Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
Teach a Class at IGEEM 2014
in San Diego!
We have begun our search for the courses that will be part of the 2014 IGEEM Convention in San Diego!
The high quality of the proposals submitted for our 2012 and 2013 conventions have us excited to see what engaging topics are waiting to be discovered this year! The deadline for submissions is January 30, 2014.
Wednesday Energy Minute Videos
| More Energy Minutes!
It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and our website.
Energy Medicine on Facebook & Twitter
To stay up-to-date with the latest news about classes, practitioners in your area, and energy-filled quotes from Donna, follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Donna and David in Ashland, Oregon, earlier this month
Is healing political? Have you listened to the news lately? Having entered that morphic field, this is our most political issue ever. David's introductory remarks to the EEMCP graduating class of 2014 described ways the body's energy systems provide a model for healing the "body of humanity." It resulted in more requests for a printed version than any other talk he has ever given at CP, so we are printing it here.
Meanwhile, we are announcing our 3rd IGEEM Keynote speaker, Seane Corn, who took her stature as an international yoga celebrity and built a service organization to take yoga "Off the Mat, Into the World." It has included some powerful political action. We've asked her for insights that will help us take Energy Medicine "off the table and into the world." A third article tells of the political forces within Wikipedia (yes your trusted Wikipedia), that distort articles on natural approaches to healing. We ask you to sign a petition calling on Wikipedia to end what amounts to censorship of approaches that do not fit conventional medical models. This issue of the e-Letter leads with a fascinating case study showing that persistent use of Energy Medicine can be a godsend even for extremely serious conditions where Western medicine has been unable to help.
One of the most important keys for keeping your energies healthy is to keep them crossing from each side of the body to the other. Donna, Dondi, and Titanya teach you how to do this in a one minute video, below.
Most important, we wish you joy and deep blessings this holiday season. Love, Donna and David
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Using EEM with a Rare Genetic Disease
Ian Cali
By Gloria McCahill, EEM-AP
I have had the great pleasure of working with my client Ian Cali for the past several months -- first for three sessions each week and now for one to two. At the age of 5, Ian was diagnosed with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). FOP is one of the rarest and most disabling genetic conditions known to medicine, as it causes muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues to form into bone.
Ian first became acquainted with Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) through his aunt, Angela Cali, who was a Certification Program student. Ian responded so well with Angela's energetic interventions that she decided to contact me so I could offer him more advanced work.
With FOP, bridges of extra bone develop across joints, progressively restricting movement and forming a second skeleton that imprisons the body in bone; 95% of people afflicted with FOP have an abnormally-formed great toe that is visible at birth. Spontaneous flare-ups of the disease arise in defined temporal and spatial patterning, resulting in ribbons and sheets of bone that fuse the joints of the axial and appendicular skeleton, entombing a patient in a skeleton of heterotopic bone. Read on > > >
"Off the Mat, Into the World" Founder to Keynote at IGEEM
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Seane Corn to Speak at IGEEM 2014!
Seane Corn
Donna and David were stunned as they sat in on Seane Corn's keynote at the Sounds True Wake Up Festival in Boulder last summer. They both left the talk feeling, "We have to get her for IGEEM." Seane is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher and an impassioned activist, embodying unique self-expression and an inspired style of teaching incorporating both the physical and mystical aspects of the practice of yoga.
Seane approaches life with a fierce commitment to making spirituality accessible and inspiring. In her words, "Through the integration of body and breath, movement and meditative awareness, we are made aware of the interdependency of all things, to the knowing that we are all here to learn about love, and that God -- truth and love -- is in all experiences. Each of our moments, even if they break our hearts, are ultimately blessed if they can awaken us to our highest Self."
The feature that totally caught our imaginations from Seane's presentation was the way she has used her international platform within the yoga and wellness communities to create her "Off the Mat, Into the World" program.
Read on > > >
Please Take One Minute to Support Energy Medicine
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Wikipedia Petition
Are you increasingly relying on Wikipedia for basic information about a wide range of topics? Many people are. Do you trust its objectivity? Most people do. Is that a mistake when looking for information about the latest innovations in natural health care approaches? Please read the following and decide.
ACEP Executive Director Robert Schwarz, Ph.D. demonstrating acupoint tapping
When your doctor, colleague, client, or anyone else looks up Energy Medicine in Wikipedia, they are given an extremely slanted, negative presentation of the field (as well as of most other cutting-edge forms of natural healing). Wikipedia is one of the most powerful opinion-setters on the planet, yet their process for evaluating what is posted about health care innovations was hijacked years ago by the likes of the people who run Quackwatch and Skeptical Inquirer. These "pseudo-skeptics" have not only ignored the scientific support for alternative healing in writing highly biased articles, they have locked these pages so only people they select can comment, and they are in many other ways breaking Wikipedia's own policies about maintaining a neutral point of view. All this got our focused attention a few years ago when Donna's bio was mysteriously removed from Wikipedia, then David's, then the bios of other pioneers in our field. Some leaders in the energy healing community, such as ourselves and Dawson Church (keynote presenter at IGEEM last September), have been trying to get these practices changed, but our pleas have fallen on deaf ears. A place we may have leverage is that Wikipedia is currently involved in a fundraising drive. Are you willing to sign our petition telling them you will not contribute while Wikipedia continues these practices? Innersource is teaming up with our friends at ACEP, EFTUniverse, and related organizations to get as many people as possible to sign in the next few days. We are already halfway to our initial goal of 10,000 signatures. Please click here to join us!
Energy Medicine and Politics
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Can Energy Medicine Inform Our Political Choices?
David Feinstein, Ph.D.
From David's Remarks Upon First Addressing Our EEM Certification Program Class of 2014:
When we at Innersource chose as our company motto "Raising the vibration of the planet, one person at a time," we were not intentionally making a political statement. We were using Energy Medicine as a metaphor for thinking about how to bring healing to a troubled humanity and the planet that is being ravished by that humanity's pain, confusion, and excesses.
The metaphor has merit. Each individual whose energies are freed, balanced, and brought to a higher vibration becomes a healthier cell in the body of humanity. Each individual whose energies are freed, balanced, and brought to a higher vibration becomes a force toward a kinder, healthier, and wiser humanity whose actions will not foul the nest. Whose actions respect the beauty and grandeur of the incredible planet we have been given. Whose actions are designed to ensure that your grandchildren's grandchildren will have a place where their lives can thrive.
Read on > > >
Energy Tip
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Cross Your Energies for greater mental clarity and healing capabilities within the body!
We want our energies to cross over from right to left, and left to right so that we may feel our best. This is a wonderful technique to help set us straight when we do not feel well!
This is a new exercise Donna teaches and recently shared with Dondi, "I saw someone doing it and the energies were amazing! They immediately started going in the "right" direction -- as they do with everyone who does this."
 | "Cross Your Energies" |
Donna's Instructions for "Cross Your Energies"
- Take one hand and cross to the opposite shoulder.
- With pressure, push the fingers into the muscle, then drag the fingers across to the opposite hip.
- With the other hand, cross to the opposite shoulder.
- Again, with pressure, push the fingers into the muscle, then drag the fingers across to the other hip.
- Repeat several times as this will begin to cross your energies, giving you more energy and clarity of mind.
From the Innersource Store
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Holiday Sale Extended for Last Minute Shopping!
We all like to save, and now you have a few more days to shop for that special someone or something just for you.
Shop through Monday, December 23, 2013
to receive a 30% discount on any item.
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