "to go out." She recognized immediately that she was in excruciating pain and could not move. Any attempt at moving caused her to cry out in unbearable pain.
One staff member put her on a table, where she continued to cry out while the other staff called the paramedics. She became very agitated when she found out medics were coming and insisted that she did not want to go to the hospital. One of the staff remembered that I had helped her with her back pain earlier that month, so they called me to see if I could do anything while waiting for the paramedics.
Welcome, Christopher Dilts!
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Innersource Selects New Managing Director
Factoid: Christopher is 6'6"
Last month we sent an announcement to the people on our e-mail list about the creation of a new position, a Managing Director to assist David, as Innersource's CEO, in running our growing organization. We were stunned as 432 resumes or inquiries arrived during the 10-day application window. In our initial reply to these candidates, asking for their patience, we wrote, "Having estimated perhaps 30 to 40 applicants based on previous job searches, we were not sure whether to be basking in the positive ways this reflects on Innersource and Eden Energy Medicine or to skip that step and go straight into overwhelm."
We did both, carefully reviewing every letter and every resume in what was the most vexing hiring process we have ever witnessed. By the final analysis, however, we were comparing diamonds to diamonds. We feel very blessed by the amazing people who applied and are thrilled to announce that Christopher Dilts has accepted the position as our new Managing Director. Christopher has been on the forefront of helping companies succeed during this time of dizzying social change. He is the co-founder and current director of RightSource Global, which he has grown into a 125-employee, cutting-edge operation. He has 27 years of experience in business management, staff development, program and product development, conflict resolution, online learning, and branding and marketing.
Christopher has started five companies and created strategic partnerships with IBM, Unisys, Motorola, and other leading organizations. He currently works with organizational leaders and educators to help them align with their highest goals and purpose, strengthening the link between their intuition and everyday thinking. He co-authored a book published by a major NYC publisher called The Handbook of High-Performance Virtual Teams -- which we certainly strive to be.
Another side to Christopher's background, however, was equally appealing in selecting him for this position. He is an accomplished yoga and meditation teacher, and he has long been involved with energy healing. We heartily welcome Christopher into this new role! The omens are encouraging as the very process by which he was hired shows that the tide is shifting toward Energy Medicine and that people of incredible talent and accomplishment are taking our mission seriously. Best wishes to you, Christopher, in approaching the enormous challenge of bringing energy healing to a world that needs it far more than it realizes it needs it!
Revolutionize Your Relationship!
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the relationships in your life?
The book will be available September 4, but excerpts and other free, practical resources are available now!
Pre-order the book starting August 1!
"Donna Eden and David Feinstein empower readers with knowledge and techniques from ancient energy healing and spiritual practices that will forever change the way you understand relationship. These are revolutionary ideas! I highly recommend The Energies of Love."
~ John Gray, Ph.D.
Author, Men Are From Mars,
Women are from Venus
Sign up now for bonuses, excerpts, and exclusive videos like the one below (you will not find these anywhere else) AND get ready to receive a very special Energies of Love letter in your inbox next Friday, August 1.
How to Stop an Argument from Going Downhill
Register NOW for IGEEM 2014!
Registration is now open!!
IGEEM 2014 registration is now underway. Remember, the early bird discount ends July 31!! Payment plan options are also available for those who register early.
$100 Early Bird Discount for
registrations received before July 31, 2014
Watch the 2014 International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine Video
The IGEEM 2014 extraordinary keynoters -- Jack Canfield, Seane Corn, Larry Dossey, Kulreet Chaudhary, and Jean Houston -- will be well-matched by a dynamic array of breakout sessions.

A Friend of the Community Passes
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In Memory of Jack Bartholomew
 | Jack and Donna |
We would like to honor a dear friend of the Eden Energy Medicine community who recently passed away. Donna met Jack Bartholomew in Spokane, Washington, in the early 90's when he attended his first class with her. They soon became very good friends. Jack made trips to visit Donna in Ashland, Oregon, and he eventually became an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner. Jack is credited as creating the first pocket-sized, laminated guide to EEM!
Jack's gentle and beautiful impact on the community will resonate for years to come. A scholarship fund through the Energy Medicine Institute has been started in his name. You can click here to donate in Jack's memory.
Energy Minute
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Grab a Spoon to Feel More Grounded!
The Earth has a North polarity, and the bottom of our feet have a South polarity. These energies naturally connect, which allow us to feel grounded. If you experience headaches or disorientation, your polarity might be flipped! Rubbing the smooth side of a stainless steel spoon on the bottom of both feet is an easy and effective technique to bring your body's polarity back into balance. Keep a spoon in your bag, at your workstation, and by your bedside.
For more information, see Energy Medicine, |