Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
The Great UK Tour
Donna & David are making a swoop through the UK in March 2013. Tell your friends we're coming and we hope to see you in March!
- Brussels
- London
- Manchester
- Birmingham
- Bristol
Tour Details
ACEP Co-Founder Dorothea Hover-Kramer, Ph.D. In Memoriam
| We sadly learned just as we were going to press of Dorothea's passing. ACEP's first president, David Gruder, Ph.D., has written a beautiful and informative tribute to Dorothea. Learn about a great life!
Upcoming Events
| Energy Psychology for the Energy Medicine Practitioner
January 28-29
Litchfield Park, AZ
February 21 Internet _______ March 8-10 St. Louis, MO
March 26
Internet and iTunes
Tidbit from Donna
Q: Tell us about a turning point in your life.
A: I had multiple sclerosis,which had progressed to the point that I was told I had only a couple of years to live. All my systems were breaking down. I was determined to bring up my young daughters, and I figured out how to heal myself. The techniques I devised became the basis of my life's work.
Pocket Guide To EEM | Would you like to have more Eden Energy Medicine techniques in your back pocket?
Dondi Dahlin and Donna Eden just published the Little Book of Energy Medicine.
This little book (7"x7") includes specific Energy Medicine exercises that can help with headaches, nausea, insomnia, and the common cold.
Greetings! Hundreds of thousands of people have participated every year in each of the first four online Annual Tapping World Summits. The fifth one, starting February 4, promises to be the best one ever, and we both feel honored to be featured speakers. Find out here how to watch the first video right now, for free! The incredible numbers show how energy work is making a profound difference in people's lives. In this Happy New Year issue, you will learn of steady progress and finally a cure in overcoming a horrible nerve disorder and more about the inspiring work being carried out with disaster survivors.
Last September, our IGEEM conference was an unbelievable gathering of talent, and September's IGEEM is rapidly gaining momentum, with one of the most important, leading-edge biologists of the day having just agreed to do a keynote! Meanwhile, audio recordings of the 2012 program are now available. And we are dazzled that our incredibly competent faculty will offer the year-long EEM Foundations Training in 50 locations around the world. This issue ends with an Energy Tip for staying grounded and centered. Not a bad skill to have in this crazy world.
We hope 2013 will bring you great health, great energy, and deep gratification in all you do.
Love, Donna and David
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Nerve Disorder Cured With EEM and Other Energy Healing Methods By William H. Crocker
One day in 1996, a severe pain appeared above my left cheek. A neurologist diagnosed it as trigeminal neuralgia, a nerve disorder that creates a stabbing or electric shock-like pain in parts of the face. Briefly, it is caused by a vein rubbing into a nerve in the head and scraping off its insulation, so when the patient makes certain moves, painful shocks come out of the hole in the nerve. My pain came and went.
By 2002, it was so bad that my internist sent me to a specialist at Johns Hopkins, who said he would operate if it became completely unbearable. With a prescription sedative, it became tolerable, and I would sometimes be pain-free. But the pain would eventually return. I had two courses of acupuncture, both of which helped, but the symptoms would still come back during periods of tension.
Around 2005, I discovered Donna Eden and Eden Energy Medicine (EEM). I attended a brief presentation, then a three-day weekend, and then an ISSSEEM (International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine) convention, where I had the good fortune of sitting with Donna and David at one of the dinner events. I was put in touch with one of their EEM Advanced Practitioners, Francie Boyce, and I drove 1-1/2 hours to have treatments from her every other week for maybe a year. There was steady improvement but not a complete cure. Read On . . .
Tapping World Summit
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Can Tapping Really Make You Healthy?
We have been telling people about the health benefits of Tapping Meridian Endpoints for years. The 5th Annual Tapping World Summit begins with a pre-launch series of FREE videos. The FREE 10-day summit begins on February 4. Donna Eden and David Feinstein are both speakers in the summit, February 4-17, 2013. Sign up now to get access to all the pre-launch videos like the one below in which celebrity and best-selling author Louise Hay speaks with Nick Ortner about how to use both tapping and affirmations for your "inner work" to create the life you want today! Watch the video. 
Energy Psychology In Rwanda
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By David Feinstein, Ph.D.
In 2004, I was invited by the Institute of Noetic Sciences to write a piece for their magazine on the use of Energy Psychology in disaster areas (eventually expanded into a journal article and published in Traumatology). Unprecedented positive outcomes were being reported following natural disasters as well as human-made catastrophes. The TFT Foundation (TFT is the original Energy Psychology protocol) was taking the lead in pioneering this critically important application and producing heart-warming outcomes in heart-wrenching situations. Read On . . .
Rupert Sheldrake to Join IGEEM 2013
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By Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D.
With Joan Borysenko and Lynne McTaggart already scheduled as keynote speakers at IGEEM 2013, we are thrilled to let you know that Rupert Sheldrake has accepted our invitation to be our third keynote speaker in Orlando in September. Rupert is a biologist and the author of 10 books and more than 80 scientific papers. Besides impeccable credentials (Cambridge and Harvard), we consider him one of the most important thinkers in science today. His most recent book is Science Set Free.  We met Rupert and his wife, Jill (who will also present during the Conference!) in the mid-1980s. We were still working quite independently of one another, but Rupert's concept of "morphic fields" provided the first conceptual bridge between David's understanding of his work with personal myths and the role of energy fields in storing information.
Rupert is not without his critics. As his morphic theory -- the most comprehensive formulation of its kind, extending from subatomic particles to the evolution of culture -- became known, he emerged as a hero within the holistic healing community while being discounted or worse by mainstream scientists. In a scathing critique shortly after his first book came out in 1981, the senior editor of Nature suggested: "This infuriating tract . . . is the best candidate for burning there has been for many years." Now 32 years later, cutting-edge science is finding verification for his visionary ideas. His presentations are as colorful as his theories.
You will love experiencing him in person!
EEM Foundations Classes Worldwide | |
50 Foundations Classes for 2013!
Want to feel better? Want to help others feel better? The Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Foundations Classes one-year program is designed to teach the fundamental EEM principles and methods.These classes are now taught throughout the world, so there is sure to be one close by. 50 classes will be offered in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe this year. Find the class locations nearest you! |
IGEEM 2012 Audio Now Available!
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The International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) was a landmark event that exceeded our highest expectations!
Participants took home new healing techniques, explored new modalities, and discovered their own inner healing abilities. With our "dream team" of keynote speakers and more than 40 hand-picked presenters, this proved to be an outstanding gathering of the top Energy Medicine practitioners in the field. We are so grateful that modern recording technology makes it possible for us to share this experience with you in the newly released IGEEM 2012 Audio Collection!
Energy Tip | |
A Quick Physical Grounding Technique
In last month's Energy e-Letter, we offered tips on how to stay grounded in the air and avoid jet lag. This month, we feature a quick technique for staying physically grounded. It is short and simple to memorize, so you can use it often!
What exactly does being grounded mean? An electrical device is grounded when it is connected to the ground in a way that allows excess energy to leave the system. We are physically grounded when we can feel our connection to the Earth and carry our posture, movement, and awareness in a manner that is in harmony with the Earth's gravitational pull.
Physical Grounding Quickie:
- Do the Hook-Up as described in the Daily Energy Routine (pp. 98-99).
- Place your hands at the sides of your waist (at the Belt Flow) with your thumbs facing toward the front and fingers toward the back.
- Slide your hands slowly and firmly down your legs.
- When you get to your feet, squeeze the sides of your feet.
- End by tracing up the Spleen meridian (pictured on the right and on p. 117, Figure 12).
(Tarcher/Penguin, 2008)