Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
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The Great UK Tour
Donna & David are making a swoop through the UK in March 2013. Tell your UK friends that we are coming and are not to be missed!
- London
- Manchester
- Birmingham
- Bristol
Tour Details
Upcoming Events
February 21 Internet _______ March 8-10 St. Louis, MO
March 26
Internet and iTunes
_______April 19-21
Stockbridge, MA
_______ May 13
Toronto, Canada
Details Coming Soon!
_______ May 15
Grapevine, TX
May 17
Highland Park, IL
May 18
Highland Park, IL
May 30 - June 2
Reston, VA
All Upcoming Events
Now through October 2013
Why Innersource?
We named the organization "Innersource" in recognition that the sources for health and healing lie within. A universe of energies animates your body while deep inner wisdom can be called upon to navigate your way toward an increasingly meaningful and gratifying life.

Donna and David, 1984
Certain illnesses, though they are beyond the reach of conventional medical practice, are so consuming that if you are plagued by one of them, you can do little else with your time and attention than to try to deal with them. June Campbell had a Job-like disease where her skin broke out in agonizing, painful blisters. Her story, in this issue, shows what people who are informed by basic Energy Medicine principles can do when fully dedicating themselves to self-healing.
Eden Energy Medicine is beginning to flourish in Europe, and we are excited to support it with our U.K. tour in March. In May, we are going to Chicago to receive an honor that is very special to us. Following in the footsteps of people we admire tremendously, we will be the first couple to receive the Infinity Foundation Spirit Award. The other side of being honored is being publicly bashed, and we've had a recent fling with that as well -- read about who came to our defense.
We are gearing up for 50 Foundations Classes in April, May, and June throughout the U.S. and in increasing numbers of countries abroad. And one of our all-time favorite people, Bruce Lipton, will grace the second annual International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine in September.
It's a busy and exciting time for us at Innersource, and this issue closes with a Radiant Circuit Valentine's gift for you.
Love, Donna and David
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Energy Medicine for Autoimmune Skin Disease
June Campbell learned Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) techniques from Donna's book Energy Medicine and cleared herself of a painful and debilitating skin condition called bullous pemphigoid. This autoimmune disease is also known as the blistering disease, because the skin breaks out in itchy, painful blisters that often get infected. It primarily affects seniors. It is a rare disease-estimated to occur in only one in a million.
Refusing to accept that she would have to live with this persistent and painful condition, she began spending several hours a day doing Energy Medicine routines, along with Energy Psychology (tapping), meditations, and healing visualizations. Devoting hours per day to such practices is out of the ordinary for most people, and we asked June about it. Read On . . .
Infinity Foundation Spirit Award
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Donna and David to Be First Couple to Receive the Infinity Foundation's Spirit Award
Since 1997, the Infinity Foundation Spirit Award is bestowed each year upon a person who significantly contributes to the advancement of spiritual growth and consciousness. Previous recipients have included Ram Dass, James Redfield, Gary Zukav, Byron Katie, Dan Millman, Neale Donald Walsch, and Gregg Braden. Donna and David, the 2013 recipients, are the first couple selected for the award!
The 2013 award will be presented at the Infinity Foundation's 16th Gala, May 16-18. The Gala includes an elegant dinner, a talk by Donna and David, a silent auction, and a practitioner's fair. On May 18, Donna and David will present an all-day workshop on Energy Medicine. Both events are open to the public. Details and Registration
Energy Psychology
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Attacks on David and on Energy Therapies Countered by Influential Scholars
When you defend controversial therapies that run counter to vested interests, you are opening yourself for attack. An article in the November 2012 issue of the journal Research on Social Work Practice slammed David's work and the practice of energy therapies in general.
Four prominent researchers and practitioners, whose institutional affiliations include Harvard Medical School, the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Washington University School of Medicine, have vigorously challenged that article. We think their rebuttal -- though in the polite and abstract language of academic discourse -- is a slam dunk, it discredits every one of the spurious criticisms leveled at David and the field.
We are grateful to these individuals: Mary Sise, MSW, Phyllis Stein, PhD, Eric Leskowitz, MD, and Anthony Trunguch, MD, PhD. Their article is posted on the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) website.
Bruce Lipton, PhD, Joins IGEEM 2013
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Opening Keynote Speaker!
Bruce Lipton's Keynote Presentation at IGEEM 2012
Each of the five keynote speakers at IGEEM 2012 received a standing ovation from an enthused but discriminating audience. Bruce Lipton, who opened the conference, hit it out of the park. People were blown away by his brilliance, relevance, and clarity. We are thrilled that he has agreed to return to again deliver the opening keynote at the second International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine in Orlando this September.
Other confirmed keynote speakers include Lynne McTaggart, Rupert Sheldrake, and Joan Borysenko. We are sitting in profound gratitude about our good fortune to have this cast of luminaries blessing what we expect to be the most vibrant energy healing event of 2013 on the planet.
Dr. Lipton is a ground-breaking biologist who illuminated scientific understanding of the way energy impacts cellular behavior. While on the faculty of the Stanford University School of Medicine, Dr. Lipton pioneered new understanding of how energies in the environment control cell behavior, physiology, and the activation of genes. He is the best-selling author of the books Biology of Belief and Spontaneous Evolution, the recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, and has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows.
EEM Foundations Classes Worldwide | |
Want to feel better? Want to help others feel better?
The Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Foundations Classes one-year program is designed to teach the fundamental EEM principles and methods.These classes are now taught throughout the world, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe, so there is probably one near you. Find the class locations nearest you!
IGEEM 2012 Audio Collection
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Last Call to get Bruce Lipton's presentations from the 2012 IGEEM Convention
Were you considering buying Bruce Lipton's two amazing classes as part of the IGEEM 2012 Audio Collection?
This is your LAST CALL. We are contractually obligated to stop selling his material on February 28, so don't delay and order these gems today! IGEEM 2012 participants learned new healing techniques, explored new modalities, and discovered their own inner healing abilities. We are so grateful that modern recording technology makes it possible for us to share this experience with you in the recently released IGEEM 2012 Audio Collection!
Energy Tip | |
Get Your Radiant Energies Flowing with the
Ten Hearts Exercise
The Ten Hearts Exercise is especially good for the Heart and Large Intestine Meridians and the Penetrating Flow. It activates and connects all Radiant Circuits and gets them flowing. Bring Radiant Energies to your hormones in less than a minute: - Make 3 hearts over your face, starting at your forehead and circling around and down to your chin. Take a deep inhalation and exhalation with each heart.
- With the third heart, move your hands down to the center of your chest.
- Make 3 hearts over the trunk of your body by moving up around your shoulders and down to your pubic bone.
- Make 3 hearts over the front of your legs by moving up from your pubic bone, around your hips and down to your feet.
- As you finish the last of these, place the backs of your hands together and bring them up the center of your body, over your head. Reaching high, separate your hands and circle them out, making a large heart that encompasses your whole body and ends at your legs.
From the class handouts that accompany the Energy Medicine for Women: 4-Day Introductory Intensive Training DVD Set.