... To do the Daily Energy Routine and discover your OWN inner healer! It only works if you do it!
 | Can you find the butterfly? |
Upcoming Events
September 17 Orlando, Florida
Year 2 of the Certification Program is coming to Europe.
Mark your calendars.
Class 5 starts
May 16-20, 2014.
More details coming soon!
Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
Another Poignant Energy Psychology Story from Newtown
As described in our April issue, Lori Leyden is working with Nick Ortner to bring EFT (the most popular form of Energy Psychology) to the parents, children, teachers, and others affected by the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy.
Read this inspiring storyon the transformative power of Energy Psychology tools to heal our own wounds so we can serve more effectively with open hearts wherever it is needed. |
New Meridian Cycle Laminate
Special introductory price of $20.
Discount valid through 9/30/2013.
This laminated chart illustrates the meridian locations as well as the associated time of day, Rhythm association, and if the meridian is considered yin or yang. How to trace each meridian is written on the back for additional clarity. 
 | Donna and David at Omega |
As the summer draws to a close, our heads are spinning with the range and quality of events in our orbit. We are gearing up now for the second annual International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) in Orlando next month. We are so excited about it! Also coming up are a month-long immersion program in EEM at Omega in October, our annual Omega weekend, and David's five-day Energy Psychology intensive. But wait, there's more! We have been authorized to grant a number of scholarships to Omega's conference on treating vets with PTSD and ... guess what? ... we have another Energy Medicine Caribbean cruise in March. All our previous cruises have sold out, so plan to join us and register now.
Learn about all of these in this e-Letter, along with an update on the beautiful work being done in Newtown using energy work to help survivors of the shooting, energy techniques for working with graying or thinning hair, and a case study about using EEM with a newborn calf. We so often feel helpless when a pet or other creature is suffering. Energy Medicine can be empowering in this and so many other ways! Autumn is Donna's favorite season. Our blessings to you as you enter this time of fulfillment and completion.
Donna and David |
Case History
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Energy Medicine on a Newborn Calf
By Lenie Kavelaars, The Netherlands
 I've been reading Donna's Energy Medicine book for years (in Dutch) and have been applying her knowledge to my clients and myself. But one morning (May 15, 2013), I took on a very different sort of client.
While giving an energetic session to an 80-year-old dairy farmer who has been a client for a while, I noticed that his energy felt different from usual, so I asked him why. He told me that the previous night, a large calf had been born on his farm via a Cesarean section, but the calf wouldn't stand up and apparently couldn't suckle. He was afraid they were going to lose the calf.
Something stirred inside me, and after his energy session was finished, I asked the farmer if I could take a look at the calf. I was thinking about Triple Warmer (TW) and Spleen meridians, especially in this case because of the traumatic birth. I went to see the calf thinking, "If it doesn't work, at least it doesn't harm." I also took my magnet with me. (I have no notion what gave me the idea to bring it.) Read on . . .
IGEEM 2013 is Almost Here!!!
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We are counting the days with anticipation until IGEEM 2013 is upon us! It won't be long before we're at the beautiful Caribe Royale in Orlando, marveling at the wisdom of our featured keynote speakers: Bruce Lipton, Joan Borysenko, Rupert Sheldrake, Lynne McTaggart and Dawson Church. Plus we have more than 40 additional presenters offering breakout sessions that are sure to impress ... and a marketplace where you will find something for everyone. We hope you can join us September 18-22 for this exciting and enriching event! For more information or to register, please click here.

The National Psychologist Features David and Energy Psychology
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Fresh from brain surgery, with a red hat hiding the bandages still on his head, David delivered the opening keynote address to the annual convention of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology in Reston, Virginia last May. In appreciation of contributions he has made to the field, he received a standing ovation before he had uttered a word and before anyone knew of his surgery. Even better, he received another after he had completed his talk, red hat and all. Unbeknownst to him, an investigative reporter from The National Psychologist had been sent to cover the conference and find out just what the field of psychology really needs to know about this strange development called Energy Psychology. Tapping on acupuncture points was introduced to the field as a clinical intervention more than 30 years earlier, but psychologists have mostly ignored or ridiculed the approach. Now the national publication -- whose purpose is to "keep psychologists informed about practice issues" -- finally wanted to weigh in. Over the course of the conference, the reporter -- herself a clinical psychologist on The National Psychologist staff -- interviewed many of the conference speakers and other leaders in the field. She wrote what we consider a very fair account for a very skeptical audience. With her piece placed prominently within the publication, she couldn't resist featuring David's red hat as a centerpiece of the article.
Click here to read what she had to say. David will be teaching a 5-day intensive introduction to Energy Psychology class at Omega Institute October 20-25. Learn more.
Energy Medicine in the Western Caribbean!
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Registration is Now Open
Donna and David return to the open seas to teach another of our extremely popular "Land & Sea" Energy Medicine events in March 2014! This time we sail out of New Orleans for an exciting and educational "Master the Basics" course designed as a gateway to becoming proficient in Energy Medicine by mastering the essential techniques. Our Alaskan and Southern Caribbean cruise classes were huge successes, lots of fun, and a great way to learn or review Energy Medicine. Both also SOLD OUT! This one will almost certainly sell out as well, so don't miss out. Mark your calendars and sign up now!
Wonderful Opportunity to Dive Headfirst into Energy Medicine
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Helping people integrate the techniques of Energy Medicine into personal and professional care is Donna's dream and passion. That's one of the reasons she and senior staff members developed the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program (EEMCP). And to make it easy for people to learn the basics of EEM, the first year of the CP -- the Foundations Year -- is offered in dozens of locations across the U.S., Canada, and Europe.
 | Omega Sanctuary |
And now, a residential format is offered through Omega Institute in upstate New York. It condenses the classwork from the Foundations Year of the CP into four intensive, glorious weeks in October. This will allow a select group of people to springboard themselves into Eden Energy Medicine. And all of the back-home supervision and support of the regular Foundations Year format will still be available following the month-long immersion. Click here for details.
Energy Medicine Tidbit | |
How to Avoid Gray Hair
 Q: Recently you mentioned that you knew some herbs and other substances that are good for preventing and reversing gray hair (and other hair problems). Would you share them with us here? A: Absolutely! But before we start, I want it on the record and understood that you should energy test anything I recommend here, using energy localizing. Always remember that no two people are the same. What may work for one person won't necessarily work for another. Also, rotate substances. The body habituates so that a remedy that was working may stop working. If you give your body a break from it, it will often start working again. Energy testing shows you when you need to rotate. The following describes what I have found to be useful in preventing -- or sometimes even reversing -- gray hair. Read on...
Scholarships for Annual Omega Conference on Treating Vets with PTSD | |
 David will be a presenter at this important conference, which will also feature Peter Levine, PhD, Dawson Church, PhD, Major Nisha Money, MD, Roger Jahnke, PhD, and other luminaries.
The conference will focus on mind-body approaches to treatment of veterans with PTSD. It overlaps with David's and Donna's Energy Medicine weekend (October 18-20), making it possible for David to duck in to do a presentation on Energy Psychology. In lieu of payment, Omega has offered us the opportunity to grant a number of scholarships to people in our community who are using Energy Medicine or Energy Psychology with veterans and would like to deepen their education in working with vets. Last year, 10 EEM practitioners attended on scholarship. They were kind enough to share some of their insights and discoveries.
Click here for conference and scholarship details.