Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
 | Holding Neurovasculars stimulates the flow of blood to your head while calming and aligning your energies. |
Upcoming Events
Live Interview
May 8
Online, Podcast, and AM/FM Radio
May 13
Toronto, Canada
May 15
Grapevine, TX
May 17
Highland Park, IL
May 18
Highland Park, IL
May 30 - June 2
Reston, VA
 The Crown Pull clears and refreshes the mind.
Greetings! With the profound tragedies of the past weeks on everyone's minds, acts of courage and inspiration are cool refreshment to thirsty lips. And we have seen many such acts. Among them, our colleagues working in Newtown are making a powerful difference, as described below!
The case history in this issue had a most amusing beginning and happy ending! And we are proud to bring James Oschman to Phoenix for a fascinating seminar on what is known scientifically about Energy Medicine. Jim is THE expert on this topic, and he presents it in a wonderful way!
May will be a busy and exciting month of travel for us, with classes in Toronto, Dallas, and Chicago. While in Chicago, we will receive the Infinity Foundation's Spirit Award. Previous recipients have included Ram Dass, James Redfield, Gary Zukav, Byron Katie, Dan Millman, Neale Donald Walsh, and Gregg Braden. We are deeply honored to be the first couple to have been selected for the Award.
With our blessings for spring renewal!
Donna and David
Case History
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Error Leads to Remarkable Improvement in Her Mum's Heart Condition
Clare Sullivan attended Donna's introductory Energy Medicine class in Manchester, England, in March. She mistakenly wound up with two copies of the Energy Medicine: The Essential Techniques DVD program and wrote to our U.K. organizer to see if she could exchange one of them. Meanwhile, she writes:
"My mum has had a condition with her heart for two years that she didn't tell me about. She was booked to see a specialist. I was raving about the evening with Donna, and she asked, in a roundabout way, whether Donna did anything for hearts. I suspected [my mum] had a problem , so I checked the book , and in a roundabout way I told her hearts can be helped by tracing the Heart meridian . And I showed her. I also showed her the Daily Energy Routine for general health (again in a roundabout way). I knew it was for her but pretended I didn't. I also gave her the extra DVD program. Read on . . . |
Healing the Heartbreak of Newtown | |
The tragedy in Newtown has received tremendous media attention and fueled heated debate about gun control and access to mental health services. At the same time, a dedicated group has been quietly providing effective relief and healing to those directly affected by the shootings. The Newtown Trauma Relief Collaboration Project, led by Nick Ortner and Lori Leyden, was conceived to demonstrate and implement a comprehensive response to a local disaster, involving people and organizations at every level of the Newtown community. Its primary treatment modality has been Energy Psychology tapping (EFT), so it has put the claims of EFT practitioners to a serious test. Groups that come into disaster areas to provide therapeutic help have been notorious for offering services that are ineffective or even harmful, wasting valuable energy, trust, and goodwill while leaving disappointment and a sense of hopelessness in their wake. So far, the Newtown Project has served more than 200 traumatized individuals. In these documented sessions, every individual treated has experienced a decrease in self-reported stress levels. Read on . . .
August CP Class with James Oschman
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Why Energy Medicine Works
By James Oschman
This class by well-known biophysicist and author James Oschman will explain how Energy Medicine works as described in his popular book, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis (Churchill Livingstone, 2000). It will also explore the incredible progress that has taken place in understanding the mechanics of Energy Medicine since the book was published. Of particular interest will be an understandable description of the basic physics involved in Energy Medicine, a description that can be used to explain the nature of energetic interactions to anyone, including health professionals, clients, family, and friends. Another important topic covered by this class will be the role of inflammation in chronic illness. Currently one of the major topics in modern medical research, Mr. Oschman believes that inflammation is an energetic condition that is best treated energetically. This important understanding is one of the core reasons for the success of Energy Medicine in treating chronic diseases and pain. Mr. Oschman will also address energetic sensation and how it is that you can know consciously (or unconsciously) the main focus of a client's condition. The six-hour class will include a wealth of both theoretical information and experiential applications and is a must for anyone interested in Energy Medicine. Don't miss it! Dates: Monday, August 5, 2013, 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. And Tuesday, August 6, 2013, 8:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Cost: $90
Location: Wigwam Resort, Phoenix, AZ
Trauma in Boston
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Our hearts and prayers go out to the people of Boston and all those affected by the bombings. At times like these, it's important to remember something Oprah Winfrey once said: "I believe that every single event in life happens as an opportunity to choose love over fear."
When dealing with events of this magnitude, Eden Energy Medicine can play a significant part. The Daily Energy Routine and meridian tapping (EFT) always help our energies, but during times of extreme trauma and tragedy, Donna recommends adding the Mellow Mudra (pg 247-48). This simple posture helps take Triple Warmer out of reactivity and begins the stabilization process. May the world move toward love, and may we all continue to do our part so events like this become distant, ancient memories.Watch this video demonstrating the Mellow Mudra.
 | The Mellow Mudra |
IGEEM 2013
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Keynote Speakers
We have an exciting lineup of keynote speakers including Dawson Church, Lynne McTaggart, Joan Borysenko, Rupert Sheldrake, and Bruce Lipton headlining the Orlando IGEEM Conference. Read more about these leading-edge thinkers. IGEEM Work Benefit Program
The IGEEM Work Benefit Program (WBP) is designed to provide a few students with the opportunity to attend IGEEM tuition-free in exchange for working during the event. We anticipate that we will need about four to six people to assist us. The application period is open through May 6. Click here for details and application.
Energy Tip | |
First Aid for the Emotional Crazies
 Energy Medicine offers a number of techniques worth having at your fingertips during any emotional roller coaster. PMS can be the Giant Dipper of emotional roller coasters. Energy Medicine methods for emotional turmoil are quick, powerful, and easy to learn, but it can be difficult to remember exactly what to do when you're in the middle of turmoil yourself. The good news is that all you need to remember at times of crisis are a few quick steps. Three principles to keep in mind are stretch, tap, and cross and hold (pp 148-9). If you don't remember anything else, breathe deeply as you: (1) stretch your midsection, (2) tap anywhere on your face, head, and body, and (3) cross your arms and hold your shoulders. Note: Page numbers reference Energy Medicine for Women (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008).