Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
Dawson Church's
Peak Performance Symposium 2014
Donna and David will be featured July 18th
as a part of the premium package!
Be sure to upgrade to hear all of the speakers.
Energy Medicine on Facebook & Twitter
To stay up-to-date with the latest news about classes, practitioners in your area, and energy-filled quotes from Donna, follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

The Global Awakening Summit, hosted by Shifra Hendrie
Donna will be featured LIVE!
July 22, 2014 1:00 p.m. EST/
10:00 a.m. PST
Registration is FREE!
Wednesday Energy Minute Videos
| More Energy Minutes!
It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook and YouTube.
 | Donna and David and the bougainvillea in spring |
As spring ripens into the warmth of summer, we are dazzled by how much is coming into fruition. We just completed our book, The Energies of Love, which in a sense we have been working on during the entire 37-year span of our relationship (doing the research the first 34 years, actually writing it the past three years). In terms of live classes, people all over the world have enrolled in the new round of EEM Foundations classes, and some 70 people are relishing Year 2 in the U.K. The IGEEM registration site has just been launched, and onward we go!
The keynotes we have delivered at major conferences in Phoenix and Kansas City since the last e-Letter are now fond memories. It was great fun to be introduced for our ACEP talk with a song written for the occasion to honor EEM (see below). The case history in this issue, taken from our forthcoming book, is particularly poignant. The pain people live with is heartrending, and when straightforward energy techniques turn it around quickly and permanently, it is inspiring.
Sending you our love and blessings, Donna and David
 | "Wake Up Little Thymus" -- a parody in honor of Eden Energy Medicine at the 2014 ACEP Convention |
Case History: The Energies of Love
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Healing Through Trauma

When June was 24, her high school sweetheart and then husband was killed in a traffic accident, the victim of a drunk driver. The loss was horrendous. She was depressed and almost inconsolable for the next two years. Eventually, however, she returned to school, started a new career, and was able to rebuild a meaningful life. At age 31, she met Ralph and, after dealing with her sense of being disloyal to her first husband, she allowed herself to fall deeply in love with him. They married and had two sons. June's worry about their well-being became problematic. If Ralph was late coming home from work, she would be a bundle of frayed nerves by the time he arrived. It was very difficult for her to allow either of their sons to part from her sight, and their going to school was agony for her. She would ruminate about all the terrible things that might happen. Earlier in their relationship, Ralph had been very patient with June when her worry was primarily about him. He understood the loss she had suffered. But now her worry was stifling the boys as they became more independent, and he insisted that they attend therapy.
The Energies of Love makes it to The New York Times Best Seller list! (Soon with your help!)
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"The Energies of Love heralds a revolution in our understanding of relationships. I believe it to be one of the most important books of our time." ~ from the foreword by Jean Houston, Ph.D.
We on Donna and David's team are thrilled as we get ready to share with the world their forthcoming book, The Energies of Love. The pre-publication reviews by well-known experts on relationships and on therapy and personal development are off the charts and have made us bold enough to begin to hold an ambitious vision for the book. We want to see it reach The New York Times Best Seller list. And we need your help. Why are we unabashedly asking for your help with this? It comes back to our mission statement of "Raising the Vibration of the Planet, One Person at a Time." To the degree that marriage partners are happy and healthy, happier and healthier kids are brought into the world. The care and cooperation within communities and among nations then has the best chance of soaring. That energy techniques can lead to happier and healthier partnerships is big news for our culture and worthy of popular attention!  | Donna and David shooting instructional videos for The Energies of Love |
We invite you to you to join us on this exciting journey! Here is how you begin: 1. Please visit the The Energies of Love website and watch a video of Donna and David introducing the book. 2. While at The Energies of Love page, sign up to receive dedicated Energies of Love email updates till the book is released in early September. Once you are signed up, you will immediately receive another video of Donna offering one of the techniques featured in the book, which she says kept her from leaving David many years ago! Then, over the coming weeks, we will share with you a series of short, powerful clips featuring techniques highlighted in the book. Sprinkled within those clips will also be brief excerpts from the book and stories of Donna and David's relationship, which just hit the 37-year mark this past Saturday (June 21). To make The New York Times Best Seller list, we need to work together. If we all pre-order between the dates of August 1 and September 4, we stand a very good chance of making the list. Why is this important? The time has come for the general public to know about an energy approach. The world so needs it! If this book, with "Energy Medicine" in its subtitle, reaches the list, it will bring unprecedented national attention to energy work. Help us make this happen! Click here to learn more about the book and to take the next step to help us make our vision a reality, receiving video and other exclusive bonuses along the way. Our video shoots were, incidentally, great fun. Would you like to see a few photos from them? The album can be viewed on the Eden Energy Medicine Programs Facebook page, where we will sponsor a "34 Days of Love" campaign starting August 1, with daily teasers leading up to the book's release on September 4. Here we go!!! |
Register NOW for IGEEM 2014!
Registration is now open!!
We are thrilled to announce that registration for IGEEM 2014 is open! And NOW is the time to receive special Early Bird discounts!! Payment plan options are also available for those who register early!
$100 Early Bird Discount for
registrations received before July 31, 2014

Watch the 2014 International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine Video
The IGEEM 2014 extraordinary keynoters -- Jack Canfield, Seane Corn, Larry Dossey, Kulreet Chaudhary, and Jean Houston -- will be well-matched by a dynamic array of breakout sessions.

Energy Tip | |
Radiant Hearts for More Joy and Love!
Radiant Hearts for More Joy and Love!
The Radiant Hearts exercise pulls forth feelings of love inside of you, connects you with others, and offers a glowing feeling. Breathe in deeply as you bring in the energies of the Chakras, Meridians, and tap into your Radiant Circuits for more joy!
For more information, see Energy Medicine,