Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
 | Donna Eden demonstrating the Wayne Cook exercise. |
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We have Energy Medicine for Women books and DVDs in our online store.
Greetings! We just arrived in Budapest. (Breathtaking historic city! Factoid: Budapest has 121 natural hot springs!) This was after a powerful, beautiful Introductory EEM Weekend with 260 participants in Bristol, which followed appearances in London, Dorking, Birmingham, and Manchester that were attended by a total of nearly 800 people. We were stunned by the receptiveness to our work and the appreciation we received. Particularly gratifying was attending Class 4 of the European Foundations training and discovering how many bright, competent, simply beautiful people have been attracted to learn this work in depth!
This issue of our e-Letter edges into the world of the woo-woo even more than people usually think when they hear the words subtle energy. Can healing happen at a distance? Do the energies of the crowd at a sporting event influence the energies of the players? You will also in this issue set your eyes on the 776th graduate of our two-year Certification Program, hear about our good fortune in enticing our fifth keynote speaker for our September IGEEM Conference in Orlando, and get the goods on using Energy Medicine for low blood sugar.
We hope spring is blossoming beautifully in your life!
Love, Donna and David
Case History
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Quick Healing for Ocular Migraine
Energy healing often involves the systematic application of a set of techniques in order to change entrenched or habitual energy patterns. Sometimes, however, the effects can be very rapid, as was the case for Mary Brophy, who found nearly instantaneous relief from the symptoms of an ocular migraine.
Mary inexplicably began experiencing a visual disturbance in the form of a vertical, jagged-edged bar of light appearing over everything she was seeing on her right side. It shone with silvery intensity and shimmered like heat waves. Later she learned that this visual disturbance, called an ocular migraine, can accompany a migraine headache, although she did not have a headache.
Mary had self-studied several of Donna's and David's books and DVD sets and had taken classes on Energy Medicine for Women from Donna's student Devi Stern. Looking for relief, she tried the variation of the Wayne Cook exercise. Read on . . .
Distance Healing
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Advance Copy of Surrogate Treatment Study Available by David Feinstein, Ph.D.
Just in case my colleagues didn't think I was crazy enough by dabbling in energy healing and claiming that tapping on the skin can be a vital component in the cure for PTSD, I decided to remove any doubt by writing about healing from a distance. I have heard many stories about distant healing over the decades, and more recently about doing energy healing for someone who is somewhere else. I finally decided to look into it among energy workers. After a mostly futile search of the academic and clinical literature, I was able to locate exactly 100 case reports on websites and after putting out a call for stories.
The resulting paper, "Energy Psychology Treatments Over a Distance: The Curious Phenomenon of 'Surrogate Tapping,'" examines the evidence and discusses what we can conclude at this point and what we can't conclude. It holds interesting implications for energy healing practitioners. Is this a medical application of the quantum foundations of physical reality? Or is it another playground for the naive and deluded? The paper will be published in a peer-reviewed journal in May, but you can read it now.
The Joy of Sox
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Energy Medicine on PBS - An EEMCP Scholarship Fundraiser
We've all felt the power of group events (at a ballpark or concert hall or place of worship), but most people would never suspect that such common experiences are directly related to our exotic field of Energy Medicine. So here's a Trojan horse: a new PBS documentary film about Energy Medicine and sports that even your skeptical friends will love.
The Joy of Sox: Weird Science and the Power of Intention was produced by Harvard psychiatrist (and long-time Innersource friend) Rick Leskowitz. It blends his love of the Boston Red Sox baseball team with a lifetime's study of Energy Medicine. The DVD has something for everyone, as Rick studies the intangibles in sports: the electricity in the crowd, team chemistry, fan prayers. He also interviews famous ballplayers, scientists, and fans to learn about the power of group energy. Watch Dr. Rick use a computerized random number generator at Fenway Park to track fan energy during the game. (You'll never guess which moment registered the highest intensity!) See how "contagious" heart rhythms are measured in the laboratory at the Institute of HeartMath (while Rick himself is the blindfolded guinea pig.) Hear interviews with leading consciousness researchers at Princeton's PEAR Lab and the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and watch energy demos by leading Energy Medicine teachers -- including Donna and David! And witness the first major league ballplayer to "come out of the closet" and discuss his use of EFT to get into The Zone of peak performance.
The Joy of Sox will also benefit our scholarship students. Fifty percent of the proceeds from all DVD sales generated by this article will go directly to the EEM Certification Program Scholarship Fund. So CLICK HERE to order this 60-minute film for $20 plus S&H. We think you'll enJOY it.
EEM Certification Program
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Scholarships Awarded to EEMCP Students
Last month, student #776 graduated from Year 2 of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program, along with 135 of her classmates. This is exciting at so many levels.
It means there are more Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) practitioners than ever before using the safe and non-invasive techniques of EEM to make a difference in their communities. It also means there are more teachers offering more classes in EEM. Donna's dream of bringing EEM to every corner of the world is definitely unfolding.
And there is more good news! Thanks to the generous donations made by you, our supporters, we were able to award partial scholarships to 19 deserving students who will now be able to attend Year 2 of the EEMCP beginning in April. Thank you!
We are so pleased to be able to help these students, yet sad that we were unable to help more than 50 other scholarship applicants for whom there just was not enough in the Scholarship Fund coffers. But there is always next year.
The Scholarship Fund is open for contributions year-round, and every donation takes us one step closer to helping all students fulfill their dream of becoming an Eden Energy Medicine practitioner. Thank you for your ongoing support.
IGEEM 2013
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Dawson Church to Be a Keynote Speaker at IGEEM
 We are thrilled that Dr. Dawson Church has agreed to join our extraordinary line-up of speakers for our IGEEM ( International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine) Conference in Orlando this September. Dawson, who has long been a dear friend of both David and Donna, founded the Veterans Stress Project, which has provided free or low-cost, highly effective treatments (based on systematic research with a sample of the veterans) to several thousand of our warriors who are now battling PTSD. Dawson has published more research studies on Energy Psychology than anyone else, and his best-selling book The Genie in Your Genes explains the remarkable self-healing mechanisms now emerging at the juncture of emotion and gene expression. Dawson and David have testified before Congressional committees about innovative treatments for veterans. They have also written a paper describing how tapping acupuncture points can modify gene expression and a forthcoming book chapter on Energy Psychology and PTSD. The marriage of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology grows stronger each year. We were surprised and delighted to learn several months ago that a survey of the membership of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) found that after their primary Energy Psychology modality, the most common second modality used by ACEP practitioners is Eden Energy Medicine. Dawson will join Lynne McTaggart, Joan Borysenko, Rupert Sheldrake, and Bruce Lipton in headlining the Orlando IGEEM Conference. IGEEM Work Benefit Program
The Innersource Work Benefit Program (WBP) is designed to provide a few students with the opportunity to attend IGEEM tuition-free in exchange for working during the event. We anticipate that we will need about four to six people to assist us. The application period is open through May 6. Click here for details and application.
Energy Tip | |
Energy Medicine First Aid for Low Blood Sugar Attacks
Any diet that creates a condition of low blood sugar in your body is not a good diet. When blood sugar drops, the body's energies become weak and disorganized. The pancreas governs blood sugar levers, and Spleen meridian governs the pancreas. If food is not immediately available when your blood sugar drops, doing the Triple Warmer Smoothie (p. 107) followed by tapping the Spleen Neurolymphatic Reflex points (p. 55) helps reorganize your energies quickly. The Wayne Cook Posture (p. 56) can then further stabilize them. Note: Page numbers reference Energy Medicine for Women (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008).