Autumn is Donna's favorite season!
LAST CHANCE for the Super Early Bird discount!
Energy Medicine Master the Basics course and Western Caribbean Cruise
March 8-16, 2014
New Orleans, LA
and the Western Caribbean
Register by September 30 and save $200.
Join us on the Western Caribbean as we study Energy Medicine in one of the most beautiful and magical locations in the world: the open seas!
Early Bird Discount: register by December 6 and save $100.
Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
The NEW Meridian Cycle Chart -- an 11x17, double-sided, full-color, laminated chart illustrating the meridian locations with the associated time of day, rhythm association, and whether the meridian is considered yin or yang.
Instructions on strengthening and sedating each meridian are detailed on the back.
SALE: $20 through September 30.
(Regular $24)
Upcoming Events
~ 2013 ~
Healing With The Masters TeleseminarSeptember 10 - December 3
Online and Telephone
Month-Long Intensive EEM Foundations TrainingSeptember 30 - October 25 Omega Institute Rhinebeck, NY _______ Belly Dance Goddess WeekendOctober 11-13 Rhinebeck, NY _______ Veterans, Trauma, & TreatmentOctober 18-20 Rhinebeck, NY _______ Energy Medicine: A Hands-On WorkshopOctober 18-20 Rhinebeck, NY _______ Introduction to Energy PsychologyOctober 20-25 Rhinebeck, NY _______ Energy Psychology ConferenceOctober 25-27 Toronto, Ontario _______ ~ 2014 ~
22nd Annual Women of Wisdom ConferenceFebruary 13-17 Edmonds, WA _______ March 8-16, 2014 New Orleans, LA _______ IGEEM 2014September 17-21 San Diego, CA _______
IGEEM 2013 Photos
Visit the IGEEM Facebook page to view hundreds of photos from the convention. Please "like" the page while you're viewing all the exciting photos.
 | Donna Eden teaching at IGEEM |
Thank you to Dondi Dahlin for the wonderful photos.
 | Rupert Sheldrake and David Feinstein at IGEEM |

We are writing this on the tail of two highs. First Unity Church of St. Petersburg sponsored us for the fifth time in the past 12 years. That is the most we have taught for any sister organization, and it did feel like coming home when we were warmly and enthusiastically greeted on Friday night by 300 people (with many more turned away due to room capacity), most of them new to us, for another introductory class. The material never gets old! A few people who had attended all or most of our First Unity St. Pete classes said it was our best presentation there ever. And this came on the heels of IGEEM, which was an incredible gathering (see article below). Several people told us it was the best conference they had ever attended.
In this issue, you can also see (yes, "see") a simple technique for decreasing high blood pressure and anxiety, learn how to get a one-minute video every week that teaches you a fresh EEM technique, be invited to present at IGEEM 2014 in Orlando, read about two of the most interesting studies presented last week at IGEEM 2013, and be enticed to join us next March for a Caribbean cruise out of New Orleans. This Master the Basics course will include the most face-to-face time with Donna of any of our 2014 introductory classes, and there are significant discounts if you register by 9/30 or 12/6 (see sidebar for details). We'd also love to see you at Omega in October at one of the three classes described below.
Entering Donna's favorite season now and wishing a happy autumn to one and all! Love, Donna and David |
Case History
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Calming PTSD Symptoms: A 4th of July EEM Experience
A few months ago, I went to a July 4th picnic dinner at a friend's backyard that borders a golf course. Part of the appeal of the picnic was that you could see the city fireworks directly from the golf course. One guest sitting at our table warned us that he suffered from PTSD, and when a neighbor set off some small fireworks, the guest became nervous and decided to go inside the house. The fireworks from the neighbor were sporadic, so after a while the guest came out thinking that he was fine -- only to sit down on a tree frog, which sent him flying back inside the house.
He came back a while later, but soon after he sat down, the city's fireworks started. He became so nervous that he got up and told us that he had to leave. As the nervous guest was leaving, I said to an older gentleman sitting nearby that I knew something that could help. The older gentleman immediately stopped the departing guest saying that Dan (pointing to me) could help. Read on >>>
A Glimpse into IGEEM 2013
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By David Feinstein
Donna and I speak at many conferences. IGEEM 2013 may have been the best ever. Each of our keynote presenters (Bruce Lipton, Joan Borysenko, Rupert Sheldrake, Lynne McTaggart, and Dawson Church) received a resounding standing ovation. Even more gratifying to us personally was the high quality of the vast majority of the 40 or so breakout sessions, with most of them taught by our practitioners.
It is not possible in this brief article to give you even a taste of the experience, but I will say it was amazing the way the keynote speakers presented science which supports Eden Energy Medicine (EEM). I will use the remaining space to describe just two of the many studies described.
