Every Wednesday!
Join us on Facebook each week for the "Wednesday Energy Minute" brought to you by Dondi Dahlin.
It only takes one minute to revive your week with an Eden Energy Medicine exercise! So hop up and feel the power! "Heaven Rushing In" is just one of the many!
Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
Happy Summer!
36 years ago, Donna and David met at a class at UCSD. It was a class for therapists. In pure Donna fashion (not noticing that there were rules about who could attend), Donna went to the class. Not only that, she was in culture shock because the family had just returned to the United States from Fiji (many parts of Fiji were still fairly primitive in 1977).
Click here to read the rest of the story on our Facebook page. Find more fun facts and photos like this on Facebook and Twitter.  |
"Energy Medicine brings you vitality when you are drained, health when you are ill, and joy when you are down."
~ Donna Eden
Greetings! An uncanny number of people have told us that they paid attention to Donna's book when it fell off the shelf right in front of them. Stories of how others have found EEM have recently started to be published in our Student & Alumni Newsletter, and they are most interesting. We've reprinted one of them in this issue.
Meanwhile, the case history this month is instructive at many levels. It not only shows how EEM can be used to render a medication no longer necessary, it provides considerable detail about the steps that were taken to get there.
The penultimate EEM event last year, which drew raves from all quarters, was the International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) Conference. This year's promises to be even better! Learn below about how to register.
Even those who recognize that Energy Medicine is highly effective are unable to explain how it works. The scientist who has done the most to answer that question is James Oschman, Ph.D. His upcoming seminar is described below.
The power of eye exercises to improve vision has long been recognized. This issue links to our new $7 package that provides instruction in the Energy Medicine eye exercises that Donna has found to be the most effective over the years.
Also in this issue, you know how uncomfortable it can be when a muscle cramps. You may not know how easy it is to use a magnet to get relief from a cramped muscle. Read on!
May the Force be with you, Donna and David
Case History
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Family Member Going Off Atenolol After 20 Years
By Karen L. Semmelman, EEMCP, JD, AAML
A family member (whom I'll call Mark) was placed on atenolol 20 years ago because he had a rapid heart rate during a stress test. No deficiencies were found in the heart structure or supporting veins. The cardiologist believed, however, that it was a good preventative to use this beta blocker -- to make sure excess adrenaline did not make its way to the heart with adverse effects.
I taught Mark some basics of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM), and he found that when he did have periodic arrhythmic beats of his heart, tracing Heart meridian forward at least three times or biting down on both little fingers at the nail beds (acupressure points at end of Heart meridian) would stop the irregularity. Encouraged by these results, he consulted with a naturopathic doctor who suggested that it might be in his best interest to wean himself from the atenolol. Read on . . .
IGEEM 2013
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Registration is now open!!
We are thrilled to announce that registration for IGEEM 2013 is open! And NOW is the time to receive special Early Bird discounts!! Payment plan options are also available for those who register early!$100 Early Bird discount for registrations received before July 31, 2013
Watch the International Gathering of
Eden Energy Medicine 2013 Video
The IGEEM 2013 extraordinary keynoters -- Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Rupert Sheldrake, Joan Borysenko, and Dawson Church -- will be well-matched by a dynamic array of breakout sessions.
How I Found Eden Energy Medicine
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Reprinted from the Summer 2013 edition of the EEMCP Student & Alumni Newsletter
By Donna Kemper
Donna Kemper
I will try to make a long story short. In 1980, I became a "big sister" to a 15-year-old high school student. Twenty-two years later, she invited me to be present during the birth of her first child. Because she had developed diabetes during the pregnancy, the date and time she would be induced had been decided ahead of time, so I had plenty of time to prepare to travel from Connecticut to New Jersey.
Since the baby action wasn't scheduled to begin until late in the evening, I visited a friend in NJ on the way there. It just so happened she had just returned home from an Eden Energy Medicine weekend at Omega Institute and was flying high from the experience! All she did was rave about this work and this woman named Donna Eden. She told me that I positively had to take her next class, because it was right up my alley and I would love it.
When I returned home after baby-birthing business, I looked up this Donna Eden and learned that the next class, a five-day training in Miami, was coming up in less than two weeks. I was sure that either the class would be sold out or that airfare at such late notice would make it prohibitive. So I turned it over to the universe and said that if I was meant to be there: (a) there would still be room in the class, and (b) I'd be able to use frequent flyer miles to get there. Guess what -- both things happened! Do you know how hard it is to use your frequent flyer miles on the flight you want that close to the departure date??? It was, as we say in Yiddish, BESCHERT (meant to be)!
That week I discovered the missing piece to my hypnotherapy practice that I never knew was missing!
New Products
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Energy Medicine for the Eyes Package
$7 Each
Contains the Energy Medicine for the Eyes guide and the laminated Tibetan Eye Chart.
Using the simple techniques in the Energy Medicine for the Eyes guide (8-page booklet by Donna Eden) combined with the Tibetan Eye Chart (8.5" x 11" laminated two-sided chart), you can open clogged energy, release stress, and improve communication between the eyes and brain. The booklet also identifies common eye problems and provides eye support using basic energy techniques and daily eye energy hygiene exercises. The use of Energy Medicine as a reference guide for some of the exercises is suggested.
The Three Point Technique The Three Point Technique is used to clear stagnant energy from a meridian before strengthening it with fresh energy. The Three Point Technique booklet (4 pages) is a handy reference illustrating the acupressure Sedating and Strengthening points used to facilitate this energy movement in the meridians. It is a particularly valuable resource to give to your clients to support your instructions for their back-home follow-up.
Price: Single 50�, 5-pack $2, 20-pack $7, 100-pack $30
August CP Post Class
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James Oschman -- "Why Energy Medicine Works"
We are so pleased to welcome cell biologist James Oschman, PhD, the foremost researcher in Energy Medicine, to the CP this August. Mr. Oschman excels at explaining the basics of why what we do in EEM works, and we are excited to have him share the scientific foundations of EEM. Of particular interest in his Post Class will be an easy-to-understand description of the basic physics involved in Energy Medicine, a description that can be used to explain the nature of energetic interactions to anyone, including health professionals, clients, family, and friends. Another important topic covered during his class will be the role of inflammation in chronic illness and the energetic causes of inflammation. This understanding is one of the core reasons for the success of Energy Medicine in treating chronic diseases and pain. He will also address energetic sensation and how it is that you can know consciously (or unconsciously) the main focus of a client's condition. Don't miss it!!
Class Information:
Monday, August 5, 2013
2:00 to 5:00 p.m., continuing
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
8:00 to 11:00 a.m.
The Wigwam
in Phoenix, AZ
(Litchfield Park)
Cost: $90
Energy Tip | |
How to Relieve a Cramped Muscle Using a Magnet
While there are many possible causes for muscle cramps -- from magnesium deficiency to strain -- you can address one of the energetic dimensions of the problem by experimenting with a magnet held or taped over the area of the cramp. Hold the north side (p. 321) of a small, weak magnet against the area of the cramp for at least 30 seconds. If the cramp does not immediately begin to release, try holding the south side of the magnet over the area. With a cramp, two opposing processes are involved. You have pain, which the north side of the magnet addresses, and you have a problem with circulation, which the south side of the magnet addresses. You may find it necessary to use one side of the magnet for a time and then the other, allowing your sensations or an energy test to provide feedback. Page references are to Donna's book Energy Medicine, 2008 Tarcher/Penguin.