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Case Histories
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Wednesday Energy Minute Videos
| More Energy Minutes!
It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook and YouTube.
 | Donna and David aboard the Norwegian Jewel during the "Master the Basics" cruise in March. |
Did you know that more visits are made each year to alternative health practitioners than to family physicians? This includes chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and the practitioners of dozens of other disciplines, ancient and modern. Wikipedia's founder has characterized all of these practitioners as "lunatic charlatans." A healthy debate about that comment is unfolding, with latest developments reported below, focusing in part on the way Wikipedia's position supports the medical/pharmaceutical establishment.
This month's case history gives a very concrete example of the immediate results of Energy Medicine procedures on heart rate and blood pressure, no medications involved. Meanwhile, as the evidence for Energy Psychology's effectiveness mounts and our failure as a society to help so many of the 800,000 veterans suffering with PTSD becomes more evident, the media is beginning to question why the VA has ignored persistent efforts over the past decade to get the VA to give Energy Psychology a chance. More below.
We are putting the exciting finishing touches on The Energies of Love, which will come out in September, and we are preparing for our third whirlwind teaching tour of the year, this time with classes in Phoenix, Cleveland, Virginia Beach, and the Boston area. We will probably get to work directly with about 1,000 people on this tour.
Spring is a time of renewal, and we love being able to show people how to renew the vital energies that flow through their bodies and touch their spirits. May this spring bring you renewal, peace, and joy!
Love, Donna and David
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Measuring the Effects of Energy Medicine
A number of cardiologists whose nurses are trained in Energy Medicine (EM) introduce EM to hypertensive patients by taking the patient's blood pressure in the office, having the patient do a few simple Energy Medicine techniques, such as holding the neurovascular points, and again taking the blood pressure. Virtually always, it is significantly lower on the second reading.
We were reminded of the mentions of these and similar uses of simple, standard measuring devices we've heard over the years when we received the following from Betsy Keller, a participant in our Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Certification Program:
"I was recently in a hospital with my husband, who was having a colonoscopy. While we were waiting for him to be called in, he was experiencing a headache, which he attributed to caffeine deprivation as he had gone cold turkey in prep for the procedure. I offered to balance his energies. I was holding his neurovascular points when the nurse asked what I was doing. My husband responded, "She is taking away my headache." Later, the nurse returned and asked how his headache was. My husband responded, 'It's gone, she took it away.'
Tragedy at Fort Hood Revives Public Debate about Energy Psychology
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President Obama at Fort Hood memorial service: "As Commander-in-Chief, I'm determined we will continue to step up our efforts to reach our troops and veterans who are hurting, to deliver to them the care that they need." (Credit: Image captured from video of Fort Hood memorial service, PBS News)
| For each veteran or service person whose PTSD leads to tragic behaviors that make the news, tens of thousands are left with despairing lives. More than 800,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans suffer with PTSD, according to government estimates, and suicide rates exceed combat fatalities. The mental health system is not only overwhelmed by the numbers but unable to provide effective help for many of those who do receive treatment.
As we continue in our determination to tirelessly advocate for bringing an energy approach to these treatments, we have to ask ourselves, "What do we really believe?" Could Energy Psychology, if widely available, turn back this horrible tide, reliably bringing relief and healing to those 800,000 veterans after an average of a dozen or fewer treatment sessions? While no one has a definitive answer to that question, growing clinical experience and the early research findings give reason to feel hopeful. What seems unconscionable to us is that after knocking at the door of the VA and the military for a decade, even as the problem continues to grow worse, the response with few exceptions has been to not even give Energy Psychology an official entry point, despite encouraging studies with both veterans and service members. Following the recent shooting at Fort Hood, a number of mainstream media outlets have been asking why the government has been so closed about introducing an energy approach. Click here for an article in the Examiner and a TV news clip. |
Wikipedia Founder Calls Alternative Medicine Practitioners "Lunatic Charlatans"
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If there was any doubt about the objectivity of Wikipedia's articles on alternative health, the response by Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Wikipedia, makes their biased position abundantly clear. Characterizing all alternative medicine practitioners as "lunatic charlatans," he does not address any of the issues involved. Instead he is dismissive and insulting, telling "every single person who signed this petition" (8,935 of you at this moment) to "think harder."
