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~ 2014 ~
June 6-8 The Esalen Institute Big Sur, CA
Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
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Wednesday Energy Minute Videos
| More Energy Minutes!
It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.
 | David and Donna teaching at EEMCP in Phoenix, Arizona |
We are writing this fresh from two very intensive teaching tours, one in the Pacific Northwest in January/February and one that extended to the East Coast, ending just this past Wednesday. More than 2,000 people were introduced to Energy Medicine via these presentations, and they received the information with great interest and expressions of gratitude that touched us deeply.
It was a particular pleasure and honor to teach last weekend on the grounds of the hospital Edgar Cayce built in 1928. Cayce was an extraordinarily compassionate man who had an incredible gift, being able to psychically see the causes of illness and what was required for their cure. He helped countless people, and his writings were an inspiration to both Donna's parents and David's parents. That his work lives on today through the Edgar Cayce Foundation and the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE) in Virginia Beach, Virginia, was also inspiring.
Donna was allowed to enter an area that is closed to the public, where some of Cayce's personal possessions are kept. For her, this was a highlight of the whole tour. She was intrigued by a machine Cayce had built that was designed to help people open their psychic abilities. It used a crystal in the proximity of the third eye, very similar to the way Donna teaches people to use crystals for the same purpose.
We hope you enjoy this month's e-Letter. From a detailed and medically documented description of how Energy Medicine was used to cure Lyme Disease to a spontaneous demonstration of Energy Medicine during a soccer match, the articles provide much to think about.
With our love and blessings, Donna and David
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Healing Lyme Disease
Three years ago, a psychotherapist learned of Energy Medicine at a conference. At that time, she was suffering from Lyme disease and a constellation of symptoms, including high anxiety, intense sadness, and fear. Now three years after that introduction, she is an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner (EEM-CP), the Lyme disease has completely disappeared, and the stress, sadness, and fear are gone. She now finds her life filled with promise and opportunity.
Sally Smith (for privacy reasons, this is a pseudonym) began working with Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) in 2007. At that time, she was suffering from a deeply embedded, long-term sadness over her inability to have a second child. She had become pregnant after using fertility drugs but miscarried at 11 weeks into the pregnancy. She was overcome by grief. Though she expected to move through the grief and on to emotional recovery, her body was so depleted by the loss that it was vulnerable. In this state, she contracted Lyme disease, which resulted in a cycle of fear and worry that she now had a chronic condition from which she would never recover.
The "Oh My God" Points | |
Phil Noble/PA Archive/Press Association Images
For decades, Donna has been demonstrating from the stage that holding neurovascular reflex points on the head reduces distress. Points on the forehead and other areas of the head, when lightly held, bring back to the brain blood that had gone into the limbs and chest to support the fight-or-flight response. This allows you to regroup by using the intelligence of your brain rather than automated threat responses.
Up to 80% of the blood that is normally in the brain can be drawn away from it, making clear, rational thought impossible. Donna calls the reflex points on the forehead the "Oh my god" points, a phrase that often accompanies the spontaneous motion of the hand to the forehead.
She explains that this motion is automatic and instinctive, and that if you hold these reflex points for a couple of minutes while bringing a stress to mind, you defuse anxiety about the issue. You literally change the threat response that occurs in your limbic system, the part of your brain that governs emotions.
Teaching in Vancouver in February, after showing the "OMG points," she also showed the points on the sides of the head and on the top of the head. Then one of the participants was on her computer during lunch and ran into the above photo, which she excitedly brought back to class. It illustrates just how instinctive the response is.
British soccer star Michael Owen (lying on the ground) had just missed a goal. He, his teammates, and his fans all have the same automatic response. The fellow in the yellow shirt toward the back was presumably rooting for the other team.
IGEEM 2014 Updates | |
Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa
We are four months away from the third annual International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) in beautiful San Diego, California! Join us for a rich opportunity to mingle with like-minded friends of holistic health to learn new skills or enhance understanding of all things EEM you already know. IGEEM includes five days of breakout sessions with instructors from around the world, as well as captivating keynote presentations by Jack Canfield, Seane Corn, Larry Dossey, Kulreet Chaudhary, and Jean Houston. This event offers something for everyone, from the EEM beginner to Advanced Practitioner. You may click here for complete details.
IGEEM Registration and Schedule
We are thrilled to announce the registration and class schedule for IGEEM 2014 will be delivered to your inbox very soon! The quality of the proposals submitted this year continues to humble us as we see Eden Energy Medicine being used in such amazing ways. We are deeply grateful to all of the teachers who submitted proposals. Plan on coming early and/or staying later to take advantage of our exciting pre-event and post-event workshops.
Vendor Opportunities Available at IGEEM
Are you interested in becoming a vendor at IGEEM 2014? We are now taking applications. This is a wonderful event to showcase your products to an audience from around the world! You may click here to submit a vendor application.
New School Year Begins for EEMCP!
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 | EEMCP Year 2 students in Phoenix, Arizona |
The ninth year of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program began in Phoenix this month! More than 200 students shared a long weekend with Donna, David, and faculty members for five classes including Year 2 and Year 4 of the EEMCP, TEEM training, and expansion and post classes.
Since it began in 2006, the EEMCP has graduated almost 900 Certified Practitioners! We are blessed that some of these talented practitioners are now teaching Year 1 of the EEMCP in their local communities around the world as part of the Foundations Program.
If you are interested in learning how to begin your journey into learning about and working with our beautiful energy systems for better health and vitality, Foundations is for you! There is still time to register for classes, which begin almost every week until mid-June. Click here for more information about the Foundations Classes in your area.
Energy Tip | |
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe for Your Health!
Research shows that deep, daily breathing can significantly increase metabolic rate. It also improves strength, toning, digestion, and emotional outlook. Do this three times in a row, three to four times every day!
 | Breathe, Breathe, Breathe for Your Health! |
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