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November 23, 24, and 35
Case Histories
We love hearing how EEM is working in your life and practice.
Please share your EEM Case History with us.
IGEEM Star to be on Oprah
Tune in as Oprah talks with Jean Houston about being the hero in your own life.
Sunday November 25
11 a.m. Eastern
IGEEM 2012
A lot of you have been asking when the IGEEM 2012 Audio Collection is going to become available. Look for an email announcing the release of our 2012 IGEEM Audio Collection in December.
The Aware Life Teleseminar
Lisa Garr interviews Donna Eden
Monday November 26 1 p.m. Pacific 4 p.m. Eastern
Register for the FREE seminars and you will receive listening instructions and special offers!
Get a FREE audio and printable copy of Donna Eden's Daily Energy Routine at the end of her interview!
Tidbits from Donna
Q. Donna, what are you passionate about right now?
A. I'm passionate about people finding out that they can heal themselves. I'm passionate about Energy Medicine becoming part of health care at the personal and cultural levels!
Attachment Theory in Practice Webinar
David Feinstein on December 6
In this video series, David demonstrates how acupoint tapping techniques can make a huge difference in work with clients stuck in working with couples issues.
Register now!
Rebroadcasts following every regular session! CEs available, read more.
IGEEM 2013
Greetings! Many people with Lyme disease -- if it wasn't identified and treated early -- try dozens of remedies yet wind up with a level of physical disability the equivalent of congestive heart failure. Borne of a tick bite, Lyme disease brings chronic fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, and cognitive problems. A successful treatment of the disorder using Eden Energy Medicine (EEM), which we reported in 2011, has remained one of our most popular case histories. You can read it below. A milestone for energy healing occurred this month. After blocking psychologists from gaining continuing education credit for studying Energy Psychology, the American Psychological Association has just found the research compelling enough to reverse its stance. Psychologists can now get credit for learning that -- strange as it seems -- tapping on the skin can help overcome severe psychological problems. The implications are enormous. Read about them below. Also in this issue: IGEEM announces its first keynote speaker for 2013; Donna can be heard in an exciting (and FREE) teleseminar interview with acclaimed host Lisa Garr; our esteemed colleague David Jones, M.D., spearheads a new and very important direction for medicine; an energy tip to help prevent colds; and a method to translate your Thanksgiving gratitude into an embodied experience.
Give that method a try as we take this moment to slow down and wish you a most wonderful Thanksgiving!
Love, Donna and David
 | Give Thanks! |
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Three years ago, a psychotherapist learned of Energy Medicine at a conference. At that time, she was suffering from Lyme disease and a constellation of symptoms, including high anxiety, intense sadness, and fear. Now three years after that introduction, she is an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner (EEM-CP), the Lyme disease has completely disappeared, and the stress, sadness, and fear are gone. She now finds her life filled with promise and opportunity.
Sally Smith (for privacy reasons, this is a pseudonym) began working with Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) in 2007. At that time, she was suffering from a deeply embedded, long-term sadness over her inability to have a second child. She had become pregnant after using fertility drugs but miscarried at 11 weeks into the pregnancy. She was overcome by grief. Though she expected to move through the grief and on to emotional recovery, her body was so depleted by the loss that it was vulnerable. In this state, she contracted Lyme disease, which resulted in a cycle of fear and worry that she now had a chronic condition from which she would never recover. Read on ...
Energy Psychology Breakthrough!
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Breaking News: APA Reverses Its Position on
Energy Psychology CEs!
WE ARE CELEBRATING! In 1999, the American Psychological Association banned its continuing education organizations from granting psychologists continuing education credit (CEs) for studying Energy Psychology. On Monday, November 19, they informed the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) that they are now an official APA Continuing Education Sponsor and that their courses may include Energy Psychology!!! While this is not an endorsement of Energy Psychology per se, it is a reversal of three major rulings in the past five years that rejected ACEP applications and appeals.
The implications are enormous. First of all, continuing education is one of the primary ways that new innovations are disseminated to health care professionals. But the door was closed for psychologists to learn Energy Psychology through their normal, ongoing training channels. Donna and David have been told by major organizations that they wanted them to be keynote speakers at their conferences but could not invite them because the psychologists in the audience would not receive CEs. The policy served to keep an uncounted number of therapists from learning about a powerful clinical tool as quickly as they might have. But even beyond that, it had the effect of branding Energy Psychology as an unproven therapy while giving support to those who consider it quackery.
So many people in our community who have seen how acupoint tapping quickly and decisively helps those with PTSD have said to us, with their heads shaking and judgment in their voice, "How can it be possible that the military and the VA are not using this?!" While this question has a number of complex answers, a core reason is this: How can the administrators of large, traditional organizations -- who are responsible for delivering the best treatments available -- embrace Energy Psychology while the profession's own gatekeeping organization is branding it as an unproven therapy that is not even worthy for its members to begin to explore in their continuing education programs? As David has said recently, when people make derisive remarks about the APA's position, "Psychologists pay attention to research. They will come around soon."