He then proceeds with a bald-faced lie: "If you can produce evidence through replicable scientific experiments, then Wikipedia will cover it appropriately." One of the reasons for the petition was that Wikipedia has been systematically removing evidence that has been published in peer-reviewed journals. Hundreds of posts on the petition page have pointed to the research, offered testimonials, etc.
Dan Benor, a medical doctor who has been a leader in integrative medicine, approached the discussion from a different and perhaps more fundamental angle: pointing out that errors made within conventional medicine practices are "the third leading cause of death, according to [top medical journals, which he references]. Only heart disease and cancer cause more deaths." In contrast, he notes that "there are virtually no reports of deaths" from alternative therapies.
After posting this information on Wikipedia, he notes, "My comments and the references were deleted within 24 hours each of the three times I made these entries." He speculates: "I wonder whether there might be more to the Wikipedia vigilance on these pages than just a disbelief in the efficacy of holistic approaches. It looks to me like there might be some parties with deep pockets funding the constant scanning of Wikipedia entries with such vigilance and removing items with such alacrity." You can read his entire post here.
If you've not signed the petition, click here to join forces with our "lunatic charlatan" contingent. It is not that Wikipedia cares. They have shown that they are willing to ignore the opinions of thousands of informed readers (read the posts). What matters, however, is that national media is now starting to report on the controversy, so your signature still matters.
One last irony is that the renowned "lunatic charlatan" Donna Eden cannot be found on Wikipedia. She qualifies to be listed based on their "notable" persons criteria: her four books have earned six independent national awards, nearly 1,000 people have been certified to identify themselves as Eden Energy Medicine practitioners, and at any point in time they are teaching hundreds of Eden Energy Medicine classes throughout the world. These credentials alone exceed those of many "notable" people on Wikipedia. The reason Donna is not there is because of this: We post her bio; the Wikipedia editors remove it.
IGEEM 2014 Updates | |
We are getting ready to roll out IGEEM 2014! We really like how this year is shaping up. Look for an announcement about the exciting classes and keynote topics coming your way soon!
Last call for applications! The Innersource Work Benefit Program (WBP) is designed to provide a few students with the opportunity to attend IGEEM tuition-free in exchange for working during the event. We anticipate that we will need about four to six people to assist us. The application period is open through May 5. Click here for details and application.
Foundations Classes | |
Registration for the 2014/2015 Foundations Classes program has begun. More than 50 classes are being offered worldwide in six countries! The EEM Foundations Classes are a one-year program of extensive study in the fundamentals of Eden Energy Medicine. This year of classes is the groundwork for those students who wish to complete the EEM Two-Year Certification Program and become Eden Energy Medicine Certified, Clinical, or Advanced Practitioners. Click here to learn more about this wonderful opportunity!
Energy Tip | |
Energy Minute from the "Master the Basics" Cruise
Let's Do the Hook Up!
The Hook Up is great for pulling yourself back together again after you feel you've lost it. It helps you feel centered and grounded. It's great for seizures and hooks up the nervous system. Follow along with the video below.
Facebook and YouTube have both become incredibly valuable and easily-accessible tools for sharing Eden Energy Medicine with a worldwide audience. Our Wednesday Energy Minute program is a growing and vibrant example of this presence and currently offers a wonderful selection of 39 one-minute videos. One recent viewer offered, "These are the most valuable videos on YouTube!" We agree.
Please visit and bookmark energyminute.innersource.net to access our Wednesday Energy Minutes. These videos are also uploaded every Wednesday to our Eden Energy Medicine Programs Facebook page.
 | Let's Do the Hook Up! |
For more information on working specifically with the Hook Up, please reference pages 98-99 of Energy Medicine,
2008 Tarcher/Penguin.