Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
LAST CHANCE to Teach a Class at IGEEM 2014
We are almost ready to close the search for the courses that will be part of the 2014 IGEEM Convention in San Diego!
The deadline for submissions is
January 30, 2014.
The high quality of the proposals submitted for our 2012 and 2013 conventions have us excited to see what engaging topics are waiting to be discovered this year!
IGEEM 2014 September 17-21
Energy Medicine on Facebook & Twitter
To stay up-to-date with the latest news about classes, practitioners in your area, and energy-filled quotes from Donna, follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Donna and David are coming to the Pacific Northwest!
Donna and David are thrilled to be spending extended time in the Pacific Northwest next month! They will be teaching three very special events. Please follow the links below.
Wednesday Energy Minute Videos
| More Energy Minutes!
It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and our website.
The poet Rumi said, "When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy." Want to embed feelings of joy? This month's Energy Tip shows you how, demonstrated by our Oregon administrative staff. Join them with a quick click below for this one-minute video and learn a simple technique to increase the returns of your joyful moments. The people you will see are truly the wind beneath our Energy Medicine sails, and we are so fortunate to have their brilliant support! This month's case history shows how Energy Psychology can not only rewire emotional responses but also save a marriage. And our fourth IGEEM keynote speaker auditioned for us on The Dr. Oz Show (kind of), dazzling us by the way she is combining Western medicine with ancient healing traditions in a thoroughly cutting-edge and effective way. Also in this issue, join us for a rare opportunity to learn the basics of Energy Medicine with Donna in an extended, leisurely manner. We have updated good news about the petition announced in last month's e-Letter, and if you live in the Northwest, we're coming to a neighborhood near you. We hope 2014 has started magnificently for you! Sending you love and good vibrations, Donna and David
Last Call for a Small Classroom
Experience with Donna!
 | The Norwegian Jewel |
If you are drawn to study the basics of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) with Donna in a small and intimate setting, your last opportunity is getting ready to set sail. The upcoming "Master the Basics" cruise event, March 8-16, is most likely the LAST TIME we will offer such an extended experience studying the fundamentals of EEM with Donna, especially in a small group format. It has been years since we have offered anything like this, and with the runaway success of our EM101 courses in local communities, we likely will not plan another trip like this again.
 | Donna sharing EEM with a friend |
We have taken the "greatest hits" from our very popular 5-day trainings and have added other essential techniques to create this deeply valuable experience. Best of all, we have gathered some of our very best practitioners to serve as amazing and experienced small group leaders to help you integrate what you will master: uplifting, healthy, life-altering, and empowering techniques. Oh, and you get to enjoy New Orleans and the Western Caribbean as well!
Since it is extremely unlikely that we will ever offer a chance to study with Donna like this again, if you have been undecided until now, please do not hesitate on this incredible opportunity. We had to turn away people from our last two cruise events because the ship was sold out of cabins. We will sign up people as long as we can, but when the cabins are sold out, this class will be closed.

Join us for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study in a small group with Donna in a fun setting -- all the while creating more energetic, healthier, and vibrant new habits for your life!
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And a Sneak Peak at The Energies of Love!
Donna and David, 1984
Donna and David have been actively working on their relationship book, The Energies of Love, for the past three years. Actually, they've been working on it during all 36 years they have been with one another, figuring it out from the trenches. The book draws on both Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology in presenting a program to help couples thrive.
The last two chapters focus on the themes of "conscious partnering" and "your relationship is a shared spiritual journey." If all goes well, The Energies of Love will have its official release at IGEEM 2014. They have just completed the first draft and are sending it to the publisher this weekend.
In celebration of that milestone, we wanted to share with you one of the cases from the book. It shows how Energy Psychology was successfully applied when a man became insanely jealous about his wife's first husband:
Jeremy was 36 when he married Melissa. He was eager to help raise her 7- and 9-year-old sons. He had gotten to know them quite well during the year prior to the marriage, brought them to baseball games, zoos, parks, and other local attractions, and he had participated in their hobbies. The boys liked their stepdad and the attention he was giving them, and the new family was blossoming within an atmosphere of affection and promise.
Read On >>>
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Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary to Speak at IGEEM 2014!
Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary
Donna was peacefully working on our Energies of Love book last October when she received an urgent message: "Turn on Dr. Oz right now!" She did, and wow! A vibrant young woman was being featured who happens to be the Director of Neurology for Wellspring Health at Scripps Memorial Hospital. But what she was doing on The Dr. Oz Show was demonstrating how she works with the chakra system when treating her patients! That was a lot to take in.
One of the great things about being the ones who select the keynote speakers for IGEEM is that we (Donna and David) are always on the lookout for GREAT talents who are not well-known to our community. Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary is going to be a gem. When we finally reached her by phone, David listened as Donna and Dr. Chaudhary talked and laughed ... and talked and laughed ... and talked and laughed. It was a thrilling first meeting.
Dr. Chaudhary is known for developing a powerful system for managing chronic neurological disorders. Having participated in more than 20 clinical research studies in the areas of multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, ALS, and diabetic peripheral neuropathy, her research includes groundbreaking work in stem cell therapies for diabetic peripheral neuropathy and new medications for the treatment of ALS. Her internship in internal medicine was at UCLA, and she completed a neurology fellowship at UCSD.
Read on > > >
Remember: If you would like to teach a class at IGEEM 2014, proposals are due January 30. See the sidebar to the left for details.
EEM Foundations Classes Worldwide
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Want to feel better? Want to help others feel better?
The Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Foundations Classes one-year program is designed to teach the fundamental EEM principles and methods.
These classes are now taught throughout the world, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe, so there is probably one near you. Find the class locations nearest you!
More than 6,400 Sign the Wikipedia Petition
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Censorship of Energy Medicine and Energy
Psychology Entries Challenged

Wikipedia's censorship of energy healing techniques and other health care practices that step outside the box of conventional thinking was featured in last month's Energy e-Letter. A big thanks to the many of you who signed the petition urging Wikipedia to rethink their guidelines. The numbers spiked right after our e-Letter came out.
Along with ACEP, which spearheaded the drive, and our other sister organizations, more than 6,400 people have signed and more than 2,000 comments have been left by people telling exactly why they signed. This is fabulous! The petition is still open, and we'd love to top 10,000. Together we intend to have an impact! So if you haven't joined in yet, please click here to sign the petition.
Meanwhile, we've been wondering how long it would be before the BBC carried a feature on energy healing. Well, good news there as well. A professor at Staffordshire University, Tony Stuart, was just interviewed on BBC about his success in bringing EFT into the British National Health Service. You can listen to the wonderful British accents and watch the video here.
Energy Tip
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Tap in the JOY!
Tapping in the Joy activates energy systems within the body which help to lock in the memory of the radiance you are experiencing. When you are feeling fabulous and would like to make a habit of that feeling, use this simple technique.
Save 50%
It's time for a little spring cleaning at the Innersource Online Store!
Shop our collection of display merchandise, returns, seconds, and items that basically have had a bad hair day. Books may have a scuff or a bent corner, cases may have a crack, or you might find a smudge or smear here or there. But there is one thing they have over their perfect counterparts -- they're 50% OFF! (Don't worry, we won't send anything unusable -- we've only kept the "best of" for this sale.)
Offer Expires: February 28, 2014 and is limited to inventory on hand.
All sales of Bargain Bin merchandise are final. Items available ONLINE ONLY.