In fact, a recent paper published in the APA journal Review of General Psychologyreported that of 51 studies in peer-reviewed journals showing that the method is effective, 39 of them were published since 2008. So we sincerely thank the American Psychological Association for staying open to the new findings and having the courage to reverse what has been a highly controversial position. Moreover, we are most proud to congratulate our sister organization, the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, in this momentous breakthrough! |
Feeling Thankful is Good for Your Health
| | Holding and Cradling your Chakras
Having gratitude lifts your energy. Holding and cradling your chakras boosts your gratitude. You can single out any or all of your chakras for channeling in your gratitude and thanksgiving.
To begin, hold your hands over your third chakra (see Figure 30, p. 149), bring your elbows to the sides of your body, and hug and cradle the chakra like a baby. Bring your mind's eye into the chakra and breathe deeply. Send thanksgiving and gratitude. Your body responds when you treat it like the holy vessel that it is. Be open to whatever you experience.
The Solar Plexus chakra (see pp.167-70 for more detail) is so overactive in our culture that it is a good chakra to use in learning this technique. Especially when you are feeling tormented by an inner voice scolding you about what you should do, ought to do, or did wrong, cradle your Solar Plexus, rocking it like a baby as if rocking it to sleep. Donna makes a "shhh" sound as if to calm the baby. The forces that cause you to judge yourself, or another, helped you survive, and you can sincerely feel gratitude toward your third chakra. This makes the chakra less reactive, helping it to evolve and support you in feeling more centered and confident. You can cradle and express gratitude toward any chakra in this way, and it will respond.
Note: Page numbers reference Donna Eden's book Energy Medicine (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008). |
Functional Medicine
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A New Model in Health Care that Embraces Energy Medicine
Before we went on the road and left our healing practices in Ashland, Oregon, we enjoyed the collaboration of many superb physicians who were open to and interested in Energy Medicine. Ashland is an enlightened community in many ways, and it is one where conventional and non-conventional healers work in creative collaboration.
 | David Jones, M.D. |
One of our favorite physicians there was David Jones, M.D. About the time we started teaching, writing, and in other ways furthering Energy Medicine full-time (1998), Dr. Jones was emerging as one of the leaders in a visionary approach to health care called "functional medicine."
Functional medicine not only incorporates the latest from conventional medicine, it also enables physicians to "practice proactive, predictive, personalized medicine while empowering patients to take an active role in their own health." It is a model from within the medical establishment that is fully compatible with an energy approach.
We have been proud to watch Dr. Jones' success as perhaps the most visible leader in this important international development. More than 75% of health care costs are for chronic illnesses -- which, by definition, are illnesses the current medical system is unable to turn around. You can get a good sense about functional medicine and the vital needs it can serve by viewing this 11-slide presentation by Dr. Jones and his colleagues (click the right arrow next to "1 of 11").
IGEEM 2013
| | Keynote Speaker
Dr. Borysenko
We are pleased to announce our first confirmed Keynote Speaker for IGEEM 2013 in Orlando! We are honored that Dr. Joan Borysenko has agreed to join us for what will be a momentous event for Energy Medicine. A psychologist teaching at Harvard Medical School at the time, Joan's 1987 book Minding the Body, Mending the Mind paved the way for an integrative approach to medicine that recognizes the mind/body connection and the central role of energy. Eloquent and inspiring, Joan is one of Donna's and David's favorite colleagues. You will love her brilliance, humor, authenticity, deep command of current research and cutting-edge ideas, and her inspiring way of teaching.
Class Proposal Deadline Extended! Due to popular demand (October was a rough month for the whole country!), we have decided to acknowledge everyone's need to recover from Sandy, elections, and the holidays and will extend the submission deadline for IGEEM 2013 proposals to Friday, January 18, 2013. Hopefully this will allow everyone a chance to take a breath and find a valuable subject that excites them to share with all of us. IGEEM 2012 was such a great success due to the quality of our presenters. We are looking forward to YOU joining us as a presenter in Orlando. The proposal form is located on the IGEEM webpage or by clicking here.
WE HAVE A WINNER! Congratulations to Merlene Treuhaft, who was randomly selected from the IGEEM 2012 submitted evaluations to win FREE TUITION to IGEEM 2013 in Orlando, September 18-22. Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out an evaluation. Your comments and suggestions were greatly appreciated!
Energy Tip | |
Head off a Cold
 Don't let a cold get you down this holiday season! Use simple Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) exercises help boost your immune system and keep your energies flowing. Large Intestine and Lung meridians sit on the same Rhythm (Autumn/Metal). Energy blocks will often show up on Large Intestine if you are getting a cold.
- Firmly push on the outside of your thighs along the "pants line," from the hip to the knee, and see if there is tenderness which indicates blocked energies.
- Donna says in many of her workshops, "If it's sore, you need it."
- Deeply rub in circular motions (but do not risk bruising yourself) the Large Intestine Neurolymphatics that are located along the outside of your thighs (pp. 275-6).
Note: Page numbers reference Donna Eden's book Energy Medicine for Women (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008)