Joan Borysenko at IGEEM
| Joan Borysenko told us about a research program conducted by Harvard Medical School in collaboration with scientists in China. They have been investigating the effects of qigong healing on cancer cells in petri dishes. The results have been stunning.
In one of their most recent studies, five minutes of qigong biofield healing stopped the growth of cancer cells in the culture as well as their ability to metastasize. It also changed gene expression in ways that promoted healing.
What Joan called the "Big Wow" about this study, however, is that when qigong healing was done on a saline solution that was later put into the cancer cell culture, it also killed the cancer cells! In a previous study, the investigators demonstrated that qigong treatments did not damage healthy cells. This constitutes a slightly different approach than chemotherapy and radiation. The 2013 study was published in Cell Physiology and Biochemistry: "External Qi of Yan Xin Qigong Inhibits Activation of Akt, Erk1/2 and NF-kB and Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Colorectal Cancer Cells."
Lynne McTaggart at IGEEM
| Going from human cells to human communities, Lynne McTaggart told us about her Peace Intention Experiments. For a week in 2011, thousands of people from the West as well as thousands of people from Arab nations followed Lynne's website instructions in sending the intention to lower violence in two southern provinces in Afghanistan. This study replicated an earlier experiment that had extremely provocative results, showing a potentially strong effect in lowering violence in Sri Lanka.
In both, official government reports showed significant decreases in violence during the time that thousands of people were sending the intention to lower violence. Because there are so many variables involved in human communities, it is possible that the results of both experiments were coincidences, but there are more reasons to believe it is a cause-effect relationship. Lynne is planning additional experiments designed to help resolve the question. Learn more at
FREE LIVE Video Interview!
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The Aware Life Season 10
Donna Eden with host Lisa Garr
Donna will be interviewed LIVE on Google Hangouts VIDEO. She will share her latest thoughts as well as information you can use in your daily life. This series is designed to help you feel good, enjoy yourself, and learn some great secrets to living a healthy, happy, and prosperous life.
Donna will be live on November 25 at 1:00 p.m. Pacific. Check out the stellar line-up of speakers and sign up here...
Sign up now and receive a special gift from Lisa when you join us on this FREE Celebration of Body and Soul series. So please register now, join us on The Aware Life with Lisa Garr, and let's have some fun creating a more positive future together.
Omega in October
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Three Powerful Classes in One Location!
At Omega in Rhinebeck, NY
Peace and Tranquility at Omega!
Join Donna, David, Titanya, and Dondi this October for these three powerful workshops at Omega in beautiful upstate New York.
Belly Dance Goddess Weekend
With Titanya Dahlin and Dondi Dahlin (Donna's daughters)October 11-13 Details and Registration >>>Energy Medicine: A Hands-On Workshop
Taught by Donna Eden and David Feinstein with special: Energy Dance with TitanyaOctober 18-20 Details and Registration >>>Introduction to Energy Psychology
October 20-25 Details and Registration >>>
Teach a Class at IGEEM 2014
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The Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa
The gears are already turning, and next year's IGEEM Convention planning is underway. The third annual IGEEM Convention will be held at the Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa in California, September 17-21, 2014. Mark your calendars now to save the date for what is sure to be another wonderful and enriching experience!
We are pleased to announce that we have begun our search for the courses that will be part of the 2014 IGEEM Convention! The high quality of the 100+ proposals submitted for our 2013 convention have us excited to see what engaging topics are waiting to be discovered this year! The deadline for submissions is January 30, 2014.
Due to our production schedule, we are unlikely to extend this deadline, so please do not delay in submitting your proposals if you are considering joining with us at this wonderful event as a presenter. Remember: We need classes at all levels of learning, so we encourage you to share your passion with us and our audience. Click here for details and the submission form.
Energy Tip
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Reduce Blood Pressure and Anxiety!
If you have panic attacks, anxiety attacks, or high blood pressure, this exercise is for you!You only need to Take Down The Flame one time for it to work in your body and be effective. However, you can do it many times throughout your day if it feels good and is working for you. There are people who do it whenever they are feeling anxious. By the way, it also works as a "quickie balance" for your chakras.
You can see Donna Eden demonstrate Taking Down The Flame in Disc 3 of Energy Medicine: The Essential Techniques DVD set. Every week we bring you the Wednesday Energy Minute on Facebook. "Like" the Eden Energy Medicine Programs fan page to get the videos in your Facebook news feed each week!
NEW! Mastering the Basics Packages
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Limited Time Offer!!
Learn to Master the Basics with two new exciting special packages at super sale prices. These bundles are a great way to master a practical understanding of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology or to share the wonderful benefits of Energy Medicine with friends and family. Sale ends October 7, 2013.
Mastering the Basics - Energy Psychology $39.95
Package includes:
- The Promise of Energy Psychology Book
- Introduction to Energy Psychology DVD
- Energy Psychology Chart: A Basic Recipe for Changing an Emotional Response
Package value: $60.95