Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
Teach a Class at IGEEM 2014
in San Diego!
We have begun our search for the courses that will be part of the 2014 IGEEM Convention in San Diego!
The high quality of the proposals submitted for our 2012 and 2013 conventions have us excited to see what engaging topics are waiting to be discovered this year! The deadline for submissions is January 30, 2014.
Wednesday Energy Minute Videos
| More Energy Minutes!
It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! Watch our series of the "Wednesday Energy Minute" videos posted weekly on Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and our website.
Energy Medicine on Facebook & Twitter
To stay up-to-date with the latest news about classes, practitioners in your area, and energy-filled quotes from Donna, follow us on Facebook or Twitter.


The technique Donna used the most to re-center and clear herself between clients is demonstrated in this issue in a one-minute video by our younger daughter, Dondi. The issue opens with Donna discussing ways that working with the body's energies may, in extremely rare instances, open you to dark forces, and she shows you how to protect yourself. From a very different angle, we look at what Einstein called "spooky action at a distance" -- what is known scientifically about the ability of one person to send healing energy to another person who is in a different location?
Following the Case History Supplement, please be sure to read who is coming to IGEEM San Diego in September 2014. We are exuberant! Meanwhile, we are also excited about our upcoming Western Caribbean Cruise out of New Orleans in March where we will be showing a select group of people how to "Master the Basics" of Energy Medicine. Please consider being one of them. It will be a fabulous experience. And from your own home, watch Donna free on November 25 in a live video seminar on Lisa Garr's Celebrating Body & Soul Series.
Closing this issue, read about the newest items in the Innersource store. We have a great selection for you to choose from for your own use and ones that will make great gifts for the holiday season.
We are grateful beyond words for the wonderful healing community that has formed around us. Thank you for being part of it, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Love, Donna and David
Case History Supplement
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Bringing Dark Forces into the Light
By Donna Eden
We've never had an article get such a strong response as "Encountering Dark Forces" in our October e-Letter (excerpted from the epilogue of Energy Medicine, pp. 361-363). Working on "Jim," what seemed to have been an "entity" -- a dark, energetic force with a will of its own -- left Jim's body and apparently entered mine. This created some intense challenges for a little while. Many of the people who wrote us about it found the piece to be disturbing. A typical comment was, "If Donna was having trouble with this, who am I to think I can tackle such things!"
First of all, this kind of experience is extraordinarily rare. In fact, the process of doing healing work has almost always been revitalizing for me, and the forces from the other side have almost always been benevolent. Because I believe in the good and perceive what is good, the good almost always comes my way. Read on > > >
IGEEM 2014
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Jack Canfield to Speak at IGEEM 2014
 | Photo by Tim Pearson |
By David Feinstein, Ph.D.
Imagine our good fortune that Jack Canfield will join the line-up with Jean Houston as our second IGEEM 2014 keynote speaker. We first met Jack at a conference in Liverpool in 2005 when he and Donna were two of the keynote speakers.
David's Introduction to Energy Psychology DVD was available at the conference bookstore, and Jack had bought and watched it the evening before his talk. He had already been experimenting with acupoint tapping, and he spent a couple of minutes during his keynote speaking about the DVD and how skillfully the "therapist" had helped the client in one of the demonstration sessions. This led to a wonderful meeting among the three of us, a shared dinner the evening after his talk, and a beautiful connection. We are thrilled beyond thrilled that Jack has agreed to appear at our 3rd International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) Convention in San Diego next September! You probably know of Jack as the co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, which has sold more than half a billion (yes, billion) copies in 47 languages. Jack has also appeared on Oprah, The Montel Williams Show, Larry King Live, Today, and more than a thousand other programs. Two PBS specials were devoted exclusively to his work. Read on > > > |
Energy Medicine Cruise | |
Eden Energy Medicine in the Western Caribbean
March 8-16, 2014
Donna and David return to the open seas after an incredibly successful and revitalizing 2011 trip into the Caribbean!
Join Donna, David, and the EEM community for one of our extremely popular "Land & Sea" Energy Medicine events in March 2014. This time we sail out of New Orleans for an exciting and educational "Master the Basics" course designed as a gateway to becoming proficient in Energy Medicine by mastering the essential techniques.
Early Bird Registration Discount Ends December 6
Please do not miss out on this extraordinary opportunity!
Our Alaskan and Southern Caribbean cruise classes received rave reviews and both SOLD OUT and this cruise is slated to sell out as well. The discount deadline of December 6 is quickly approaching! Mark your calendars and sign up now by clicking on the link below.
FREE Video Interview with Donna | |
The Aware Life Season 10
Donna Eden with host Lisa Garr
Donna will be interviewed LIVE on Google Hangouts VIDEO. She will share her latest thoughts as well as information you can use in your daily life. This series is designed to help you feel good, enjoy yourself, and learn some great secrets to living a healthy, happy, and prosperous life.
Donna will be live on November 25 at 1:00 p.m. Pacific.
Check out the stellar line-up of other speakers and sign up here.Sign up now and receive a special gift from Lisa when you join us on this FREE Celebrating Body & Soul series. So please register now, listen to The Aware Life with Lisa Garr, and let's have some fun creating a more positive future together.
Remote Healing | |
Remote Healing: "Spooky Action at a Distance"?
"Spooky action at a distance" was the way Einstein talked about the quantum physics discovery that particles can influence one another even when separated by great distances. Might this be the principle involved in the thousands of reports of distance healing?
One of David's most recent papers explores distance healing as it is reported in Energy Psychology, which uses the term "surrogate tapping." One of the leaders in Energy Psychology, Craig Weiner, has just released a 13-minute video on "EFT Science Bytes" that examines David's paper. We think you will find it entertaining and provocative. Click here to view. |
Energy Tip | |
Connecting Heaven and Earth!
Open up spaces in the body and get ready to release stagnant energy!
Connecting Heaven and Earth is a wonderful way to open up spaces within the body, expel excess pockets of energy, and revitalize the entire system! Feeling like you need to bring more oxygen into the body? This is the technique for you!
 | Connecting Heaven and Earth |
Full Instructions for Connecting Heaven and Earth
- Start with your hands on your thighs, fingers spread. Inhale and exhale once, grounding yourself.
- While Inhaling through your nose, circle your arms out, and up over your head, then exhale through your mouth while you bring your hands together in a prayer position in front of your heart.
- Inhaling through your nose again, flattening your hands, stretch one hand up to the sky and one hand down toward the earth, emphasizing the stretch between your hands. Looking up to the raised hand, exhale through your mouth and return to the prayer position.
- Repeat, switching arm positions.
- Repeat steps 2 through 4.
- Drop your arms down, fold your body forward at the waist, and relax with your knees slightly bent. Take two deep breaths before slowly returning to a standing position while making gentle figure 8s in front of your body as you rise.
Adapted from Donna Eden's valuable training resource The Energy Medicine Kit, 2004 Sounds True. |
New Products! | |
The following items have been newly introduced as Innersource products. In our continued effort to offer new tools for your education and enjoyment, we are thrilled to roll out the following items this month.
- Muscle Meridian Chart
- Energy Wisdom 2014 Calendar
- Energy Medicine Notebook
- Women's "Got Energy?" T-Shirts
- Juniors "Got Energy?" T-Shirts
- "Got Energy?" Shopping Totes
- Energy Medicine Tote Bag