Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
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This Holiday!
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~ 2013 ~
February 21
March 8-10
St. Louis, MO
September 18-22
Tidbit from Donna
Q: What do you love about teaching?
A: I love turning people on to these tools that can change their lives forever. I love seeing people overcome pain and illness. I love seeing them become healthier and happier. I love empowering people.
The Great UK Tour
Donna & David are making a swoop through the UK in March 2013. Tell you're friends we're coming and we hope to see you in March!
- London
- Manchester
- Birmingham
- Bristol
Tour Details
Wishing You and Your Family a Joyous Holiday!
Happy New Year
May 2013 be a year of blessings for all of us.
Greetings!  Donna did a brief, free presentation on Energy Medicine for a small residential health retreat center in California earlier this month. She has presented there before. Five years ago, no one knew of her, so they were all blown away by the demonstrations.
This year, though she'd not been announced ahead of time and was simply part of a larger program, almost everyone knew of her. As soon as she walked onto the stage, a man in the audience stood up and playfully but dramatically began doing the Three Thumps. He was visiting from Morocco and had learned EEM back home. Many amazing testimonials followed.
A Reiki teacher who uses EEM said, "It is more important in my Reiki classes than Reiki." Two yoga instructors talked about how much better their yoga classes have become since introducing EEM. A homeless man (who had been sent to the center by several people who believed in him and pooled their money so he could get back on his feet health-wise) said that he was taught the 5-minute Routine at a homeless shelter and "it was my salvation." Another man, who had just come from a different residential health center -- one that is extremely expensive and well-known -- said, "They had us doing your 5-minute Routine twice a day. It was the best part of their program."
There were only 37 people in the audience, none of whom Donna had met before, so it was kind of mind-boggling to get all these reports at once. As 2012 comes to a close, we are deeply gratified and grateful to sense how EEM is moving out into the world. Thank you for being part of our 2012. We send you our deepest blessings for the coming year!
Love, Donna and David
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Subtle Energies in Healing
Leah was carried up the stairs to my office. The man who brought her told me she had been to the Scripps Clinic, the Mayo Clinic, and many, many doctors. Leah was diagnosed with bronchitis, but no one �could determine why she �wasn't responding to established treatments, and it appeared she was dying. Her closest friend had died just before the onset of her illness, and she had been to a psychiatrist on a doctor's hunch that her bronchitis might be exacerbated by complicated grief -- but to no avail. She was reduced to grabbing at straws, and I guess I was a straw.
When Leah tried to speak, she �could only wheeze. Because she had already been tested by the best, I �didn't start with the obvious systems, involving her lungs, but rather sank into her deepest energy system, which I call the basic grid. It appeared to me that two of the energy pathways in her basic grid were so seriously disrupted that her life force could barely flow through them. I touched the points that are at either end of one of these energy patterns (one near her hip and one on her forehead), using my own body like a jumper cable to connect the circuitry and rebuild the grid. Read On
Bringing Relief to Newtown, Connecticut
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 The magnitude of a tragedy like the Newtown shooting is beyond comprehension, yet those left in its wake have to cope with their children's terror, confusion, and disrupted lives, not to mention their own. As fate would have it, Nick Ortner, one of the international leaders in Energy Psychology, lives in Newtown. Nick knows he has a tool that can be of enormous value in the midst of the emotional turmoil all around him, and he is creatively mobilizing strong, positive action to help "relieve the pain, trauma, and sorrow" in his home community. Read more and learn how you can help.
Lynne McTaggart to Keynote IGEEM 2013
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We are gathering our line-up of stellar keynote speakers for IGEEM 2013 in Orlando next September. Last month we announced how honored we are that Dr. Joan Borysenko will be joining us. This month we are thrilled to tell you that Lynne McTaggart has agreed to deliver a keynote address and a special workshop! Lynne's book, The Field, was ground-breaking. She interviewed and summarized how top scientists understand the energy fields that are part of the fabric of daily life. Her next book, The Intention Experiment, reviewed research about human consciousness which suggests not only that the universe is connected by a vast quantum energy field, but that this field can be influenced by thought! One of her earliest books, What Doctors Don't Tell You: The Truth About The Dangers Of Modern Medicine, is a manifesto for more natural approaches to health care. Lynne's influence on the lives of thousands of people around the world has been enormous, she has appeared on many national television and radio shows, including Oprah, and we know you will love her contribution at IGEEM 2013.
IGEEM 2013 Proposal Update:
As a reminder, we've extended the deadline for proposals to January 18, 2013. If you have passion for an Energy Medicine related topic and want to be part of the superb lineup of classes we will be offering next September in Orlando, don't miss out. Click here for the proposal form or go to:
EEM Foundations Classes Offered Around the World | |
The Foundations Program Has Grown to 50 Locations Worldwide for 2013/14
The Eden Energy Medicine Foundations Classes are a one-year program designed to teach the fundamental Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) principles and methods. EEM may be used for personal health and well-being, by care-givers, and by professionals who wish to integrate these techniques into their existing practices. Students who wish to complete the EEM Two-Year Certification Program may take the final year after finishing the Foundations Classes. These classes are now taught throughout the world. Last year, twenty-three classes were offered in the US, Canada, and the UK. In 2013, 50 classes will be offered in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe. One of them will be a month-long intensive residential version of the training at the beautiful, rural Omega Institute in upstate New York. Check out a location near you!!  |
What Does Energy Have to Do with Energy Psychology?
