The Cross Crawl balances and harmonizes energy, improves coordination, and clears thinking.
Case Histories
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Bargain Bin Sale
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Shop our collection of display merchandise, returns, seconds, and items basically having a bad hair day.
Upcoming Events
May 30 - June 2
Reston, VA
The Little Book of Energy Medicine
Donna's and Dondi's new book, The Little Book of Energy Medicine, is a simple, easy-to-use "pocket guide" to one of the most powerful alternative health practices in existence today!
Tiernan Devenyns, Dondi and Roger's son, Donna and David's grandson, and Titanya and Jeff's nephew turned four on May 23.
Greetings! This month has been even more amazing for us than usual. It began with an unexpected visit on May 1 to what we are now considering one of the world's best hospitals, after getting there somewhat randomly. (Curious? Find out about the red hat!) The month also included receiving the highest honor in either of our careers since Walt Disney personally sought out Donna to escort him and Mrs. Disney on a tour of the then-new water theme park, Sea World, in San Diego in 1964.
Donna describes in Energy Medicine (p. 286) her experience with helping a breech baby to turn, avoiding the need for a cesarean procedure. We have now heard from many women that the same procedures Donna described were successful. Rose Mattax describes one of these in detail below. How wonderfully gratifying!
Also in this issue, two articles emphasize colliding directions in the mental health field. One shows how the pharmaceutical industry is defining ever-increasing numbers of psychological and behavioral patterns as mental illnesses, particularly for children, and developing medications that are being taken at an epidemic rate. The other shows how non-invasive interventions such as Energy Psychology are gaining increasing recognition in official circles.
We think you will enjoy the free 7-minute video created by our friends at the Institute of HeartMath, which shows how much your everyday life is impacted by energies most people don't think about. Meanwhile, the engines for IGEEM (Orlando in September) are starting to roar, a dozen new EEM Foundations Year 1 classes start in the next 30 days, and this month's Energy Tip is one of our favorites.
Blessings on your summer!
Love, Donna and David
Case History
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By Rose Mattax, LCPC, EEM-AP
One Thursday afternoon, I received a call from a lovely young woman named Stacey (the names have been changed) whom I'd been seeing as a client for a number of years. But this time Stacey was calling on behalf of her sister, Jenny, who was pregnant with her second son.
Jenny was due to deliver the baby, already named Mark, any day. The problem was that Mark was in a breech position, with his feet sitting firmly on top of Jenny's cervix. Stacey explained that a caesarean section had been scheduled for the following Monday to surgically remove the baby.
With a sigh, Stacey asked, "Is there anything you can do to help?"
"Supposedly," I replied, "but I've never personally turned a breech baby before. Why don't you come in Saturday afternoon, and we'll see what we can do." Read on . . .
The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence
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The Institute of HeartMath's Approach to Personal, Social, and Global Coherence
Our organizational mission, "Raising the vibration of the planet, one person at a time," is shared by sister organizations around the world, regardless of the words they use to express that mission. An organization that we respect very highly is the Institute of HeartMath in Boulder Creek, California. The scientists there have done some of the most important research ever for helping us understand:
- How the energies of the heart and the energies of the brain interact
- How the energies among people influence thought and behavior
- How to utilize this knowledge for living a more wholesome personal life
- How this knowledge can be used to impact society in critical, powerful ways
The people at HeartMath have just created a 7-minute animated video that, in our opinion, provides an incredibly useful and enjoyable summary of their findings. We wanted to bring it to your attention.
The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social, and global coherence
Positive Impact on Society
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Donna and David Receive the Infinity Foundation Spirit Award
On May 17, 2013, Nancy Grace Marder, director of the Infinity Foundation, presented the award with these words: "The Infinity Foundation Spirit Award is given to a person or in this case persons who contribute to the evolution of consciousness and make a positive impact on our society by contributing to personal or spiritual growth. This year we are thrilled to give the award to Donna Eden and David Feinstein, who are pioneering forces in Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology, and consciousness studies."
Past recipients have included Ram Dass, Jon Kabat-Zinn, James Redfield, Gary Zukav, Byron Katie, Dan Millman, Neale Donald Walsch, and Gregg Braden. This was the first time they have ever awarded it to a couple.
D & D receiving Infinity Foundation Spirit Award
Psychology Progress
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David's Paper on the Effectiveness of Energy Psychology
Featured in Psychology Progress
David received the following letter last month from the vice president of Psychology Progress:
"I am pleased to inform you that the Psychology Progress team has identified your recent publication 'Acupoint Stimulation in Treating Psychological Disorders: Evidence of Efficacy' as a significant contributor in the study of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is of special interest to progress in the psychology field. We would like to list your publication in our next edition.
"Psychology Progress alerts the scientific community to breaking journal articles considered to represent the best in psychology research. Psychology Progress is viewed almost 40,000 times each month and has an audience of academic and clinical personnel from a growing number of the top 20 major academic institutions."
We are very pleased by this recognition, in part because Psychology Progress is about as mainstream as it gets in reporting developments in psychology. An addendum to the feature discusses the use of Energy Psychology in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy. The entry was posted on May 14.
10 Years in the Making
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The American Psychiatric Association's Newest and Most Controversial Classification of Mental Disorders
The group that gets to define mental disorders and how they should be treated holds tremendous power in our understanding about what is normal and what is not, as well as in the allocation of billions of dollars annually. In the United States, and for much of the rest of the world, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has fielded this responsibility. Read more . . .
IGEEM 2013
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Class Schedule
We are so thrilled to finally be able to announce our class schedule for IGEEM 2013! The quality of the proposals submitted this year was humbling, as we see Eden Energy Medicine being used in such amazing ways. We are deeply grateful to all of the teachers who submitted proposals. Our extraordinary keynoters -- Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Rupert Sheldrake, Joan Borysenko, and Dawson Church -- will be well matched by dynamic array of breakout sessions. Look for a special email announcing IGEEM registration dates VERY soon! To check out the incredible lineup of courses being offered this year, click here, or visit the IGEEM home page: IGEEM.Innersource.net.
Energy Tip | |
Get Energized and Feel More Joy
Connecting Heaven and Earth (pp. 19-20) is a wonderfully energizing exercise that releases stuck energy and activates joy and happiness. This powerful stretch for the hips, waist, and torso is a great way to renew yourself when you are feeling sluggish. Do Connecting Heaven and Earth when you want to: - Activate endorphins and increase your sense of joy
- Stretch the body so energy can flow more easily
- Open your joints to release trapped energy
- Ease insomnia
- Activate the immune system
- Release energies picked up from other people and the environment
- Bring fresh oxygen to your cells and release carbon dioxide
Click here to watch Donna Eden demonstrate the Connecting Heaven and Earth technique.  |
Connecting Heaven and Earth
Page references are to Donna's and Dondi's book The Little Book of Energy Medicine, 2012 Tarcher/Penguin.
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It's time for a little spring cleaning at the Innersource Online Store!  Shop our collection of display merchandise, returns, seconds, and items basically having a bad hair day. Books may have a scuff or a bent corner, cases may have a crack, you might find a smudge or smear here or there. But there is one thing they have over their perfect counterparts - they're 50% OFF! (Don't worry, we won't send anything unusable - we've only kept the "best of" for this sale.)
Offer Expires: June 21, 2013 and is limited to inventory on hand.
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