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The question I've been wrestling with since Donna, my then wife-to-be, first introduced me to energy healing in 1977 is: "Just what kind of 'energy' is she talking about?" Having had a bit of time now to mull it over, I have some tentative thoughts, just published in a long, academic article. The article focuses more on psychological than physical healing, but I think that as an energy healing practitioner, or someone intrigued by the topic, you'll find it interesting if you choose to plow through it. Or at least read the abstract. Click here for the free download.
Energy Psychology Breakthrough!
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The APA's Approval of Energy Psychology Courses
Last month's e-Letter announced that the American Psychological Association had just given a green light for psychologists to receive continuing education credit for Energy Psychology courses. The implications of this breakthrough development will be unfolding for years to come. An article alerting psychologists to the decision provides the history of the controversy and a brief overview of Energy Psychology. A second article, which will appear in the winter issue of The Energy Field, ACEP's (the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology's quarterly bulletin), examines the exciting impact the decision is likely to have on ACEP's entire identity and mission.
EEMCP Scholarship Drive in Full Swing
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Next month, after the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program (EEMCP) graduation ceremony, we will have close to 800 EEMCP graduates! That means almost 800 people will have a credential to provide services in what has become one of the most rapidly-expanding areas of health care in our time. And almost 800 people will be involved in taking this gentle, effective, and non-invasive health care approach into their schools, businesses, and communities.
Yet it is still a sad truth that many very talented people who passionately want to bring Eden Energy Medicine to their communities will not be able to do so for purely financial reasons, even though we have done everything we can to keep the cost of the EEMCP down to far less than any comparable certification program out there.
That's where our EEMCP Scholarship Fund makes a huge difference. And you can make a difference, too. When you donate $100 or more to the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program Scholarship Fund, not only will you help a deserving and highly-motivated EEM student take Year 2 of the EEMCP next year, you'll receive your choice of several free gifts to keep, or pass on to a lucky friend or family member. Please click here to read all about the gifts. To make a tax-deductible donation online, please click here or call our Office Manager, Leslie Adams, at 541-488-8501. Thank you!
Energy Tip | |
Avoid Jet Lag During Your Holiday Travels
Taking flight this holiday season? A few simple Energy Medicine techniques can help you stay grounded and avoid jet lag when you arrive at your destination.
While many physical and emotional experiences may disrupt our natural grounding, air travel can be especially problematic. First, we did not evolve to be separated from the Earth for prolonged periods of time. This can create a strain on our energetic systems. Second, the very unnaturalness of prolonged separation from the Earth can stress us out.
Some people can be more sensitive than others to this "Earthlessness," but anyone can use the following simple methods to help grounding and avoid jet lag while traveling.
During the flight: Tap the end points of the meridians (Figure 29, p.145). Do this at least three or four times during the flight, or longer if you are flying more than a few hours. This helps grounding, and some people report it also prevents jet lag.
Before getting off the airplane: 1) Open the foot chakras by massaging and stretching the heel away from the ball of the foot, then massaging the gaits, and squeezing the sides. Open the hand chakras by thumbing them (massaging the palm of one hand with the thumb of the other) and then pulling the energies off each of your fingers. 2) Sedate Stomach meridian using the acupressure holding points (Figure 26. pp. 134-137). 3) End by tapping the Stomach meridian points on your cheekbones and thanking the pilot for the safe landing.
At your destination: First, do "Connecting Heaven and Earth." Then, if you don't feel balanced, centered, and grounded, the grounding methods described above can be used. End by tracing your meridians, beginning with the meridian that is at "high tide" when you land at your destination.
In addition, here is another quick technique that addresses the fact that many people find their auric field spins after a flight. The basic strategy is to ground your chakras to the new geographical location:
- Starting with either hand at your heart (4th chakra), breathe deeply and make a single clockwise circle.
- Next, make a second clockwise circle, but this time big enough to include your 3rd and 5th chakras.
- Then, make an even bigger clockwise circle that includes your 2nd and 6th chakras, and then a fourth circle that includes your 1st and 7th chakras.
- Finally, make giant circles as high as your hands can reach over your head and then down touching the ground at your feet.
If you are still feeling unstable at your new location, take your hand and smooth it slowly a couple of times around your navel, then place your hands on your 2nd and 4th chakras and hold them there for as long as it feels good. 
Happy Holidays and Happy Travels!
Note: Page numbers reference Donna Eden's book Energy Medicine (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008)